Sunday, May 4, 2008


We are the NASA of the Internet!

Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire!
All along over the years I knew I was building something special with Veretekk. But I way underestimated how powerful Veretekk really is until I started using it, I mean really using it. Read on gentle readers.
The most powerful aspect of Veretekk is the training. I say this because as I build my new organization in the MLM opportunity I have been in for over 7 years, many are Veretekk veterans.
How do I put this?
The Veretekk people in my organization are organized, communicate well, build team cohesiveness and take to marketing on the Internet with exceptional results in all aspects of Internet marketing.
The non Veretekk people that have joined my organization are awkward, hard to communicate with, want to do three ways, struggle with team effort and require tremendous effort to train to work the Internet the proper way.
It is as different as night and day.
The SEO power of the Veretekk tools is unbelievable. We are taking more and more Google territory everyday. People are finding our campaign on Google and filling out our Veremail forms in record numbers. Top leaders in other opportunities are calling us and joining without resistance. MLM companies are contacting us enquiring about Veretekk and are starting to send their distributors to sign up into Veretekk to find out what Veretekk is all about.
The lead generation capabilities of Veretekk building the sphere of influence works just as I intended it to work. Every time I press the button in the Bully Pulpit we get more traffic, more Veremail forms filled out and more distributors into our MLM.
NOTE: I am not using the Hammer to do this either!
I have set up my Market centers in all my Portals and as this campaign has taken root on Google I am getting more Silver sign ups in all my Gold systems I am using for this campaign. I know they are working because my main capture site has a Veretracking code in it and it reveals massive traffic coming from the search engines, email and yes, the Market Centers! Kawabunga, Veretekk rocks.
But just like NASA this effort is also developing new technology for Veretekk. For instance I have developed what I call Blogger Drones. These drones look and act just like blogs, but are centrally controlled from the Veretekk back office RSS FEED center. I have developed what I call Super Blogs, again they are real Wordpress blogs but are constantly updated with new content from, you guessed it, the Veretekk back office.
The Platinum concept we shared with you several weeks ago was born from this campaign. I have 20 Veretekk Gold systems now. As I am going through the process of swarming them together, controlling the blog systems with each of those accounts, transferring my leads from account to account to send out my marketing newsletters, a new idea is taking root. So today tell me what you think about this.
The Platinum Control Panel:
I am seeing a need, and we can build it, to have a centralized control panel to manage all the Veretekk system I have from one login, in one Veretekk Gold system. Thus allowing me to control all the Veretekk Gold systems I have usernames and passwords for. This will allow me to send my Bully Pulpit out everyday to all the data in the entire group of Veretekk sites this controls. This will allow me to automate swarming the entire portfolio of Veretekk Portals this represents instead of having to do them all by hand. This will allow me to access all the RSS FEED blogs from one location instead of having to log into each account to do it. This will allow me to set up Sequential letters for my auto responders from one location. This will allow me to set up my Market Canters from one location.
This concept will save me hundreds of hours and give me the capability to accelerate my communications, configuration and SEO process.
I am also considering adding the new up and coming Silver SEO accounts as well. I am also considering adding a web page builder similar to Free-Page but allowing it to write those pages into everyone of my Traffic Portals, without the need of verification and without the template having the same format like Free-Page but instead the design being completely controlled by you. I am also considering adding thousands of Blogger Drones into the system with new domains we already own with your username sub-domain.
It wont be cheap, it wont be for everyone and it will take a significant amount of effort to build this Platinum Control Panel. But I want it and I need it and therefore it will get built. It will pay commissions to your Veretekk Platinum up-lines.
So let's discuss this baby today and let me know what you think!
Honestly, I am manually doing this and so are a great number of Veretekk members in my MLM deal and we are literally exploding. In less than 60 days we have created more directors in this deal shattering the records. We have exploded the organization to over 5000 in membership. This is Good Business!
See you this Sunday!
Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.
Its Good Business

We have a Winner!
Jim Gras earned over $1000.00!
By paying attention and following the plan to support his ever growing downline, Jim has earned the coveted Bench Mark Bonus.
Bully to you Jim! Folks just pay attention to running your business like Jim and others do, and you too will be reaping the rewards!
See you this Sunday!
Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.

Butch Hamilton's Column
The People of Veretekk
The people of Veretekk are among the finest on the Internet. Their dedication, determination and drive to build substantial home businesses are among the cream of the crop. These people have chosen a new path in their lives. They want to no longer be shackled by conventional jobs, long commutes to work, intolerable bosses, and basically having go nowhere careers.
This article will be dedicated to three such individuals that have chosen to live their lives on a different plane than most. They are consistently innovating and improving different techniques that lead to wealth creation and living life to the fullest degree possible via the internet. These people should serve as inspirations to everyone with Veretekk. These are real people we are talking about. These are not some guy sitting in a lawn chair claiming to make millions on Google with no effort.
Tom Prendergast
You all know Tom as the creator of Veretekk. His consistent effort in bringing people like you and me the very best internet marketing and seo training system on Google today, empowers us all with the ability to market successfully on the net, and change the quality of our lives for the better. This man, even though battered and bloodied from massive attacks on the internet, simply stays the course. He knows that what he is formulating has never before been seen in terms of capturing categories on Google. He knows that people desiring to build real businesses on the internet need this type of system in order to be successful. His zest for living life to the fullest every single day is seen both in his private life with his family, and the undying determination to see Veretekk through to the status that it deserves.
Raymond Jewell
Dr. Raymond Jewell is seen on the login for the back office of Veretekk. He operates an ultra successful economic business consulting service. He has been involved in a SOHO business for over 30 years. His expertise in business, economics, sales and creating wealth is legendary. He is one of those masters of SOHO business that knows the importance of being laser focused in the forming of that business. His commitment to Veretekk has been marked with a status of not being extremely effective, to now seeing the process of search engine optimization amplified to its full potential. He has been down the path with other seo companies, and has literally spent six figures with some of these so called marketing masters. His knowledge and expertise at this point can now rival any of the so-called seo gurus on Google today. Raymond Jewell deserves kudos as his expertise continually expands by using the tools and training that Veretekk offers.
Al Gonzales
Al Gonzales is one of the powerful networkers that all people read about on the Internet. He has been ultra successful with some of the major players in mlm businesses and his expertise in prospecting and talking with people is unmatched. He has consistently proven that the mlm industry can hold exponential power in the act of wealth creation. He is now seeing the unrivaled power of Veretekk within his own new business on Google. He is seeing the power that the search engines have when learning to use Veretekk in the max power that it is meant for. He reached Director status by the results of Veretekk, within only a two month period. This is almost unheard of in the SOHO business world. He has now successfully positioned himself to leave a legacy for his children and grandchildren for years to come.
These are only three people within Veretekk who see the vision and are determined to take their knowledge and expertise and turn it into substantial wealth. These people are fully aware that nothing is won overnight, no matter how many of the so-called gurus out there tell you so. Internet business is no different than offline businesses. It takes time, dedication and a commitment to learn specific ways that actually do assist in building effective SOHO businesses.
You have probably heard me say many times that "all my roads lead back to Veretekk." This is a statement that tells exactly my thoughts concerning this massively powerful system. It has led me to great notoriety and presence on the search engines, and has empowered me with the knowledge and tools that I needed to begin my search engine optimization business. It has also given me the opportunity to now see exceptional results in another business venture that I am involved with. The results we are seeing in this business are truly incredible, and it grows exponentially every day.
If you are seeing great results by using the Veretekk system, then that only means that you have become fully committed to building a substantial business in the right way. If you are not seeing those results, it only means that you have not fully learned to utilize the system. It will require more time, effort and knowledge. Once you have learned these systems; however, you will then be on the right path to living life on your own terms.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
Phase IV Marketing Group
Butch Hamilton is a well known Veretrainer and can be found training in the Gold Veretraining Calendar.

The Bully Pulpit Upgrade is still in the works

Your Bully Pulpit email captures are about to load as fast as lightening
I have rebuilt the Bully Pulpit database to run from a master server and slave server SQL system. This will make your Bully Pulpit load like lightening.
We had to order a massive new SQL database server. This has been delivered. It was not cheap. It is a Supermicro™ Dual Intel® 64-bit Xeon® Dual-Core, 1333 mhz FSB with 8 mbs of ram and 4x SATA 250 mb drives equaling 1 terabit of lightening storage. This was necessary because the SQL database required a new SQL software upgrade so what we build here will take care of data expansion well into the next 5 years.
Now we are in the process of getting the database running on this new server!
Total cost of this expansion will exceed $20,000. Your Veretekk™ subscriptions at work!
To find out more about this, come to this Sunday's conference.
Let's pack the house!
Mike Darling
President, Inc.
Scuba Spots

Cindy McAsey's Column

Trade Secrets of Writing Good Content
Writing content for the net is an effective way to market your business. It's one of many great marketing strategies if done correctly. Content can be in the form of an article, press release, email, blog, RSS feed or even using one of my new mini blogging favorites twitter.
The first tip to remember your content must be worthy of reading to someone. I love the phrase "content is king." This is so true. Bring value to your readers. You should deliver information that will allow your reader to visualize the outcome and take action. Find a unique angle, a good hook and develop a conversation with your reader.
Most content should be written in conversation mode, with the exception of press releases they should be written in 3rd party. Connect with the conversation that is already in their mind. Complete the thoughts for your prospect. Build trust and respect. Get in touch with their passion.
Provide benefits to your reader. If your content doesn't pass the "so what" test go back and tweak it. A good example is - Now you will be able to learn what I do in a fraction of the time it took me. Every word has to earn it's keep, especially in the headline. The language should not be boring, you aren't trying to win awards you are writing to make money. Keep it exciting.
Did you know what the most important word in content writing is? YOU. Appear at all times as if you are on the reader's side. You are their advocate. What at about Search Engines? Yes, you will want to integrate key words in your writing. But always write for the HUMAN first. Writing can be fun and a large part of your business, but you want your readers to read it from start to finish. If content is stuffed with keywords, but has no HUMAN interest, it's useless.
Effective Marketing requires a few good keywords and key phrases. They should be relevant to the topic, and the context. Keywords and key phrases must appear seamlessly in the article, and not disrupt the natural flow of the content. It does no good to have your content at the top of google if the reader doesn't take action on what you have written.
To become a master, study the masters. As with any subject, if you want to learn, learn from the best. Pick out a few master copy writers and study them. Sign up for their newsletters, take notes and become a student.Don't think you can write? Yes, you can. The most important step to writing is to get started.
Get in front of your computer and just do it. Write down your thoughts. Writing content is effective and will grow your business.
To your success,
Cindy McAsey
Marketing Strategies Coach
Cindy McAsey is a well known Veretrainer™ and can be found training in the Gold Veretraining™ Calendar.

The Flood Of Testimonials Continues...
Real People With Real Results!
How many times have you looked at a business opportunity and said to yourself, that doesn't work. You may have even looked at some of the best one advertised on the Internet, and said there is no way that can work. Well let me tell you folks, there are certain Internet businesses that do work. When the marketing strategy is perfectly planned, put together by one of the greatest marketing minds, and driven by Veretekk, it will work
If you doubt what Veretekk can do for your marketing efforts, STOP doubting! Simply stated, the team concept of delegation rather than duplication, like we use at Its Good Business, works, and it works better than anything out there.
As a team member of particular marketing company, I have seen first hand how the Veretekk system can drive traffic to your site, and rank your sites at the top of Google. Following the proper leadership and sticking to your plan, and not giving up, does produce results. I continually write about different marketing companies in my blogs. I configure my Veretekk system for my keyword phrase, write with keyword phrase dense content, and post it out on the Internet. All this is done through my Veretekk system.
The other day two business associates of Send Out Cards, one of the MLM companies I write about, came up with an idea that would help them build their Send Out Cards' businesses. Their plan was to use an Internet marketing system, to capture leads, and then turn around and resell these leads to Send Out Cards' reps. Turning to Google (Isn't that where everyone searches?) to search for Send Out Cards leads, to their amazement, they found my blog, and then another, and another. They were all over the Internet. Yes folks, everywhere they turned they found my blogs and content.
Later that afternoon, my phone rang. "Hi, is this Jeff, my name is Tim, you don't know me but I'm a Send Out Cards rep." I thought to myself, here goes, someone trying to pitch me on his SOC business. This time, to my amazement, they weren't pitching me on their deal; they wanted to know what I was doing writing about SOC. We had a nice conversation, as I continued to explain what I do, and what our organization does. I gave them a web site where I posted a recorded business opportunity presentation.
After spending time listening to the recorded business opportunity presentation, reviewing the web site, and talking it over with his friends, Tim called me back. He and his friend signed up into my business, and became a member of our team. Yes, they both caught the vision. The same vision I have and, I believe, the same vision Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling had when they set out to build Veretekk.
If you still have doubts about Veretekk, or marketing on the Internet and what this system can do for you, doubt no more. The SEO techniques taught within Veretekk, in conjunction with the power of the Veretekk system, WORKS!
Jeffrey Sloe
Twinsburg, OH


I have been involved in network marketing and the home based business industry for the past 10 years.

I have tried all kinds of ways to build my business, both traditional and via the internet. I always struggled to understand how the internet worked and especially how to obtain top positions.
Then in September of 2007, I discovered Veretekk. What was really impressive was the way in which they teach you about Veretekk. You are able to log into a web-conference room and watch and listen to live trainers sharing their knowledge on various aspects of internet marketing and of course how to maximize the power of the Veretekk system. After about a month, I had an ah ha moment. I was finally understanding how internet marketing truly worked and the mysterious Google.
If you are struggling, like I was, then please check out Veretekk today. For me, Veretekk is simply the best of the best when it comes to internet marketing systems. It has incredible power and when configured properly, for your home business, you will have a substantial way of building an internet business. This will require an investment of time to learn the various aspects of the system, but you will be coached on the proper ways of internet marketing.
I want to personally thank Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling for creating and developing the best system ever. I know both have invested an incredible amount of time over the past 10 years working 10 to 15 hours plus per day to build Veretekk. For the first time in my life, I now have the knowledge and training on how to build a successful home business via the internet.
I have wasted a lot of money on programs and systems that always over promised and under delivered. Not so with Veretekk. This is the real deal and they over deliver.
Make it a great day
Darrell Lischka
Alberta, Canada

Marketing on the Internet is not for sissies and neither is Veretekk™.
That statement is not indicitive that either is impossible, it means that be successful with either it takes a committed effort. The first thing that I did was attend the live training on just about evey subject that was being taught at the time. I felt then that is was like going back to college because of the depth of knowlege shared by the trainers. Before getting involved with Veretekk™ I was like a lot of other people, I used to spend a lot of money on leads every month with dismal results. Veretekk™ taught me not to buy leads and how to generate my own leads. Veretekk™ taught me how to write concise information that turned leads from suspects into prospects. I learned a lot attending Veretekk™ training classes. If it had not been for the dedication of the Veretekk™ trainers and the education that I received through the Veretekk™ system, I am certain that my story would have been quite different.
My thanks to all of the trainers who have helped me and especially you Tom for creating the Veretekk™ system. In my opinion it is the best money I have ever invested while trying to build a new career.
Bully to all
Robert Sterling

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
To join the conference, just login to your Veretekk™ system and go to Veretraining™, then just click on the Calendar. The web conference begins at 6pm PST on Sunday.
Veretekk™ State of the System Address
Sunday, May 04, 2008 6pm PST
Mike Darling, President
Thomas Prendergast, CEO, Inc. (Veretekk™)



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