Sunday, April 6, 2008

Are You an MLM Junkie...?

Are you an MLM Junkie?
I don't want to make phone calls!
I don't want to buy leads!
I don't want sell products!
If you are in agreement with me and can indentify with the above statements than you should read further. I have witnessed people who have thought the way to riches was to slave, beg and cajole people into joining a MLM or Network Marketing business. Because these people were desperate to make money they promised things that they had no control in delivering.
So many times people who join MLM or Network Marketing companies promise that the people they are getting to join with them will make large sums of money. Money much greater than the actual incomes of the people who are selling the business opportunity, have ever made themselves personally. Anyone who practices this is simply not being truthful. It is impossible for anyone to coach others how to make wealth, unless they have made it themselves. It is a know fact that the majority of the people who are involved in MLM businesses make very little money, therefore how can they teach others how to create wealth and earn high incomes?
So whenever you see ads with people standing by fancy cars or people who promise that you will become a millionaire in a short period of time don't pay any attention to them they are not telling the truth. What they are doing is trying and hoping that you will buy into the hype and sell so they can make money off of you. Then in order for you to make money you need to do the same. There is a statement in MLM or Networking circles "Fake it until you make it.". This is simply lying to people and then they in turn lie to others and wow the whole system ends up being built on a lie. I don't like this negative spiral effect. 
I don't want to make phone calls, sell anyone on buying a product, or spend my money for worthless leads. So you are asking how will I make money running a business? Well I am getting a pretty good ROI [Return on investment] buy following a new strategy model that has been around for almost ten years. This new model is a customer based model that has a pure customer focus from the company level to the Business Affiliate level.
Buy Customers not Leads.
Now to the real point of the article, you don't have to put up with all of the lies, scams and hype that has evolved within the MLM and Network Marketing world. There is a business model that has recently evolved and is drawing people into it by huge numbers. This model is built on buying customers and not leads. Yes you build your business by buying customers that have already been sold on the company and are currently purchasing products. Think about it, if you could buy a customer for less than you would pay for a qualified lead which would you do? Would you buy the lead and then call the person and try to persuade them to join your company and buy your products? Or would you spend your money for a customer that is already sold on your company and is already purchasing your companies products? I would hope that you would opt for the customer!
There is much more to this concpet. In addition to the buy customers concept there is a team approach that is using a marketing system called Veretekk to bring in people and create a massive presence on the internet. This team is being lead by the creator of the massive Veretekk System, Mr. Tom Prendergast, who has a focus of providing the tools for the "little guy" to create wealth. Currently there are people, in a short period of time, rising to high levels of achievement using this program. If you are interested in learning more about this revolutionary system go to and sign up for the on-line meeting which is held on line every Saturday at 1:00 pm pst.
No longer do you have to beat your head against the wall to make income and revenue. All you have to do is come to the meeting
Thanks for reading,
Dr. Raymond Jewell
Butch Hamilton, SEO Master

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