Have you ever heard of Customer Service or Lead Service?
How many times have you bought a product and expected the company to take care of your needs and you got nothing? Customer Service is essential in any business. Now lets look at MLM and Network Marketing Companies, after you sign up did you get the customer service that you wanted?
If you owned the customer would you treat them differently? If you could buy a customer and get the commissions from that customer would you call them and make sure that they were happy? I am asking a lot of questions but there is madness to my motives. If you had a company that would spend their own money to sell a customer and then sell you the paying customer and the commissions for the same price of a quality lead would you buy them?
Here is the point! There is a company that actually sells their customers to associates and lets the associates receive the full commission on the new customer. The cost of acquiring the customer has already been spent so no longer do you have to buy poor quality leads and call people who don't want to be called. You don't have to shell out your hard earned cash in hopes that you might get a sale. You no longer have to worry about the horrible statistics of making so many calls to get a few warm people and hope that maybe one will buy.
Your new customer has already done the research and bought the products and is now wanting to be serviced.
This is a new business plan and I believe is Divinely inspired. This plan is to bring together people who have a burning desire to create and grow wealth. All you have to do is follow the already established Business Plan. Now lets talk about the Business Plan. This plan is not some plan that is developed by a MLM or Network Marketing Company to assist in building the MLM or Network Marketing Company. It is a Business Plan developed on the local level by ItsGoodBusiness.net to enable all members to achieve success.
Its a massive undertaking and has lots of people working together to bring this to fruition. Take a look at some of the SEO [Search Engine Optimization] sites that exist to bring in people who are looking to purchase customers and not leads.

You can sign up at anyone of these sites for more information and even come to an on-line meeting held through ItsGoodBusiness.net's Virtual Office. Click the button for more information and see for your self. It's Good Business is not for everyone. It is unique in its own right, and has attracted the attention of many. With the economy in such a state of turmoil many are looking for alternative ways to bring in income. This model deserves your exploration.
Thanks for reading,
Dr. Raymond Jewell
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