Sunday, May 4, 2008

Jaguar Marketing Works

Jaguar works for a couple of simple reasons. It eliminates the reasons most people fail at home businesses.
Reasons People Fail
Phone Calls and Rejection
Negative Cash Flow
Lead Generation
No Sales Skills
Let's look at how Jaguar eliminates each of these issues:
Phone Calls and Rejection:
Traditional success in home business required one to make a lot of prospecting and closing phone call. The first call to a prospect was typically to determine if the prospect had a serious interest in looking at a home business opportunity. You either had to cold call or buy expensive leads.
Unless you have hide as thick as a rhino the rejection you experienced was tough. You had to make a lot of phone calls, suffer rude prospects and people who really were not interested. You would be lucky to convert 1 prospect out of 100 into a down-line team member. The goal was to invite the prospect to look at your business, you would ask the prospect to attend a conference call, meeting or visit a website.
After a prospect looked at your business the next step was to get him or her back on the phone for a closing call where you would attempt to get the prospect to signup with your business. This was also tough unless you had good sales and closing skills. If you were lucky your up-line sponsor was
Jaguar has completely eliminated the need to make both the invitation and closing call.
Jaguar in combination with the traffic generation software we use will drive thousands of people to your Jaguar Marketing website. It has been designed to screen out uninterested people and leave you with interested and qualified prospects.
People interested in one of your businesses will contact you only after they have qualified themselves as good prospects.
People interested in putting Jaguar to work for them will request a call from one of our professional closers. Each time one of our closers completes a sale for you, you will earn either $1000 or $3000. We call these system generated sales.
Cash Flow:
Because Jaguar is a complete marketing system it will promote your present businesses and promote itself at the same time. It will also promote multiple streams of income that include residual and immediate income.
The immediate income from system generated sales, those $1000 and $3000 retail profits put money in your bank while you are building your other residual income streams. Historically residual income streams took years to build. In fact most times a home business owner always had more money going out each month then coming in from their business. This forced a lot of people to quit.
Lead and Traffic Generation: 
Lead generation for home business owners has always been a challenge to say the least. In the old days people would literally go out to cold contact strangers, next people were told to make a list of family and friends and finally people were encouraged to buy names of people who were supposed to be interested in starting a home business. None of these methods worked well at all. Unfortunately, millions of home business owners are still using one or all of those methods.
Jaguar uses state of the art lead generation and traffic building software. This software will help you generate leads and traffic to your system site directly from the search engines. The system also uses sophisticated automated reverse marketing technology that targets exactly the kind of people you want visiting your marketing website. You marketing software also includes spam free email technology that will capture prospects and automatically continue sending those prospects emails inviting them to your Jaguar system site. This is all happening behind the scenes 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You will have 20 plus lead capture websites, each has a different free offer that will appeal to people interested in earning money on the internet. You will also have lead capture website we have developed to help you drive traffic to your system site. In a word your system will drive thousands of people to your system site and its cost effective. You will not have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars a month to generate traffic to your system site. The total cost of our lead system is $41.95 a month.
In addition, your lead generation software also promotes itself and will build a secondary stream of income for you.  Mentor
No Sales Skills:
Our solution here is both elegant and simple. We close your system generated sales for you. Mentors on a Mission has a reputation for providing the best sales training on the internet. We have trained thousands of home business owners in the art of closing sales. We took the best of the best and offered them a lot of money to act as closers for this system. All of our closers have earned six figure incomes, they all use the Predator system themselves and they all have 100% belief in the power of Jaguar.
In addition, they all attend a weekly class on advanced closing techniques. This class is taught by the master closer himself, Al Turnquist.
Al Turnquist is famous both on and off the internet for his ability to teach people how to close. You will never have to close a system sale yourself. Prospects interested in Jaguar will fill out a contact request. One of our closers will call that prospect back within 24hrs. Each of these sales will pay you $1000 or $3000.
Jaguar works because every component of the system works. Your software targets the right kind of people, uses state of the art presentation technology, eliminates tire kickers, sorts for interested people and our professionals close all of your system generated sales.

The facts are clear that the reason Jaguar Marketing works is because people, who see the vision, visualize their success and consistently work, will see the results that they are attempting to have in a solid work from home business plan.

Its important to know that Jaguar System is only designed for winners.  If you have that type of mindset, and are determined to achieve your dreams and goals, then Jaguar System works!  Al Turnquist invites you to become a member of the most prestigious work from home business found on Google today.  You will work harder, but you will be rewarded well for your efforts.
Find out why Jaguar Marketing is "The Key to Your Financial Future."

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