Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Visualization Marketing

Visualization Marketing

I like to use the term Visualization Marketing which very well describes the art and science of visualizing your success in any endeavor that you might choose to approach on Google. I began my journey with visualization marketing years ago. I found on Google, a series of well written articles by none other than the famous Bill Gates. I read his articles and became intensely interested in this thing called visualization marketing.

I believe that visualization is the first step in achieving desired success. You must first visualize your sucess. This sets up a strategic series of events that will lead to that inevitable process. You have probably heard of The Secret many times. Everyone says that you must see The Secret. In all actuality, there is no real secret to visualization. It is simply the act of thinking about what you wish to accomplish. You envision this and thereby, you have setup these events to become reality.

When I speak to others about visualization, this can act as the opposite just as effectively. If you are consistently thinking that you cannot be successful, cannot make money, cannot pay your bills and that you cannot achieve any type of success, then you will be exactly right. Your self talk can be your best friend, or your worst enemy.


When I hear people say, and believe you me, I hear this statement many times per week, "I cannot make any money online." They have set themselves up for failure. Conversely, if you maintain a positive approach to the art and science of wealth creation, and visualize your success, then you will achieve that.

It is a universal law of life that states what we think is what we become. When you think can't, won't, shouldn't or any other negatives, that is exactly what you will get. Its time to begin to understand that any, and all, success that you have, begins with your self talk. Until you grab hold of this one universal principle. you are destined to fail time after time, both in real life and in an online business as well.


You may be thinking right now that this is some type of Anthony Robbins mumbo jumbo. It is not. It costs you absolutley nothing, and will prove to you that it works, and will work every single time. Each business that you are now involved with either has success because of your core thoughts, or failure, because of the way that you are envisioning your business.

In my search engine optimization business, the first step that I take with any new seo client is that I will sit and visuaize exactly where I want this campaign to go on Google. This is the process that I use before I actually go to work with any online business or corporation. I visualize my success with the seo campaign, and it will prove to be successful..


Its now time for you to become a business professional. You require my seo services to gain top positions on Google, Yahoo, MSN and the other major search engines. You are probably like most people online today, and are making all the wrong moves. Its time that you realize that you really have not a clue what you are doing.

Turn your seo campaign over to the best in the industry, Phase IV Marketing Group. We offer all services from domain purchasing to website construction and successfully promoting websites to top positions on Google. Our talent is in marketing effectively on Google.


Fill in our form for more info concerning search engine optimization, search engine marketing, building effective websites and promoting on Google. You will receive an education by doing this.


Phase IV Marketing Group

Visualization Marketing

Visualization Marketing


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