Sunday, June 1, 2008

Transforming Debt Into Wealth

Transforming Debt Into Wealth
Many Americans families are literally drowning in consumer debt. The Federal Reserve statistics have this to say about consumer debt:
The size of the total consumer debt grew nearly five times in size from 1980 ($355 billion) to 2001 ($1.7 trillion). Consumer debt in 2007 now stands at $2.5 trillion.
The average household in 2007 carried nearly $8,500 in credit card debt.
As of the twelve months ending June 2006, there were 1.5 million consumer bankruptcy filings, including 1.1 million Chapter 7 filings, 0.1 million filings for Chapter 11 and 0.3 million Chapter 13 bankruptcies.
There are many factors to be considered when looking that current consumer debt problem. We have a currency issues, declining wages and jobs lost due to outsourcing and downsizing.
Sometimes additional streams of income are needed to reduce rising credit card debt. Americans charge approximately $1,735 billion dollars to their credit cards each year - that's just over $10,500 per cardholder.  This includes all credit card types including bank cards, phone cars, as well as credit cards issued by oil companies and retail store.
Roughly 2.0 to 2.5 million Americans seek the help of a credit counselor each year, mostly to avoid bankruptcy.
As dismal as those numbers may seem many people are re-kindling their entrepreneurial spirit and are exploring creating a small business online as a possible debt cure but unfortunately due to an unacceptable failure rate 95% of those who try are met with failure.
Why are so many who try working from home increasing their debt rather than eliminating their debt? The answer is simple. Many people enter the Internet business arena without the education needed to become successful. Most people don't spend the time to learn the details father than the last "flavor of the week" e-book will tell them.
They are desperate people taking huge risks based on they hype of "How easy", "Get Rich Quick" and "Overnight success" only to learn business on the Internet is none of the above. Marketing on the Internet is not a quick fix when it comes to solving your debt challenges.
To become a successful entrepreneur you have to become educated before you get involved with a program. Look for programs that have a proven track record of stability. Find out if they require you to buy leads. Are the products that you will be representing of good value and in an increasing market or are they a fad product.
Beware any program promoter who tells you just to leverage your "buy in" money on a credit card like the "Rich People" do and pay it off in 30 days with your windfall. If anyone says that to you, my advice is to grab your wallet and run!
There is a free webinar that explains how your affiliate company has set you up for failure from day 1. You will learn why the traditional distributor based business models don't work, why buying leads is an expensive and ineffective, unnecessary process that increases your debt, not eliminate your debt.
It's Good Business is a horse of a different color. It's Good Business is a team oriented, customer based opportunity that works in concert to build a solid business.
In a recent interview noted economist Dr Raymond Jewell had this to say about the It's Good Business opportunity "I have researched the Internet and there is nothing else like it on the Internet.", "It's Good Business has zero tolerance for failure."
Dr Jewell is absolutely correct.
The It's Good Business is the brainchild of Thomas Prendergast, CEO, Inetekk who has tested this busines model for the past 7 years before releasing it to the public in late February this year with outstanding results.
Within the first month It's Good Business had broken all previously held company records by compressing the time needed to achieve goals from 3 years into 30 days with a total group volume of over $30,000.
The second month repeated the first by propelling more team members into high level positions while generating over $63,000 TGV.
As It's Good Business approaches the 90 day mark it shows a consistant increase in performance moving more team members forward and over $100,000 TGV.
It's Good Business is a model that provides real opportunity for "average people" but as Tom Prendergast constantly reminds everyone "It's Good Business is not a get rich quick scheme."
It's Good Business is a real opportunity for real people committed to creating a successful, viable online business working toward the possibility of becoming debt free.
To attend a free information only presentation (You will not be sold anything) visit It's Good Business at every Saturday at 1pm Pacific.

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