Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Fw: Leads



If you were to conduct a survey, I am going to make an assumption here that most people have bought leads to promote their online business at some point. If you are one of those people, you should be able to fairly closely calculate your ROI (return on investment) from purchasing those leads.

In one particular instance that I will share here, I bought $650 worth of leads. I made $3000 off of that investment. My ROI, in my opinion was relatively good, but the fact of the matter is, that when I purchased the second round of leads, my ROI was absolutely 0. I began to ascertain that possible buying leads was costing me too much money. I would simply have to find a better way to build my business than that, or soon, I would be falling short of my goals.

You must be willing to take charge of your work from home business and answer some very tough questions.

1. What is the cost of buying leads?

2. How much money are you willing to spend each and every month to get the best ROI that you possibly can?

3. Are the leads that you are buying converting into some type of cash sales, or are you simply throwing away good money in HOPES of getting a return?

4. Have you considered that there is an alternative to buying leads?


You actually have a myriad of ways to workaround the problem of buying non-producing leads. You can learn to produce your own leads. This is going to require a learning curve. In other words, you are going to have to commit a certain amount of time to learn search engine optimization, search engine marketing, building compatible websites and all the other elements that you need to have success from SOHO business.

If you are not currently in a good enough cash flow situation, then this way is possibly not the best approach to building a business on Google.

Is there another alternative to this problem? Yes there is, so continue reading. I am going to unlock a mystery of marketing that will reveal one of the best approaches to the problem that you are currently facing with your business.


This website: http://itsgoodbusiness.net is a site dedicated to showing people, just like yourself, how to buy customers not leads. In other words, for the money that you would normally spend each money on buying leads, you could simply turn that money into paying customers. These customers are already in the business, they like the products and they are going to purchase a certain amount of those products each and every month.

You have just found the keys to the kingdom of internet marketing.

1. You do NOT have to buy expensive leads ever again.

2. You do NOT have to make cold calls to prospects to build your business.

3. You do NOT have to struggle and strain to bring other distributors in your downline.

4. You do NOT even have to be concerned with where to place distributors that want to join your SOHO business.

You simply buy customers and the strategic power partners of: http://itsgoodbusiness.leadsgenerating.com will take care of placing those business builders below you in the most advantageous position.

You owe it to yourself to check out: http://itsgoodbusiness.net and see if this is not the best way to build a substantial online business that you have ever seen. Tom Prendergast, the master of the internet, will lead you down the path of success with a home business that you probably have never seen before.

We will not convince, coerce or sell you on the latest and greatest anything. As a matter of fact, we will simply invite you into our state of the art web conferencing room. We will give you realtime information on It's Good Business. You will make up your own mind in seeing that his get rich SLOW business is right for you.


Tom Prendergast-CEO Inetekk
Skype: Inetekk


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