Sunday, April 6, 2008

SEO Services RSS Feeds

SEO Services RSS Feeds
Perhaps you are looking for a powerful way to add depth and functionality to your websites.  I will highly recommend RSS feeds to accomplish this very nicely.  An RSS feed, when added to your site, will provide constantly changing content.
Its a proven fact that Google search engine spiders love sites that provided constantly changing content.  RSS feeds, are really simple syndication that is formed from addiing content to blogs.  In the RSS feeds below, there is a massive amount of information added daily.
Since my gig is SEO, I am constantly writing keyword specific articles concerning all types of topics, from search engine optimization, search engine marketing, leads, all about leads, lead generation,  and a wide range of topics concerning home business, work from home and many others.
You are welcome to add my powerful seo rss feeds to any websites that you currently have.  Why would you do this, you might ask?  Well, the simple fact of the matter is that by attaching my RSS feeds to your sites, you will gain improved search engine rankings on Google.
I will offer you two ways to accomplish this.  You can simply add the links provided, or, you are are welcome to simply copy and paste the BlogFather chiclets provided.  SEO is a constantly changing process that when consistently pursued, lends good results on all the major search engines of the net.
Here are the copy and paste chiclets for the changing content you are looking for.
All the above images attach to my different RSS Feeds.  Take time to consider adding some, or all, of these links to your websites for improved search engine rankings on Google.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Phase IV Marketing Group
From Domain Purchasing Through Website Construction and Effective Promoting on Google
fax 806-874-0036
Office Hours:  M-F 9-6 CST
Jim Skelton-Classified Ad Specialist
Skelton SEO Services
50321 State Route 14, East Palestine, Ohio 44413
(330)426-3229   (800)292-0232   

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