Sunday, March 16, 2008

Internet Marketing Training System

You are going to love this bully pulpit from Tom Prendergast-CEO of Inetekk!  As you may know, this is the most powerful internet marketing training system on Google today!

There is a lot in this issue. Don't miss the great reports and articles. Or, come to this Sunday's conference and find out from the guys that run Veretekk™ live!



When the time is right you strike with determination

Building a Veretekk success story.

On February 25th I began a campaign strategy to build a new leg in my MLM business. I have been with this MLM Company for the last 7 years and now I have time to pay attention to it again.

Since the bulk of the Veretekk technologies is done and most of the continued development is now mostly with Mike, my part is now marketing and training, and this will be part of that.

That being said, what better way to market Veretekk than by showing how well it works by building a new leg in my existing MLM business.

Incorporating Veretekk assets (Vereconference Room, Veremail form code and a Sequential mail set) I bought a keyword specific domain and built a lead capture page.

Utilizing 10 of my Veretekk Gold systems, I daisy chained them, and made 400 back links to my new keyword specific domain and submitted them to Google.

Utilizing the leads that these 10 systems have gathered over the years I launched my campaign via my Veretekk Bully Pulpit. I also called several close friends I have known for years (another Veretekk benefit) and shared with them what I was about to do.

That was about 3 weeks ago. To date that leg has already grown to over 700 members.

Veretekk works. And I will keep you updated as to what I continue to do to build this leg. Like today, I contacted one of my Vereconference customers who has a radio show and shared with him what I am doing. He has agreed to let me share this strategy and advertise my domain on his radio program in the coming weeks. Another benefit of having the Veretekk system is I have built a great sphere of influence.

You can do this too. With determination and when the time is right you launch without hesitation and utilize all the power of Veretekk. I am sure as this leg continues to grow you will see why I consider Veretekk Gold the most valuable asset for Internet marketing and absolutely the most important aspect of this success.

See you this Sunday.

Thomas Prendergast-CEO, Inc.

CEO, Inc.



Do you want to earn $500, $5000 or more by April 01!

Bench Mark bonus update. Half way through the month and the bonus stands at $600.00. It fluctuates with cancellations, account failures and restores and new upgrades.

Here is how it works. At the beginning of the month we set the number of Gold subscribers as the Bench Mark then subtract that from the end of the month and if there is a positive growth, we multiply that times $20 and pay that bonus to the subscriber that had the most Gold accounts increase in their front line.

Why are we doing this? We want to give you an incentive to connect with your Silver accounts in your front line. Talk to them, introduce them to all the new Silver changes and get them to engage in all the teaching videos now throughout the Silver Intro system.

We know once they see how it works, they will want to upgrade to Gold.

See you this Sunday!

Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.



Silver Limited training recorded flash Demos are going into play.

Silver Intro

The conversion of Silver to Silver Intro is nearing completion. Through the entire Veretekk Section (MY ACCOUNT; CONFIGURATION; PORTAL MARKETING; COMMUNICATION; and RESOURCES)

These areas now contain detailed videos of how and why these systems work for the purpose to educate and illustrate the power and function of Veretekk. This is being done as the final phase of building Veretekk Silver so new prospects can educate themselves on the power Veretekk Gold represents so the can make an educated decision to upgrade.

The Veretraining section has also been upgraded. The new Calendar in the Silver Veretrraining section has been segregated so that the Veretekk trainers can determine who can enter their classes. Like Butch Hamilton's very valuable information regarding SEO knowledge classroom is now only available to Gold subscribers. Training that is necessary to understand the Veretekk Gold system will continue to be available to the Silver subscribers.

I am now working in the Veremail section and will be done with that within a week.

This is all being done in preparation for the new $10 per month Silver SEO release. Find out more this Sunday!


Bully Pulpit Upgrade
Your Bully Pulpit email captures are about to load as fast as lightening

We have updated the Affiliate Portal. We have made the signup process easier. We have added new content. We have made the site more user friendly and have added a fail safe method to help new signups get their password when their email provider fails to deliver our email.

To see the upgrade you must go to your Portal Process Center, click on CONFIGURATION and update your site. Then your site will be upgraded. You can see the root domain's update here:

We have made the changes and are leaving it up to you to make the upgrade so that you don't lose your customization, If we do a system wide upgrade, you would lose this configuration. I am sure you understand.

Come see us this Sunday. I just might have a cool surprise to show you. I have been working on it all week. But only if it is ready.

Let's pack the house!

Mike Darling
President, Inc.


Cindy McAsey Column
Serving the Ageless Market...

As baby boomers flock to the internet, I'm seeing more and more business' embrace and focus on this market. "Change" was the watchword of the 1990's, today we are still in the "Change" mode, and will be for awhile. In this information age, and the advancement of technology, those companies who are able to adapt, indeed, embrace change are the ones that will capture the future.

How good is your business at adapting to change? Are you really serving your target market? Are there significant differences between older adults and their younger counterparts? The latest research says there is. If you are in business, you need to know exactly who it is you sell to.(target market) And, if you sell to older adults, listen up!

According to David Wolfe, author of "Serving the Ageless Market," there is a big difference in thought patterns and values between older adults and their younger counterparts. For example, in middle age, quality begins to gain over quantity in importance. This leads many middle-aged and older folks to spend more on goods for the sake of quality. With a growing baby-boom population, it's very important information.

People who have a middle-aged perspective look for deeper psychological meaning, and grasp the relationship between concepts more quickly. They want to be self-sufficient, have social connections, attain personal growth, and personal vitality. Once these values are understood, a business' next step is to find advertising and sales cues that will cause this market to take action.

This might mean changing your advertising and sales strategies. On the internet what works and what doesn't is constantly changing. Lets face it we are in a very fluid market. To stay on top of your market you must be constantly changing to give your target group exactly what they are seeking.

Are you using marketing strategies that attracts your target market?

hummmm kind of makes you stop and think doesn't it...

Cindy McAsey
Marketing Strategies Coach  

Cindy McAsey is a well known Veretrainer and can be found training in the Veretraining Calendar.


Butch Hamilton Column
SEO The Focused and Simple Art

It becomes increasingly clear to me that the reasons that there is so much misinformation going around about what to do and what not to do in seo, is the primary reason that people have really not a clue what to do to gain search engine positions on Google.

The fact of the matter is, seo is very simple. If you are trying to get to the top of the leads category on Google, you simply title your sites, your blog posts, your forum posts and your press releases in just that way. LEADS. Nothing more and nothing less will accomplish your goals for top ratings.

People only tend to cloud their effectiveness when they try to enter into the area of writing creative and compelling content. In all actuality, Google is very clear in this aspect, but almost none really get the clear message. They are all thinking that they must be creative, flashy, compelling to get people to read their information.

This leads to the death of their effectiveness on the net. I can teach, train, put up screencastings and the whole gambit of how to approach the search engine spiders, but only a handful of people will take that information and run with it. Those who do, succeed. Those that do not, fall miserably short of their goals.

I remain perplexed about this, but the fact of the matter is, I am here to build a great business on the net. I accomplish this daily by writing effective ad titles, ad content, metatag descriptions that go to the top of high traffic keyword areas. I take a very simplistic approach to this whole process.

I learned my art from the best in the business, Mr. Tom Prendergast. He taught me the simple science of wax on...wax off. Remember The Karate Kid? If you do, then everything that I teach and train people in the art of seo, is relevant to this, and nothing more.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master

Butch Hamilton is a well known Veretrainer and can be found training in the Veretraining Calendar.



Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

To join the conference, just login to your Veretekk™ system and go to Veretraining, then just click on the Conference room link. The web conference begins at 6pm PST on Sunday.

Veretekk™ State of the System Address
Sunday, March 16, 2008 6pm PST


Mike Darling, President
Thomas Prendergast, CEO, Inc. (Veretekk™)

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