Sunday, June 1, 2008

Mentoring For Free

Mentoring For Free

Your FREE Membership Gives You a Proven,
Tested System That ANY Network Marketer
Can Use To Build Their Business In ANY MLM!
Here's what you get:

FREE! MLM Network Marketing Leadership
Training & Mentoring 5 Nights a Week

Monday thru Thursday evenings at 8 pm Eastern, you and I call YOUR leads live and interactive! (You may participate, or just listen in.) This call is scheduled for 1 hour, but may run 2 or 3 hours, depending on how much training people need.

You learn how to be totally non-threatening. You learn how to spot a person's personality type within 1-2 minutes on the phone and present the way THEY want you to. You learn how to begin building a relationship with that person.

After each call, a dozen or more of my personally-trained mentors come back on the line for questions & comments. You learn the immense value of having a team to work with you.

You learn that MLM is not a sales business, and it's not a recruiting business. It's a teaching & mentoring business.

You will learn why you should use our exact phone presentation, word-for-word. Our phone script, when used with targeted leads, has over a 90% success rate of finding people who want to earn extra income from home. I will e-mail you a copy of our script, if you want.

FREE! Saturday at 9 pm Eastern, reps from 20-30 MLM
companies participate in 1-hour trainings on:

"The Power of the List": The fact is, MLM companies come & go. So don't build ANY company's customer list. Learn to build your OWN list of raving fans. That way, you'll have security, in case anything bad happens with your company.

"The 5 Pillars:" Learn how to quickly & thoroughly evaluate ANY business opportunity so you don't invest a lot of time & money in a big loser. Critical information.

"Color To Success": Learn all the techniques necessary to spot a person's personality type within 1-2 minutes on the phone, present the way THEY want you to, and actually build a relationship on the phone! This training also available on CD at

"How To Evaluate & Compare MLM Compensation Plans": You'll learn the differences between compensation plans, what type of distributor behavior each comp plan drives, why certain personality types have better success with certain compensation plans & much more.

Napoleon Hill interviewed 500 of the "richest" people in the world when he wrote, "Think and Grow Rich". All 500 had ONE thing in common: Every one of them worked with a "Mastermind" group.

FREE! Saturday (10:30 pm Eastern) "Mastermind Call":

Mastermind calls run as long as 4 hours, with reps from 20-30 different MLM companies. All callers have a homework assignment from the previous week - reading a certain chapter of a book & commenting on it.

The written part of the assignment is posted on our team website, so everyone can benefit from everyone else's thoughts.

All callers are also invited to comment on thoughts voiced during the call. No negativity is tolerated.

FREE! Michael Dlouhy's "MLM Letter"

Once a week in your email you'll get our time-tested marketing & relationship-building principles & how to implement them.

I'll train you to promote yourself and to completely train everyone in your group to be successful using our resources.

Come to and smell the fragrance of real business on Google.

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