Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Trivita Google Groups


Today's topics:

* Vitamark Internationl Advanced Russian Adaptogens - 1 messages, 1 author
* Cash Gifting Is Illegal - 1 messages, 1 author
* Trivita - 3 messages, 1 author
* Trivita Niche Markets - 1 messages, 1 author
* Nikken International Leads - 1 messages, 1 author
* AGEL - 1 messages, 1 author
* Sunrider Leads - 1 messages, 1 author
* MLM NEW ALERT-Pay It Forward Buyers Club - 1 messages, 1 author
* MLM Mentoring with Michael Dloughy - 1 messages, 1 author
* Matol Leads - 1 messages, 1 author
* Cash Gifting - 1 messages, 1 author
* Pampered Chef - 2 messages, 1 author
* USANA Leads - 1 messages, 1 author
* Vitamerk International Leads - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Vitamark Internationl Advanced Russian Adaptogens

Date: Tues, Jun 3 2008 3:17 am
From: "itsgoodbusiness"

Vitamark Internationl Advanced Russian Adaptogens

The strength of Limu Plus does not stop at fucoidan. This revolutionary elixir
also contains advanced Russian adaptogens. Adaptogens are a rare class of
plant first identified by Russian scientists. In the mid-1950s, the Russian
government commissioned its Academy of Sciences to create a product to
enhance human performance.

The product had to accomplish three objectives:

- Be safe and non-toxic to the body
- Support cellular health
- Equip the body to adapt to stressors

For 40 years, more than 1200 scientists were involved in this unprecedented,
confidential project that led to groundbreaking discoveries and thousands of
studies. A unique group of plants referred to as "adaptogens" were discovered
growing in an area of eastern Russia called the Primorye. The Discovery
Channel produced a special on the total devastation created by a meteor in
1908 in the same area of the Primorye Forest to which adaptogens are native.
After the devastation, certain plants learned to cope with extreme
temperature variations, radiation exposure, altitude variances, sea pressure,
toxic exposure and stresses of drought and water variances. These "adaptable"
plants--adaptogens--grew back to create one of the most botanically active
regions in the world.

According to researchers, adaptogens help restore the body's overall capacity
for exertion and resistance to stress. In other words, adaptogens help the
body adapt to internal and external environmental stressors. In a society
where, according to the American Medical Association, more than 80 percent of
health challenges may be related to stressors, the adaptogens in Limu Plus
can be your answer for alleviating stress.

With time and clinical trials, some 12 adaptogenic plants were identified as
the most active. Vitamark uses a co-extraction, processed blend of six of the
most active adaptogens in Limu Plus.

This adaptogen blend helps support:

- Better focus
- Mental energy
- Stamina
- Enhanced sleep
- Less toxicity
- Better attention to detail
- Mood improvement
- Improvement in the aging process
- Antioxidant capability
- Cellular balance

Superior Absorption: Vitamark Aloe Vera & GreenTea

To be effective, a health beverage must be readily absorbed by the body. One
of the best "conductive vehicles" to increase effectiveness in the body is
aloe vera. The International Aloe Science Council (IASC) points out the long,
illustrious history of the semi-tropical plant called aloe vera. It dates
from ancient antiquity and has been mentioned throughout history for its
beauty-enhancing, health and medicinal properties. Aloe vera contains more
than 70 essential ingredients and more than 200 biologically active
compounds. These include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, proteins,
polysaccharides (called the master molecule) and biological stimulators.

A recent study co-sponsored by the Aloe Institute and the International Aloe
Science Council found that total absorption of water-soluble and fat-soluble
vitamins significantly increased and elevated over a 24-hour period when
taken in combination with aloe vera compared with vitamin supplements taken
alone. Interestingly, there is no other known substance that will increase
bioavailability of both water and fat-soluble vitamins. And because aloe
speeds the absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract, people can
experience benefits from Limu Plus more readily.

Vitamark's ACTIValoe offers the guarantee of biological activity and effective
ingredients. ACTIValoe is grown in soils not tainted with insecticides and
harmful fertilizers. The farms are located in central Mexico to protect the
plants from any chance of being impacted by cold weather. ACTIValoe is
standardized to be no less than 10% by weight a polysaccharide, the purity
and quality is verified by scientific analysis, and it is certified by the
International Aloe Science Council. This certification is like the "Good
Housekeeping" seal of approval for aloe vera products.

Along with ACTIValoe, Vitamark adds Green Tea and Taheebo Tea--some of nature's
strongest antioxidants--to Limu Plus. These two ingredients increase the
antioxidant properties of Limu Plus while insuring the bioavailability of

Discover the Breakthrough

Ask the person who shared this with you for more information about Vitamark
International. Start enjoying better health. Stop putting off your dreams.
Start living life the way you were meant to live. Discover wellness. Discover
freedom. Discover networking.

Contact the person who helped you discover this breakthrough and say:

Im ready to discover: Its Good Business

TOPIC: Cash Gifting Is Illegal

Date: Tues, Jun 3 2008 4:10 am
From: "itsgoodbusiness"

Cash Gifting Is Illegal

A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, usually without any product or service being delivered. It has been known to come under many guises. Some famous examples including the massive Albanian Pyramid Schemes of 1996 were technically not Pyramid schemes but Ponzi schemes.

Gifting, or cash gifting, obviously fits within these limits of the Internet scams.There are other commercial models using cross-selling such as multi-level marketing (MLM) or party planning which are legal and sustainable, although there is a significant grey area in many cases. Most pyramid schemes take advantage of confusion between genuine businesses and complicated but convincing moneymaking scams.

The essential idea behind each scam is that the individual makes only one payment, but is promised to somehow receive exponential benefits from other people as a reward. A common example might be an offer that, for a fee, allows the victim to sell the same offer to other people, or receive bonuses through other people they refer. Each sale includes a fee to the original seller.

Clearly, the flaw is that there is no end benefit; the money simply travels up the chain, and only the originator (or at best a very few) wins in swindling his followers. Of course, the people in the worst situation are the ones at the bottom of the pyramid: those who subscribed to the plan, but were not able to recruit any followers themselves. To embellish the act, most such scams will have fake referrals, testimonials, and information.

The point being made here is that cash gifting programs are nothing more than scams for the simple reason being that there is no value or product being purchased. You simply buy into the gifting program, and try to coerce others into doing the same thing.

Most of these cash gifting programs try to cover up the full itent of making money for the owner of the business, by using tactics like claiming to be helping others achieve financial independence. This could not be further from the truth.

Are cash gifting programs illegal?

Not that long ago it seemed that every other week there was a newstory about new gifting programs and clubs to make cash at home being carried out in various parts of the country. With names like "Circle Of Friends", "Women Helping Women", "The Wisdom Club" it's easy to tell that many of these cash gifting programs were designed to appeal specifically to women.

People pay to join a "private gifting club," billed in promotional materials as a private club where members eager to help new friends -- often from within their own neighborhood or church group.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, the truth is that these gifting programs and clubs to make cash at home are illegal pyramid schemes. New club members give cash "gifts" to the highest-ranking club members, with titles such as "captains." And they're promised that if they get additional members to join the club, they, too, will rise to become captains and receive money - far more than they initially paid to join the club -- from newer club "friends."

Its time that people become fully aware that trying to make money at home by stuffing envelopes, or in this case, cash gifting is not the way to build a stable home business income.

Building a strong and viable home business requires work, intelligent arranging of thought patterns, and a never say ie attitude that you will make it work.

We say buying leads is a waste.

We say that buying customers is the way to build a business.

We say that following the business model si the sound way to begin the process of building stable and long lasting hom businesses.

TOPIC: Trivita

Date: Tues, Jun 3 2008 7:26 am
From: "itsgoodbusiness"


Origin and History of Trivita

This letter won't be drug out very long, I only want to go over some very specific information about a company called Trivita that my partner Jeff West and myself are doing very well in these days. Trivita is a Health & Wellness Company based in Scottsdale, AZ., is currently 9 years old and does over 100 million in annual sales. They have been given the Official "Seal of Approval" by some of the most Credible People in the Work at Home Industry.

Trivita is owned by a 35 year old parent company named Ellison Media, Inc. This company does a Billion (with a "B") in sales each year for its clients such as GE, BMW, Motorola, Disney and many more.. but you get the picture. Ellison Media Inc. is owned by Michael Ellison, the same person who owns Trivita, so this companies credibility is unquestionable.

Why Trivita? What makes us Different?

Technically, Trivita isn't a Network Marketing company at all, even though their Dual, 7 Level Uni-Level, Reciprocity Rewards Plan is a Network Marketing type of Compensation Structure. In fact, they employ a concept called Cooperative Marketing, a Marketing Concept 99.5% of the Professional Marketers out there don't even know about yet.

Cooperative Marketing is a concept where you "Cooperate" with Trivita, and Trivita in turn Cooperates with you by sending you a paycheck each time one of these customers reorder. Since you can purchase these customers directly from Trivita, there is NO need to recruit.

In fact, please go ahead and view the 9 minute video below to get a better idea of what Cooperative Marketing is and why you might be missing the boat right now:

The Scoop on Purchasing Trivita Customers

Trivita advertises on TV, Radio and in Print and brings in about 500 customers per day at the moment. This company sells its Sublingual B-12 Customers which cost $50.00 each to its Business Affiliates. You can purchase up to 100 ($5,000 max) per month of these customers right from your back office using what is called an eMap Reservation. These customers usually take 3-6 weeks to be delivered into your back office. They purchase Sublingual B-12 from a nationwide infomerical directly run by Trivita, then these customers are then later sold to reps.

Not all customers reorder, some reorder periodically, but some go on auto-ship. We've seen orders as high as 230 Vita Points (essentially $230.00) for one order. Finally, you can imagine how easy it will be to meet your volume requirements for advancement each month if you had hundreds, even thousands of customers pouring into your down-line each month.

And much of this activity is generated off the efforts of others.

Why buy leads, when you can invest in customers?

Date: Tues, Jun 3 2008 8:38 am
From: "itsgoodbusiness"

Are you ready for your "Unfair Trivita Advantage?"

Veretekk is the most powerful online lead generation and automated marketing system in existence. It can be configured to promote any business opportunity you want. I use the system to promote my primary business - Trivita. I'd like to personally invite you to join me as part of my team in that business. Utilizing the vast array of tools available through Veretekk you'll have the ability to achieve incredible success as we work together to build a substantial ongoing stream of revenue. If you already have a business that you are promoting, that's great (but I'm sure you'd also be interested in an additional revenue stream!) If you're not currently promoting a particular business or just haven't been able to make the kind of money you want to with the business you are promoting, you need to take a look at Trivita right now!

CLICK HERE for more information on Trivita!

Separating the "Good Opportunities" from the "Great Opportunities"

Let's face it. There are probably a lot of "good" business opportunities out there today. But what turns a good opportunity into a truly incredible opportunity? When you're considering joining a new business, there are 3 critical things you need to consider:

1) The Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan

The biggest mistake most people make is thinking that these ARE THE ONLY 3 THINGS to consider! Now, obviously each of these things are very important in evaluating a new business opportunity. However, they really all fall into category 1. These are pretty common sense topics. You should thoroughly research the company. Is it stable? Has it been around for a long time or is it a start up? Is it regulated by any official government or organization? Are you able to actually contact them? etc, etc, etc. The product/service is also very important. If it does not offer real value to customers then there is no point in continuing. Finally, the compensation plan should be strong. Does it reward you for building a deep organization? ...or just for people you sign up yourself? Can you easily use a downline building strategy to leverage the maximum payout? Will your downline be able to duplicate this?

While a thorough evaluation of the Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan is very important, it will not help you to differentiate the good opportunities from the great ones! There are plenty of good companies with quality products/services and strong compensation plans out there. So what!?! It doesn't mean you will be successful promoting them... or that your downline will be able to duplicate the result! Want to know the secret that turns good deals into great ones? Read on...

2) The Marketing System, Never ending Quality Leads

The number one reason people fail in a new business is NOT because the company, product, or compensation plan is bad... they fail because they eventually run out of people to talk to about the business! They run out high quality, premium leads... and their downline does to! This is the classic situation that over 90% of people who join a good business opportunity end up facing! (Yes, that's right... over 90% of people who join any business fail - regardless of how good the opportunity is!)

So how do you tip the scales to your advantage? Simple - it's all about the marketing system! Imagine having a powerful marketing machine, complete with all the tools you and your downline need to explode your business! Imagine having a never ending stream of high quality, premium leads to expose your business to! Leads so good... many of them actually call you before you have a chance to call them!!!

That is exactly what I have to offer you with Veretekk. This system will allow you to fill your pipeline of prospects indefinitely! You will never run out of people to market to. I will personally do everything I can to assist you with the system and growing our business together. But, even if I am tied up you and your entire downline have access to live hands-on training from professional marketers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! These are people literally standing by to help teach you and your downline how to use this incredible marketing tool!

Now that's how you turn a good opportunity into a GREAT one! The secret is in the system!!!

3) Upline Leadership and Support

Finally, even if you have found a great company, product/service, and compensation plan... and have tapped into the Veretekk system to ensure you and your downline have an endless stream of high-end leads and powerful marketing tools, the thing that will really push your business past the tipping point is strong upline leadership and support. By using this system you will experience upline support like never before! In addition to live Veretekk training sessions, we have all the tools available to allow for hands-on assistance from serious marketing pro's virtually every day of the week!

So how does Veretekk really work?

It's actually very simple. It's all about relationships.
Veretekk is designed to allow you to develop a powerful sphere of influence through a series of simple "point and click" activities. You do NOT buy leads with Veretekk. The system develops them for you by allowing you to establish real, meaningful relationships with other people. The leads you develop through your Veretekk system will be the best quality leads you have ever seen! These are people who will actually know who you are when you call them... many of them will actually be awaiting your call! Better yet, over time many of them will actually start calling you before you!

Veretekk works by allowing you to provide other people with REAL VALUE to help THEM.
The system comes with a wide range of "Traffic Portals" which are designed to be extremely compelling to each visitor and offer them unique value. Your Veretekk Silver system gives you access to a very limited number of these Traffic Portals. By upgrading to Veretekk Gold you'll have access to the entire suite of portals.

CLICK HERE for more information on Trivita!

Trivita Marketing Portal:

Affiliate Site

Trivita Traffic Portals:

1st Classifieds
Computer Giveaway
Daily Message Online
FFA Farm
Free Page
Money Machine
Spam Wars
Vacation 4 Free

Trivita Profit Portals:

Free FFAs

Trivita Regional Portals:

Veretekk Down Under

Trivita SEO Portals:

ZeroDebtGroup is the best business model on Google today. You are welcome to attend our weekly sessions, held in our state of the art web conferencing room. Fill out the contact form on and see how to never buy leads again.

Date: Tues, Jun 3 2008 9:32 am
From: "itsgoodbusiness"

Are you ready for your "Unfair Trivita Advantage?"

Veretekk is the most powerful online lead generation and automated marketing system in existence. It can be configured to promote any business opportunity you want. I use the system to promote my primary business - Trivita. I'd like to personally invite you to join me as part of my team in that business. Utilizing the vast array of tools available through Veretekk you'll have the ability to achieve incredible success as we work together to build a substantial ongoing stream of revenue. If you already have a business that you are promoting, that's great (but I'm sure you'd also be interested in an additional revenue stream!) If you're not currently promoting a particular business or just haven't been able to make the kind of money you want to with the business you are promoting, you need to take a look at Trivita right now!

CLICK HERE for more information on Trivita!

Separating the "Good Opportunities" from the "Great Opportunities"

Let's face it. There are probably a lot of "good" business opportunities out there today. But what turns a good opportunity into a truly incredible opportunity? When you're considering joining a new business, there are 3 critical things you need to consider:

1) The Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan

The biggest mistake most people make is thinking that these ARE THE ONLY 3 THINGS to consider! Now, obviously each of these things are very important in evaluating a new business opportunity. However, they really all fall into category 1. These are pretty common sense topics. You should thoroughly research the company. Is it stable? Has it been around for a long time or is it a start up? Is it regulated by any official government or organization? Are you able to actually contact them? etc, etc, etc. The product/service is also very important. If it does not offer real value to customers then there is no point in continuing. Finally, the compensation plan should be strong. Does it reward you for building a deep organization? ...or just for people you sign up yourself? Can you easily use a downline building strategy to leverage the maximum payout? Will your downline be able to duplicate this?

While a thorough evaluation of the Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan is very important, it will not help you to differentiate the good opportunities from the great ones! There are plenty of good companies with quality products/services and strong compensation plans out there. So what!?! It doesn't mean you will be successful promoting them... or that your downline will be able to duplicate the result! Want to know the secret that turns good deals into great ones? Read on...

2) The Marketing System, Never ending Quality Leads

The number one reason people fail in a new business is NOT because the company, product, or compensation plan is bad... they fail because they eventually run out of people to talk to about the business! They run out high quality, premium leads... and their downline does to! This is the classic situation that over 90% of people who join a good business opportunity end up facing! (Yes, that's right... over 90% of people who join any business fail - regardless of how good the opportunity is!)

So how do you tip the scales to your advantage? Simple - it's all about the marketing system! Imagine having a powerful marketing machine, complete with all the tools you and your downline need to explode your business! Imagine having a never ending stream of high quality, premium leads to expose your business to! Leads so good... many of them actually call you before you have a chance to call them!!!

That is exactly what I have to offer you with Veretekk. This system will allow you to fill your pipeline of prospects indefinitely! You will never run out of people to market to. I will personally do everything I can to assist you with the system and growing our business together. But, even if I am tied up you and your entire downline have access to live hands-on training from professional marketers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! These are people literally standing by to help teach you and your downline how to use this incredible marketing tool!

Now that's how you turn a good opportunity into a GREAT one! The secret is in the system!!!

3) Upline Leadership and Support

Finally, even if you have found a great company, product/service, and compensation plan... and have tapped into the Veretekk system to ensure you and your downline have an endless stream of high-end leads and powerful marketing tools, the thing that will really push your business past the tipping point is strong upline leadership and support. By using this system you will experience upline support like never before! In addition to live Veretekk training sessions, we have all the tools available to allow for hands-on assistance from serious marketing pro's virtually every day of the week!

So how does Veretekk really work?

It's actually very simple. It's all about relationships.
Veretekk is designed to allow you to develop a powerful sphere of influence through a series of simple "point and click" activities. You do NOT buy leads with Veretekk. The system develops them for you by allowing you to establish real, meaningful relationships with other people. The leads you develop through your Veretekk system will be the best quality leads you have ever seen! These are people who will actually know who you are when you call them... many of them will actually be awaiting your call! Better yet, over time many of them will actually start calling you before you!

Veretekk works by allowing you to provide other people with REAL VALUE to help THEM.
The system comes with a wide range of "Traffic Portals" which are designed to be extremely compelling to each visitor and offer them unique value. Your Veretekk Silver system gives you access to a very limited number of these Traffic Portals. By upgrading to Veretekk Gold you'll have access to the entire suite of portals.

CLICK HERE for more information on Trivita!

Trivita Marketing Portal:

Affiliate Site

Trivita Traffic Portals:

1st Classifieds
Computer Giveaway
Daily Message Online
FFA Farm
Free Page
Money Machine
Spam Wars
Vacation 4 Free

Trivita Profit Portals:

Free FFAs

Trivita Regional Portals:

Veretekk Down Under

Trivita SEO Portals:


You will find the perfect business model with

No selling

No convincing

No telling your friends and relatives

And never having to buy leads again

TOPIC: Trivita Niche Markets

Date: Tues, Jun 3 2008 7:39 am
From: "itsgoodbusiness"

What are some Trivita Marketing Demographics

Here are the Marketing Niches Trivita will work great for..

1.) Golfers
2.) Health & Wellness Product Consumers
3.) Weight Loss (leanology)
4.) Network Marketers
5.) Niche Marketers & any SEO Professionals
6.) Internet Marketers (Trivita is little known with them, leaving huge amounts of profit potential!)
7.) Real Estate Investors
8.) Financial Planners
9.) Basically ANYONE with Money to Purchase Large Amounts of Customers

Here's the secret to Winning the Trivita game. You ready? The person with the most customers in their back office database at the end of the day is the one who makes the most money. So in this program, you have 7 full levels on a Uni-Level structure you can take advantage of to build a customer base in the thousands, tens of thousands, or like a few in the company over 100,000 customers. They golf all day and collect checks of over $30,000 per month.

Trivita is certainly no quick fix get rich quick business. Like any substantial business, it takes time, effort and a willingness to learn pure marketing on Google.

TOPIC: Nikken International Leads

Date: Tues, Jun 3 2008 12:18 pm
From: "itsgoodbusiness"

Nikken International


As one of the first wellness companies ever established, Nikken has been at the forefront of the rapidly expanding $200-billion global wellness industry for over 30 years. The aim of the company is not only to sell quality products but also to offer people worldwide an improved way of living.

Established in 1975 by founder Isamu Masuda, Nikken is recognized worldwide as a world leader in wellness. Committed to scientific research and development, Nikken is known for its innovative products that combine science, nature and advanced technology. The company's exclusive line of total wellness products has earned a reputation for delivering results that people can see -- and feel.

Nikken has an impressive track record of more than three decades of success and stable growth.

30+ years in business

Millions of satisfied customers globally

35+ countries and counting

Today, Nikken oversees its global operations from its state-of-the-art headquarters in Irvine, California.

Live each day fully charged.

Maintaining good health depends on quality, satisfying rest, more than on any other aspect of living. Relaxation, comfort and good sleep do more than make us feel good. They're vitally important in several ways: in helping the body repair itself after each day's challenges, resetting mental processes, restoring our energy. Every one of the body's systems needs regular rest to help keep in good repair.

Nikken offers a selection of products that promote the quality rest and relaxation that everyone needs. Every day.


Feel energized from the ground up.

When your feet hurt, your whole body knows it. But you can be relaxed and comfortable even if you're on your toes all day, thanks to Nikken insoles.

Nikken introduced the original Magsteps(R) in 1973 -- the company's first product. The textured surface was inspired by the pebbles found underfoot in Japanese public baths, known to produce a stimulating and energizing sensation. In the insoles, this was combined with magnetic technology, another ancient principle. Today Magsteps, Magstrides and Kidstrides are in shoes all over the world.

Nikken is well known for rest, relaxation and spiritual awakening by using the techniques found on the homepage of Nikken is also an MLM company. The comp plan, the resources, the techniques used by the corporate head are all known MLM techniques and strategies.

How will you decide to build your Nikken International business?

Will you buy Nikken leads?

Will you tell all your friends and family about your Nikken business?

Use Nikken products, but build your business with the professionals of Google.

Buy Customers...NOT Leads


Date: Tues, Jun 3 2008 8:08 pm
From: "itsgoodbusiness"

Remember - For your Agel business to thrive it's important to keep
sight of your goals, regularly reconnecting to your vision, reviewing
your progress and planning your day in advance. You must know where
you've been and where you want to go and how Agel will take you there.

Without committing to at least 30 minutes a day to your
self-development, you may find yourself a drift. Every morning, take
at least 30 minutes preparing yourself, meditating, and writing down
thoughts on your success, your plans and your progress towards
reaching your Agel goals.

Here are just a few suggestions for you to consider:

Visualize where you want to be. It's proven that the more you can
visualize yourself as you will be, the faster you'll get there. This
is an important part of your success with your Agel business.

Always read, watch and listen to your team leaders and the Agel
corporate office. Agel provides all types of tools - from podcasts,
DVDs and printed support materials. This information will show you -
from how to close a sale to how to run an Agel business successfully.

Plan, plan, plan. Always write out who you need to call, what skills
and strategies you will improve and your other daily tasks. This will
make it much more likely that you will achieve them.

Now, how do you plan to build your business?

Are you thinking about buying leads for your business?

I personally hate to buy leads. I refuse to cold call a stranger and
annoy them. I have done it before and I don't like it! Have you ever
been hung up on or cursed at when making these calls to leads? I
have. Like I said, I don't like it!

I have found that other people hate to call leads too and would rather
give up on their dream of owning a home business and go back to
getting a job.

There is a better way to build a home business.

Buy CUSTOMERS... Not leads

For more information on this revolutionary way to build a home
business go to and register for our
regularly scheduled meeting every Saturday at 1:00PM (PST).

TOPIC: Sunrider Leads

Date: Tues, Jun 3 2008 8:10 pm
From: "itsgoodbusiness"

Sunrider Leads in many ways. When you do a Google search for Sunrider you will find that Sunrider has been in business for a long time. They had figured it out a while back to treat folks right, provide them with great products and reward them for their efforts. It's just good business.

There are many direct selling and multilevel compensation plans available such as binary systems and straight systems. However, Sunrider compensation plan is unique and superior in several important ways, so is Sunrider Leads.

Don't take my word for it go do a Google search for Leads, or Sunrider Leads. Check out the thousands of pages and you will get my point.

Did you know you can make money with Sunrider while you sleep?

Sunrider leads with a global compensation plan so you can do business in over 42 countries. This allows you to make money around the clock. Sunrider can pay you three times a month, but you only need to qualify once a month. Most plans which pay you weekly also require you to qualify weekly. If you don't work to qualify that week, you don't get paid! In Sunrider, many IBOs earn a stable residual income so they can take a long vacation or do philanthropic work without worrying about their next paycheck.

Sunrider Body Care Products Leads the way in their area as well, check it out.

Sunrider Hair Care Products

Take a look at Kandesn(R) Shampoo

Give your scalp a minty tingle with Sunrider Kandesn(R) Shampoo! It leaves your hair and scalp squeaky clean and fresh. Sunrider Kandesn(R) Shampoo matches your hair's natural pH balance, so it cleanses without stripping away the scalp's natural oils. Other shampoos are often alkaline and very drying to your scalp and hair. Its natural ingredients and herbal extracts give your hair and scalp moisture and shine.

Sunrider Independent Business Owners can or will earn through participation in the Sunrider Compensation Plan. As with any other independent business, success results only from dedicated sales efforts, hard work, diligence, and leadership.

Ok so now that you are a Sunrider IBO, how are you going to promote your new Sunrider business? Many have been taught to go to their warm market (family and friends, fellow workers, people you do business with, Banker, Grocer, hair stylist ect.), And then to Free or Paid advertising. Others just tell you to buy Sunrider leads.

If you do a Google search for Sunrider leads, you will find there are a lot of lead brokers, some are obviously better that others, but the fact remains it is very expensive to buy leads. Why not buy customers?

Buy Customers Not Leads. It makes a lot more sense.

P>If you would like to learn more about buying customers, just fill in the contact form and come to our meetings on Saturday afternoons. You will learn the right approach to building your business on the net.
Its Good Business

TOPIC: MLM NEW ALERT-Pay It Forward Buyers Club

Date: Tues, Jun 3 2008 8:12 pm
From: "itsgoodbusiness"

MLM New Alert - Pay It Forward Buyers Club
Here's some new information I came across on the internet today about a new MLM company called Pay It Forward Buyers Club brought to you by Ubiee.

A New Concept in Home Based Business

We believe it is more blessed to give than receive, so if we can help You, Your Family, and Friends become financially independent, and do it with

Paying it Forward Buyers Club for You - Then Why Not Start Today!

3 to the 3rd Power is - Unbelievable?

Member's can Actually Build their OWN Businesses!

Our Members have several Options, but for now just think about one - that will keep cycling for you, and will keep cycling for you, and will keep cycling for you would you like to learn about PIF, or PIF Hero Bonus or PIF Avatar Ranking ?

That's not to mention the Free entry to our Exclusive Buyers Club thanks to a friend that has benefactored you into this system. PIFBC Leads the Industry with the PIF Hero Bonus, and other services, products and businesses, promoting their network throughout the Traffic Generating Platforms established, that will earn you
multiple streams of income !

You can watch the video over and over until you see the light about how to create wealth by Pay - It - Forward for just three (3) friends. I'm going to leave you with this to think about, Level ZERO will pay out over $230.00 US dollars, in money goods and services, the Horizon of the three (3) friends/3 Pillars.

A One Time Payment* of US$ 37.50 or 25 EUR will take care of
You, and three friends or Loved ones for Life!

That is interesting and the fact that the pay plan goes to 12 levels is certainly something to watch out for.

Let's take a look at just one of the member benefits with Pay It Forward Buyers Club in the area of helping the environment.

UBIEE-GREEN Environmental Group

This project is different

It is very different

It is very cool

UBIEE-GREEN is a unique project that gives everybody Opportunity

UBIEE-GREEN is an Opportunity to make an effective contribution
towards finding REAL solutions for Climate Change.

UBIEE-GREEN gives the world a solution to combustion engine emission NOW, not in 10 years time, plus more
Introducing the UBIEE PowerPill, an inexpensive product that reduces 78% of greenhouse emissions from your car plus so much more.

UBIEE-GREEN gives you fantastic web hosting deals, plus more
Introducing PLANET UBIEE Web Hosting - fantastic web hosting deals from this visionary organisation that pours its profits back into climate change awareness. Each package includes a contribution (for you) into the UBIEE Enviro Project. Again a very different & visionary product brought to you by UBIEE-GREEN.

All these projects have been created for everybody, for the individual, for the mothers & fathers, for the children, for the grandparents & grandchildren, for the "little people" out there, because it is these people who will have to bear the brunt of Climate Change.

We have waited for government and industry to act - and we have waited too long.

UBIEE is here and offers a solution NOW.

Slowly industry and government are changing, but we still need an answer to our greenhouse emissions from our vehicles now. The UBIEE PowerPill gives us that solution now - until we are given the opportunity to buy emission free and low emission vehicles.

The UBIEE PowerPill is a product everybody can use - everybody who cares about their car, the environment and our future.

The UBIEE -GREEN Environmental Group is growing rapidly over the last 3 years. We now have over 18.000 people as UBIEE Ambassadors, thousands of cars and people using the UBIEE PowerPill and over 8500 contributions in the UBIEE Enviro Project.

Join UBIEE here for FREE and become an UBIEE Ambassador to become one of 18.000 people all around the world who care about their environment and who want solutions NOW. Stay updated with UBIEE about new products and information, plus news from around the world to do with environmental issues.

Try our NEW UBIEE PowerPill Carbon Calculator and see just HOW much carbon emissions you create. Learn how the potential reduction solution, becomes a GREAT business for YOU!

Don't wait any longer - Become One of Thousands of our very successful supporters as UBIEE ENVIRO Ambassador or even an Exclusive Distributor TODAY! You may even consider to open your Own ENVIRONMENTAL AMBASSY!

Here's a summary of what the PowerPill will do for you engine and help the environment: Lets all do are part to clean up the environment.

For all engines
Environmentally friendly
100% Active ingredients
Increases engine power
Improves fuel economy
Slashes smoke emissions
Cleans entire fuel system
Complete fuel combustion
Easier start-up
Lubricates valves

As you have just read, Pay It Forward Buyers Club certainly has many member benefits to offer their distributors. Hey, anything we can do to help the environment is a good thing- right!

Now how will you build your Pay It Forward Buyers Club business?

Will you resort to buying Pay It Forward Buyers Club leads?

Will you be required to call up your family and friends?

Will you have to attend hotel meetings?

Is there a better way to build a home based business?

Why not have a quiet business instead. One that all you need to do to build a significant business is Buy Customers. No Recruiting, no cold calling, no bugging family and friends.

Buy Customers Not Leads

TOPIC: MLM Mentoring with Michael Dloughy

Date: Tues, Jun 3 2008 8:13 pm
From: "itsgoodbusiness"

Are you looking for a place to get some advice and MLM mentoring? Check out Michael Dloughy. Here's some information and a biography I found on the internet. I was quite surprised by Michael Dloughy's experience. If you are looking for someone with a solid foundation, then check out the following about how to build a successful network marketing company. Remember, even the pros use a coach, try a MLM mentoring coach.
Michael Dloughy started in network marketing in 1979 and became Full-time in the industry since 1991. He joined over 100 MLM companies in 1992-94, to find out everything he could about how the business really worked. He does 15 hours a week of network marketing training by phone for anyone in any company.

Michael Dloughy has written 2 E-books: SuccessIn10Steps and Powerful Networking Secrets. He is the owner of the website , Inc., a service to help train network marketers from any company.

His best advice is: EVERY Olympic athlete has a coach. The top ones hire their own personal coach. Most top business people have (or once had) a true mentor, someone who's done it before and knows what to do. The person with a mentor has a big advantage. Tom Schreiter was my mentor for 15 years before I ever joined his business. By the way, Michael Dloughy is highly regarded by Big Al and even joined him in Vitamark - which is the current company he has partnered up with.

He started network marketing with an insurance program, and that's where he got the bug. He learned about target marketing there, only talking to people who have raised their hand, who were interested. You have to target them and pull them in.

Michael Dloughy also learned that you have to have a mentor. He searched out and found somebody who was massively successful, read everything he ever wrote, travelled around the country going to his seminars. Knowledge is power and Michael Dloughy certainly is a living example of what a person can achieve when they open their minds to new information.

He joined another program and had massive success. He actually retired from the company. And because He had the time & money, He wanted to really figure out network marketing. So in the early 90s, H joined over 100 network marketing companies in a 2-year period. He analyzed them to see what worked & what didn't.

Michael Dloughy actually wound up doing consulting with network marketing companies. That was a great learning experience. The companies wanted to figure how they could design a compensation plan so the THEY would make the most money. The distributor wasn't really part of the equation. It gave him a great perspective on how to analyze a company. Michael is not pushy; he dedicates his time to helping people for free. He really is an internet marketing guru.

Briefly, here's Michael Dloughy's MLM philosophy:

Don't sell.

Don't recruit.

Don't say ONE doggone word to family & friends!

Build People. People will build your business. I think this is particularly important and something that I have always believed.

That's what I've learned, and that's my advice to you. Look for someone who is looking for you. THEY will build your MLM business. Once you're rocking & rolling, THEN go back and pick up family & friends.

We've been mentoring ANYONE in network marketing for free for more years than I can remember. Linda & I have been in MLM 26 years, full-time since 1991.

I spend 7-10 hours a week teaching everybody - even my COMPETITORS - every secret I know.

The Heavy Hitters will tell you it's all crazy. But you know what?

I don't care. It makes me happy.

And you know what else?

From a strictly business point of view, Michael Dloughy knows it works. When I freely give everything I know, my business & income build. Michael Dloughy has built a substantial business by sharing and giving back to an industry that has been kind to him. He believes in the philosophy by being an MLM mentoring coach.

Above all, remember this: MLM is NOT a sales business. It is NOT a recruiting business. For long-term success, you should NEVER promote to friends & family.

So what should you do?

Build People. People will build your business.

Here is a list of Michael Dloughy's 10 Steps to Success E-book for MLM:

1. Bottom-Fishing For Heavy Hitters
2. "Look Deep Deep DEEP Into My Eyes!"
3. A BIG Research Surprise
4. Get "Down 'n Dirty" in MLM
5. Do The ONLY Thing That Matters!
6. Prospects Are Like A Box of Chocolates
7. Your MLM Business From Soup To Nuts
8. Paydirt! Get And Keep Your People
9. How To Evaluate An Opportunity
10. Focus Until Your Eyes Cross
The above information gives you detailed information on what Michael Dloughy has gathered over the past 26 years in MLM. It gives you an idea of what you will receive from his free report. Yes, Michael Dloughy is a MLM professional and you will not ever be pressured, but he is involved in Vitamark. Now there's nothing wrong with that because Vitamark is a quality MLM company.

How will you build your Vitamark business utilizing Michael Dloughy's information? He is a true professional offering to be an MLM mentoring coach.

Attending weekly Conference calls?

Purchase Leads?

Call friends and family?

The biggest problem with MLM is they can't sell to the end user - the customers. They have to utilize their distributors, otherwise they would violate their policies. That's why there's a 95% failure rate in the industry. It is what it is - just the facts.

Would you like to have a workaround solution and just Buy customers to build a significant business online? Yes, finally a company that sells to the end user - the customer. All you have to do each month is buy customers. Its Good Business

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