Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Webmasters or Webmasturbators?
Ok, so we move into a little different topic concerning successful promoting on Google.  I like to term so called webmasters, as nothing more than webmasturbators.  The reason for my direct approach with these people is clear.  I have worked with many of these people in my seo business.  By and large, they can all build great websites, put all the bells and whistles, and make the sites very clean, crisp and appealing, but the simple fact remains that almost all of them have not one clue in the world on how to maximize those site to obtain top positions on Google.
Now these people spend incredible amounts of time, energy and technical details into their work.  It would seem logical to me that they would know how to create a title, metatag description and keywords that would get a good search engine position on Google.  I guess that is just too much to ask for a $10000 website, huh?
When you really think about it, what good is a website that no one will ever see?  How much traffic are you going to get to that site?  How many sales are you going to make with that great looking site?  That answer is obvious.
Look, when you are looking for someone to build an effective website for you, you must consider that webmasters are the least likely candidates for that job.  They will build you shopping carts, graphics, and all types of cute things, but to Google, these sites will be literally dead in the water.  Hell, you may as well try to promote a self replicated website.  You will have just about as much luck.
I worked with a known company on the internet.  I have to say that the website design was very nice.  The site loaded quickly and contained loads of information.  There was one major problem with those sites;  however, and that was the fact that they had no title tag, no metatag description and no keywords!  Incredible as this may sound, these sites, when viewed by the search engine spiders of Google, were nothing more than a url and a blank sheet of paper.  I don't care how much you spent in promoting that site, it would go absolutely nowhere.
The interesting thing about all this is that this business costs thousands of dollars to become involved with!  Honestly, if I spent thousands of dollars, I want something for my money, don't you?  It was like you were buying digital trash.  There is a rule of thumb that I live by on the net, in regards to websites.
This is known fact on Google.  You can pay tens of thousands of dollars for nothing more than digital junk, or you can turn over your promoting to professionals like Phase IV Marketing Group.  We have the knowledge, insight, tools and all the elements combined into our sites that gather traffic.  After all, you found this article, right?
A website is nothing more than your storefront.  Your storefront needs to be clean, crisp and give benefits and solutions.  That is what we are all about at Phase IV Marketing Group.  We are a no frills,  and results getting search engine optimization company.  We take your sites, build them to our specs and get the traffic that you need to make sales.
Don't turn your online business over to webmasturbators.  You will get the results that you pay for.  Absolutely NOTHING!  Go with the proven Masters of Google at Phase IV Marketing Group.  It is the wise decision for you to make.

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