Sunday, June 1, 2008

Baby Boomers Network Marketing

The wave of baby boomers reaching retirement age has been a hot topic
in the news lately.  As these baby boomers quickly close in on their
retirement years, they realize their retirement funds are not keeping
pace with rising prices.  These
baby boomers are looking for ways to supplement their shrinking pensions.

There are many ways that the baby boomer nearing retirement can
supplement their income.  The one method that many entrepreneurial
baby boomers are looking at is Network Marketing.  Network Marketing
opportunities open the door on entrepreneurship for millions of
prospective business owners at a fraction of the start-up costs of a
franchise.  In fact, Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki in their book -
Why We Want You To Be Rich - endorse Network Marketing as a good way
for an entrepreneurial person to get started in business.

Now Network Marketing has previously had a poor reputation, but recently new
technologies and sound business models are working toward cleaning up the
Network Marketing industry.  There are many Network Marketing companies out
there marketing all kinds of products and services, but it's important to find
the right company.  Most people have a tendency of spending years and a lot of
money looking for that quick fix instead of looking for the right company.  In
fact, Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki mention in their book the importance of

In your search on Google for the RIGHT COMPANY to partner with - you will find  The new technology and sound business model behind is breaking all kinds of records in the last 3 months. was developed by Tom Prendergast and with his
leadership, has become a work from home business that is producing
amazing results.  The business model that Tom has created has broken
the mold of the old and tired Network Marketing business.

The model shows people how to buy customers not leads to
build a strong foundation for a work from home business.  Everyone that joins
the group becomes a part of a massive team effort helping one another succeed
with a home business.  People are never sold, convinced or coerced into joining
the Its Good Business team.  In fact, there are certain expectations that must
be met before an individual is allowed into the Its Good Business group.

To get more information:

The business model is for the baby boomer looking for a
proven method to succeed with an online home business.  When followed closely,
this business plan will produce long lasting results.

Visit our website:

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