Sunday, March 2, 2008

Veretekk Announces Major Promotion




Major Contest ANNOUNCEMENT! Could you use $10,000 or more?



Let the contest begin! You could earn up to or more than $10,000 by April 01!

Veretekk Economic Stimulus plan campaign

For the month of March we want to share the profits with one of you. What the heck does that mean? Read on, I think you will see a great contest in the making.

We want to grow Veretekk and we want you to help. So we have bench-marked the number of Gold subscribers as of March 01, 2008. All increases above that benchmark will represent a serious reward for the winner. So how do you win and what do you win. Well keep reading and I will explain.

The winner will be the Gold subscriber (NOTE: You must be a Gold subscriber to earn this bonus) that signs up the most numbers of Restored and new Gold Veretekk subscribers in your front line. Incase of a tie the rewards will be shared equally.

So to summarize it: The Gold member that has the most upgraded Gold accounts in the month of March wins.

The reward will be $20 times the total increase of Gold accounts over the benchmark. Let me illustrate it below. Lets say the benchmark is 1000 Gold subscribers as of March 01, 2008. If the number increases by:

100 you will receive $2000 200 you will receive $4000 500 you will receive $10,000 1000 you will receive $20,000 2000 you will receive $40,000 5000 you will receive $100,000 and a serious tax bill. (LOL)

Most likely the increase will be around 500 - 1000, so you can project a bonus somewhere between $10,000 and $20,000. A nice bonus indeed!

Incase of a tie, the bonus will be equally shared.
The money will be directly wired to your bank account April 01 after we announce the winner(s).

I personally know some of you have huge front lines of Silvers. Better get busy. We have over 50,000 subscribers. Even a modest amount of conversions in your front line could make you the winner. Set your sites high and call those Silvers.

And this is not an April fools prank. It is our way of saying thanks for three successful years as Veretekk celebrates another birthday on April 01.


The Bully Pulpit update
The fix is in

We have identified the Bully Pulpit slowness/failure issue and Mike is currently building the solution. It is a legacy issue. Because we started building Veretekk 12 years ago sometimes you just don't see the bottlenecks until you are in one. Such is the case with the way we built the Bully Pulpit leads database. As it is right now the entire email_capture is in one leads table database. What this means is for each account it has to search a database that is literally exploding with millions of leads and that makes those of you with 100s of thousands of leads have loading issues.

Have no fear, Mike is here. As Mike rebuilds the database system so each Veretekk subscribers have their own leads table, it will load likity split when he is done! This will take a few weeks or so and during the process you may see certain leads disappear from your Bully Pulpit. Please note this will only be a temporary thing as the database ports over to the new system. Have faith, Mike knows what he is doing.

And we should all be thankful that Mike is one cool and very smart dude!

Thanks Mike.

Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.


The dreaded Monkey Trap! Are you a victim?

Many of you have heard me talk about the Monkey Trap. It is a great analogy of the human condition. I had read somewhere sometime ago in National Geographic how they caught Spider Monkeys in the Jungles of South America.

Trappers exploit the greedy nature of the monkey. They hollow out a gourd and make two holes in it. One of the holes is attached to a rope and tied to a tree. The other hole is just big enough for the monkey's hand to squeeze into it. Then they put the monkeys' favorite food in the gourd and leave many of these "Monkey Traps", scattered below the monkey's favorite trees.

When the trappers come back later all the traps have Monkeys stuck to them with their hands firmly clinched inside the gourds refusing to let go even when impending doom approaches.

Oh and how much we humans behave so like these monkeys in our affairs. This applies to you. It may be spiritual, financial or physical in your regards but we all have our hands stuck one way or another.

Perhaps you refuse to let go from an unfortunate episode in your life where you made a mistake but refuse to forgive yourself. This is why you fail to set your sites too high because deep down you know you will fail. You know this because you refuse to let it go. You refuse to forgive yourself and pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move forward.

Maybe your greed refuses to let your good sense make the right business decision, so you keep at it hoping your good sense is wrong, like the marketer in a binary opportunity watching that one leg grow and grow while you fail to build that tiny leg, but keep paying astronomical monthly fees so your potential volume in that power leg won't flush.

It could be that your lack of faith blinds you to God's promise as new doors of opportunity open before you. But your fear prevents you from taking action. You are too easily convinced that taking risk exposes you to yet another failure so you never just close your eyes, let go, and jump with all your heart into anything.

I know this because I have been a victim of this trap many times in my life. Like my bad marriage, I kept with it because after all I gave my word, but really, I was petrified of having to go through a divorce, so for years I was miserable and accepted my misery instead of walking through the fear. Eventually the marriage failed anyway and I went through a terrifying divorce. But when I look back at it now, it was the best thing for me and I am better off today because of it. I lacked faith.

Having faith has always been my battle. Time and time again, God has come through when I put my fear aside and instead rely on my faith in God. Many of you who know me, will find this hard to believe but I do struggle with my faith. It is our human condition and we all struggle with this. But I have learned to face the fear and rely totally on prayer.

Today we hear of so much bad news about the economy. Oh my, the fear starts digging in. But like Franklin Roosevelt said when we faced the beginnings of WW2, that the only thing we need to fear is fear itself. In reality, we have so much opportunity ahead of us on the Internet. In my opinion, the economy is getting better for those of us on the Internet, not worse. And this fear driven media will only drive our online businesses to greater success. Experts all agree that the next 10 years will eclipse the past 30 years in Network marketing growth. I totally agree. It is like the perfect storm all coming together!

So I say to you, turn off the TV and build your future. Have faith and take hold of your life. Pray as if your life depends on it (it does) and take positive action everyday and when you see fire in your path, look up, have faith, and keep on walking, because after all, you will find your life is really all about your attitude. Let the monkey traps go, clean out your closets, and build for a new future. Set your goals to lofty places.

I have an interesting anecdote regarding setting lofty goals. You see back during my divorce my son lived with me and my daughter lived with her mother. When my daughter started 7th grade her mom told her, don't worry honey just get Cs and you will be OK. Well a year later she was failing miserably in school. The following year she lived with me and I helped her set her sites and commit to getting As instead. Guess what, she got an A a few Bs and a C. Today both my children have lofty goals in their lives and they live full lives. Will they achieve those goals, I don't know, probably. But their pursuit for their lofty goals has turned them into solid people. Their priorities are set well. They will succeed well in life.

So I say to you, set lofty goals, and take action to achieve them and never let your dreams go. And remember, to have a forgiving spirit. Success is the process, not the goal. Failures are the milestones marking your path to success when you refuse to quit. May you be richly blessed in all that you pursue!

See you this Sunday!

Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc. 



Lorne Timchuck Column
Tips on helping you with your Gold Veretekk™ system

Lorne Timchuk here with some tips on helping you with your gold system and your online marketing endeavors.

I have been using the system for coming on three years now and I really can't imagine anyone doing online marketing and not being part of it to further their business.

I had the pleasure of building one organization with a digital product utilizing the tools of the system that was in excess of 1000 members in a matter of a few months.

I am currently building my second business with this marketing system with a traditional product line that is literally exploding as we speak.

The training that I do is to help you set up your marketing system so that you can function like an office staff of 50 employees with just the click of a few buttons.

Now don't get me wrong and think that is all there is to it as that is not the case ..... there are hours of training to take in and what better way than in a live environment where you actually can ask questions and get them answered !!

I do training every week and the topics will vary each week as there are many areas to the system that are extremely benefical to your success with this marketing system.

Some of the areas covered are Veremail, Market Center, Sequential Mailers, Bully Pulpit, what a treat to explain this with our new feature screen casting in the conference rooms, and of course the ever so important calls to our Premium Leads.

Keep an eye on the calendar for upcoming trainings.

Lorne Timchuck

Lorne Timchuck is a well known Veretrainer and can be found training in the Veretraining Calendar.


Paul Stanton Column
Host of the Home Business Radio Internet Talk Show

OK... You've decided to start a home business or perhaps add an additional stream of income to the portfolio of businesses you currently work from home. The most common mistake that many people make is choosing the wrong company to promote.

Let's face it... The last thing you need is to have put your heart and soul into building a massive downline with a network marketing company, for several months or years, only to have the company go belly-up... Out of business!

Here is the criteria I apply when choosing a network marketing company to promote:

They MUST have a good reputation and also a good (long) track-record, preferably several years.

They MUST have products or services that have true value... Something that people would buy anyway (including yourself) even if there were no pay-plan and the product cannot be overpriced just to have a pay-plan... Something that cannot be purchased elsewhere for less money.

They MUST also have a good pay-plan that is fair, makes sense, and does not have an income-cap.

And finally, they MUST pay on time.

If you will apply the above criteria when evaluating a home business opportunity, network marketing or otherwise, and stay away from the "hurry up pre-launch" deals, you will have a much better chance of success.

(Editors note: Sounds like Paul is talking about Veretekk! )

Paul Stanton

Paul Stanton is a well known Veretrainer and can be found training in the Veretraining Calendar.


Cindy McAsey Column
Good Times or Depression?

Those of us in our own business good times are ahead, if you are working one of those JOB's and not striving for entrepreneurship brace yourself. This morning I get this article from Al Hergerman, I would venture to say Al has been in the MLM industry longer than anyone else in the US.(45 years) His message was so powerful I wanted to share.

Let the Good Times Roll

In today's issue of the Wall Street Journal, the headlines stated, "Sales sink, prices fall for housing!" In the story that followed, analysts forecast the slump to continue for months.

Carol and I just returned from our daily luncheon date. During our outing, we filled our Mercedes car with gas and for the first time that I can remember, we paid over $70.00 for 19 gallons of gas! When we returned to our condo here at Coronado Shores, our January bonus check was in our mailbox. It was the largest check we have received in the last four years.

We had 50 sales leaders with personal group volume in excess of 10,000 PV. Four were in excess of 20,000 PV and one with over 35,000 PV! 10,000 PV = $40,800 a year at 34%. Add in a 10% to 25% price differential and we are talking about $52,800.00 to $70,800.00 annual income from a personal group only. This does not include additional First, Second, Third and Fourth level Leadership bonuses. Considering that the median household income in the U.S. is slightly over $40,000.00 a year, we have a great money making opportunity to offer.

Now, getting back to the article, "LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL", please do not misunderstand what I am about to say. Nobody wants our country and its citizens to have difficult financial times!!! But, by all indicators, our country and many of its citizens are experiencing difficult times. Many people are losing their jobs, gasoline and other prices are rising. We are all aware of the troubled housing market. What I am saying is our industry is not affected as much as most industries are.

My first sales manager, Ken Casper, once told me, "If you really want good times in the direct sales business, you want the biggest depression this country has ever seen to occur tomorrow." Now remember, we don't want tough times for anybody! But, if they are occurring and we are not creating them, let's take advantage of this growth opportunity that our industry has to offer and go out and help as many people as we can.

Another sales manager that I had when I was selling vacuum cleaners, told the story of when he was the manager of the Duluth, Minnesota, branch in the depression years of the 1930's. Branch managers in the vacuum cleaner business like all MLM sales leaders and sales leaders to be, are constantly looking for sales people. He would run advertisements in the "help wanted" section of the Duluth newspaper. He was so overwhelmed with the responses that he would rent out the grand ballroom of the Hotel Duluth. There he would give mass presentations to recruit new sales people to sell his vacuum cleaners door to door on a straight commission basis. He would recruit dozens of people this way.

I have always found in our business, over these last 45 years, that when times were good and everybody had jobs and plenty of overtime pay, etc., etc., most people were not interested in the extra income our company had to offer. But, when their circumstances changed, their attitudes changed regarding the our opportunity. That's what I mean when I say, "LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL."

I would like to close this newsletter by commenting on this year's presidential election. Over the past 45 years, we have had presidents of our country that I have had a great amount of respect for. We have also had presidents that I have had absolutely no respect for. However, none of them made any difference in my making money or building a sales organization or just selling our products. I am sure the same thing will occur regarding this year's election. Don't worry, just keep throwing mud against the wall and perfecting your "30 minute pitch."

Next month we will give you our ideas on a record keeping system that really works. (We were supposed to share this system with you this month until we paid $70.00 for a tank of gas.) Sincerely Yours, Al

Cindy McAsey
Marketing Strategies Coach

Cindy McAsey is a well known Veretrainer and can be found training in the Veretraining Calendar.


The Flood Of Testimonials Continues...
Real People With Real Results!
You guys rock my boat!

I must tell you I have just joined and am learning the system you have dynamite here this will definitely be my main line!

I love your business and the way you have done the tapes it is fantastic thank you so much when I have gone through the modules then i will do live training

Diana Harvey


Yep I have and still am blown away...
this program is fantastic!!!

Michael Christian


My name is Corie Wallace, I've been a successful professional Sales and Marketing associate in the wholesale and retail sector for over 20 years. I was introduced to Internet Marketing less than a year ago and recommended to join veretekk as a silver to learn how to expand into the Internet Sales arena.

I attended numerous classes by John Vrouletis on link popularity and Butch Hamilton the master of SEO among just a few. They were instrumental in teaching me how to achieve top google ranking. I turned gold just prior to 2008, fully armed with the tools and knowledge that only veretekk could provide.

Today, I reached page 1 position 1 out of 33,700,00 pages on a very competitve google search term.

Thanks to veretekk I am, number 1.

My most grateful thanks to Tom and Mike,

Corie Wallace
Marketing Stragety Specialist


Hello every-one, My name is Michael Christian, I went Gold three months ago; I am still an infant with this program, and I have to say, I am on it now more than ever, and can't stay away from it! It's dynamite! It has so much to learn, that the more I learn the more I AM blown Away, it is totally Incredable!!

Thank you to the Founders, and all in there time they have spent, in giving something that is Really a whole lot Worthwhile! God bless you all!

Regards  Michael Christian.


Veretekk appeared in my life just as confusion was dominating all efforts in marketing. Attempts to find someone to lead me through the maze had failed (dollars not well spent). Then Veretekk happened!

Veretekk makes sense. The leaders are practical, down to earth, plain spoken people who believe in effort -- not magic. They present a system to use and tools to use and instructions to follow and people to answer questions. Regardless of your particular business, there is no need to look further than Veretekk Marketing and Lead Generation System.

Just a little investigation will show that Veretekk is the most technologically advanced Marketing and Lead Generation System on the Internet today. One of the most amazing things about this company is that they are 'available' to anyone who desires their services -- from beginner to expert. The services and tools are appropriate for any business in need of exposure.

Thank you, Veretekk, for being there.

Dorothy Allen


Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

To join the conference, just login to your Veretekk™ system and go to Veretraining, then just click on the Conference room link. The web conference begins at 6pm PST on Sunday.

Veretekk™ State of the System Address
Sunday, March 02, 2008 6pm PST


Mike Darling, President
Thomas Prendergast, CEO, Inc. (Veretekk™)



Ready to become part of the Veretekk Community?

This amazing lead generation, search engine optimization training system is looking for a few good men and women who are committed to excellence in building a home business on Google.  You have everything to gain, and nothing to lose at could lose your failure rate in home business!


Signup today!


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