Sunday, May 18, 2008

Veretekk News

Veretekk News
Special Late Edition! Read it, it will make your juices flow!

The Platinum Control Panel
Special Edition. We are going to be announcing the beta control panel offer soon. Tonight we will discuss many of the features and benefits of this visionary addition to the Veretekk system.
We will be forming a special beta group of effective and successful Veretekk Gold subscribers that will have access to the Platinum Control Panel and input into this 'tantamount' application. This group of visionaries along with Mike and myself plan on making this so dynamic that it will change SEO forever.
Brought about by my need for an effective system to move into SEO campaigns faster and more effective than what we have been doing by hand. The core of Veretekk has been built for this, but as I started building my campaigns my mind starting churning ideas to streamline the power that Veretekk possesses.
Like swarming your Veretekk portals. Swarming (connecting all your portals together with links) one Gold system is not difficult, but as I started making more keyword specific domains, the lights started going off. I started making keyword specific Veretekk username accounts to match those domains. As of this writing I have over 20 Veretekk Gold keyword specific sites matching 20 of my keyword specific domains. I needed this automated.
As I dug into the Veretekk RSS FEED (Blogfather) system, another light bulb went off. I know the power of Blogs thanks to my good friends Butch Hamilton, Cindy McAsey, and others. So I got this idea that it would be great to have thousands of Blogs all controlled from logging into my Veretekk sites and using the Veretekk RSS FEED system. Just like it writes that single rss feed to all of the Traffic Portals, I thought about making Blogs that could be controlled and display the same feed from Veretekk. Bingo, the Blogger drones were created. You can see one here:
But it only posts one single rss feed. Am I making sense here to you gentle reader? So then I conceived the idea of the Super Blogs. See one of them here:
Real Wordpress blogs that can host all of my rss feeds from all of my Veretekk Gold systems. So I went about building scores of these. This is chaos theory at work here. Not one of them looks or acts like the others. Because my links into them are randomized by my programming them all at different times. Talk about POWER in SEO!
I have been busy. I am on fire with this. I am consumed by this. Sorry I have not been answering your posts in the Forum. I am also doing taxes at the same time and running Veretekk. So I am back to working those 22 hours a day regimen with that dire urgency thing again I often have to deal with!
So I needed a way to make this automated. That is when the idea of the Platinum Control Panel hit me. Then my juices really began to flow. What if we automated the whole swarming procedure for doing scores of Veretekk Gold systems? What if we turned hundreds of our unused domains we have in inventory into Super Blogs? What if we turned those Super Blogs domains into thousands of Veretekk username subdomains and put the Blogger Drones on them?
The following is the rough draft I have sent to Mike Darling to start analyzing as we prepare to build this absolute SEO monster! My ideas are flowing like an early thaw river in Montana!
The Platinum Portal Control can subscribe up to 20 Veretekk Gold accounts to control with the features listed below. As a Veretekk Gold account is added (By putting the username and password) into the PCP config that Veretekk account becomes a slave to the master PCP. That Veretekk Gold Account then shows a message when logging in that it is a slave to the PCP.
Centralize a similar Bully Pulpit with a pull down menu for each Gold system in the config. Allows posting daily.
Works like Sequential Mailer and Free Page. A central system to build web pages and save them. Then choose the domains (all the sub domain portals) you want them on and the name of the file. Need to keep track of file names not to write and names already used. Need a management system listing all the web pages built.
I have a huge list of feed burners. I think we can post to them like we do the Hammer
Ad sights to submit and saved
This is something that takes time. We need to build our own target system like:
And SEO it to get the traffic
First we get a video instructing the importance of and process of keyword searching Then we build a keyword system to use
Submits key worded adds to all the SEO Portals in the Veretekk database.
(this configures all main traffic portals, all SEO portals only. The rss feeds configure the Blogger portals)
Choose your marketing group you want to configure:
1. CONFIGURE TITLE TAGS on all portals
4. Configure Link #1 to Swarm. Swarming links each TP to the next. With the last TP then linking to the next in a ring. The link name describes the TP it links to. We need a definition for this.
5. Configure Link#2 Link name and URL are entered to do this.
6. Configure Link#3 Link name and URL are entered to do this.
7. Link #4 is automatically configured to link to the first of the extortion root domain Super Blogs
8. Link #5 is automatically configured to link to the associated Blogger drone sub-domain ring of Blogger drones
Control of rss feeds into the Super Blogs found on all the root domains we use for the Super Blog arsenal. In other words every extortion marketing root domain should have a Wordpress Blog. Putting the Feedsnap plug in into these blogs will allow writing to them the Veretekk RSS feeds.
We need a mechanism that puts them into their associated SQL database and only from the PCP (Platinum Control Panel) and removes them when the PCP is canceled from either card failure or manual cancellation or removed by the PCP owner as well.
All of these blogs need to be daisy chained into a ring. This is what I have done with a small version found here.
CONFIGURATION OF THE BLOGGER DRONES<BR> I have built 20 unique blog formatted Blogger drone designs to date. Each Veretekk Gold Account when controlled by the Portal Control Panel activates these Blog Drones. Upon activation all the Blogger Drones are produced with a random selection of default designs. THE PCP also allows choosing from the design list if a specific Blogger drone design is desired.
The Portal Control Panel will not be for everyone. In fact, requests for Portal Control Panels will be controlled and will require activation from the Inetekk Admin. Before activation we will investigate the subscriber requesting a PCP. We will look at your Bully Pulpit letters. We will look at your Market Center configuration. We will look at your Veretekk RSS FEEDS. We will look at your Sequential Letters. We will search you on the Internet. We may even call you, before we activate the system.
It will be expensive ($405 per month) It will only pay 1 level commissions and only to another PCP subscriber.
After talking this over with Mike we both know this project will require hundreds of thousands of dollars for PHP development, HTML design work, SQL database engineering, from our SQL engineers and 100s of more servers. So we have an idea on how to raise this needed capital.
Joins us tonight as we run these ideas by you.
Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.

Veretekk Subscriptions continue to grow
Will you be the next one to earn $1000.00 or more?
The Bench Mark Bonus is climbing and is already near $1000 already!
See you this Sunday!
Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.

Butch Hamilton Column
MLM Opportunities
In my ongoing research of the top MLM companies on Google today, it has been a very interesting ride indeed. You see, Veretekk is all about education and knowledge. We teach people about the good businesses from the bad. We teach people how to determine if an opportunity is really sound, or just a lot of smoke and mirrors.
MLM companies, while they all tout claims of being the only one that has this or that, are all the same. I am not the type of person to make bold statements, unless I can substantiate my findings. In my search engine optimization business, I have the rare opportunity to view MLM companies from a first hand experience. In order for me to fully promote a website for an individual, I must dig deep into that business to see what it really is all about.
I am going to repeat once again. ALL MLM COMPANIES ARE THE SAME! I don't care what product or service they offer, the compensation plans, the payouts, the rewards, the opportunities and every conceivable facet of their organizations is exactly alike. You take Noni, Goji, Berry Young Juice, Zrii, Melaleuca, Jus, FruitaVida, and MonaVie for example. They are all jungle juices. They all claim exotic substances that are a magic cure for health. They all claim that their compensation plans are heads above the rest. Even though they CALL their compensation plans unique. The word NOT applies fully here.
Leads companies, while not MLM companies per sae, are all the same. They CLAIM that their leads are the best. These leads are fresh, telephone surveyed, never before sold, unique BEST MLM Leads and all the rest of the boring rhetoric that we hear every day. In all actuality, these leads are worthless, expensive, overrated and quite frankly, a total waste of your money. If you know not of what I speak, just go buy some of these leads, and see what happens. You will make cold phone calls to people who the leads brokers said were eager to buy your latest and greatest widget. What you will find are disconnected phone numbers, voice mails, answering machines and occasionally, you will get hold of someone who will give you a sever thrashing for calling his or her phone number because they happen to be on the do not call list.
My point here folks is that you must become educated in the way that the internet works. Most of it is really nothing buy lies, hype, scams, deceptions and misrepresentations. Oh sure, you may think that the upline sponsor is some sort of internet marketing guru, but in all actuality, the gurus are nothing more than the best liars. You so called upline sponsor will lie to you faster than a New York minute just to make another notch in their belt. They may also teach you some little tactics like "fake it until you make it."
The burning question here is: are there really companies that operate on Google that are real, substantial, give the best training, give people real-time knowledge on how to really succeed online? Sure there are. You are looking at this article that is dedicated to the one and only real business on Google that provides all of the above, and much more. Its called Veretekk.
You can rest assured that the leaders within Veretekk are banded together to fight against the tyranny and lies of MLM companies. We have dedicated ourselves to teaching real people how to become successful for a SOHO business. We are fully committed to teaching, training and mentoring people in the art and science of search engine optimization, search engine marketing, building effective websites, writing effective autoresponder letters and so much more. There is not another system on Google today that can much the unparalleled power of Veretekk in promoting to all the major search engines.
My point to this article is this. You must become fully aware that you will NOT get rich quick here. It will take intense work ethics and determination to succeed. Veretekk is not about making money quickly with no effort. As a matter of fact, if you are a Veretekk member that possesses that type of mentality, I suggest that you go elsewhere. You will be sadly disappointed with your results with that type of "stinkin MLM thinkin."
Approach your online business just the way that you would build a signficant business in the "real" world. Come prepared to spend years in your quest for excellence.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
Butch Hamilton is a well known Veretrainer and can be found training in the Gold Veretraining Calendar.

The Bully Pulpit Upgrade is still in the works
We are working at getting this completed.
I have rebuilt the Bully Pulpit database to run from a master server and slave server SQL system. This will make your Bully Pulpit load like lightening.
Another small delay We had to order a different drive array card. It has been shipped and should be at the colo this Monday. We will keep you posted. This is a very big project and is needed to bring on the Platinum Control Panel now as well.
Now we are in the process of getting the database running on this new server!
Total cost of this expansion will exceed $20,000. Your Veretekk™ subscriptions at work!
To find out more about this, come to this Sunday's conference.
Let's pack the house!
Mike Darling
President, Inc.

Cindy McAsey Column
For people who Struggle with Writing Content for Blogfather News Feed
In the next 2 minutes you are going to learn a skill that will lead to a strategy. Remember last week I showed you the formula I use for online success? Skills + Strategies + Testing + Fine Tuning Based on Results = Online Success
Everyone starts out at a different place when they come online and start marketing. What I'm about to share with you is for the person who is absoultly terrified to put a written word down. I have found this little freee tool online that most internet marketers are going to great lengths to figure out how to best use it. When I first saw it I knew exactly the people it could help. This little tool is called twitter. I feel one huge value it will deliver is for people who are terrified to put a written word online.
In the Veretekk web conference rooms most "veretekkies" don't have a problem chating back and forth in the text chat area. I've noticed some of the same people who are good text chatters telling me in class they terrified of writing content. This is where twitter comes in for those who have a fear of starting to write content. With twitter you can only write 140 charaters and that's it. It's a mini RSS feed and even though I don't see it as a SEO tool, it does get spidered by google.
You be the judge, get a twitter account (, then start logging your daily activities. Basically every time you post think of it as a friend asking you what you are doing? All you are doing is answering the question. After you answer this question several times a day over a couple of weeks it will become very routine for you. When you feel comfortable answering this question over and over, start paying attention to logging what you are doing in your business. Remember you only have 140 charaters to work with, soon you will have a hard time compressing your answers in only 140 charaters.
Little by little begin placing your business answers to "what are you doing" in note pad, or what I do is just write in edit plus where you aren't limited to 140 charaters. Keep writing your content in a conversation mode, but instead of just answering the question "what are you doing" start telling stories of what happened today just like you were telling your friend. As you progress with these short stories start placing this content in your blogfather feed.
The way I look at it some content is better than no content at all. In time as you develop a habit of writing about your business you will want to start to think about who you are writing this content for and what keywords they might search on to find your content. There are many Veretekk trainings weekly that talk about choosing your target market and the best keywords to optimize your blogfather news feed for. Remember all the training in the world won't help you if you are unable to act on what you learn.
I assume you are a serious marketer if you are using the Veretekk system. Take advantage of the power of Veretekk and do what it takes to ease your way into writing your own content for your news feed. No one knows your business like you do. Every business needs customers and most businesses will partner with other businesses as a way to expand. Bottom line every business needs people wether they are customers or business partners to survive.
You must understand that people don't join companies. People don't join products. People don't join compensation plans, and they don't join systems either. The KEY is PEOPLE JOIN PEOPLE. This is a relationship business. People will be drawn to you for the positive qualities they believe exist within themselves. In a similar way people will tend to push away from those qualities they fear most in themselves. This is a good thing, wouldn't you rather do business with people whom you have something in common with?
Think of marketing online like being amoung a huge sea of people, when you write your own content you will attract into your business the people who are attracted to you by what you write.
If you have a dream to run your own business and become an online success story like I did making passive income, start plugging into my trainings. My Veretekk training is exclusive for gold Veretekk members who are serious about learning my marketing strategies to build their own business success. If this is you, take inspired action, and show up. Let me show you my event schedule barefoot-in-the-garden I update this weekly.
To your success,
Cindy McAsey
Marketing Strategies Coach
Cindy McAsey is a well known Veretrainer™ and can be found training in the Gold Veretraining™ Calendar.

Pat Hoffman Customer Support Tips
Veretekk™ and what is it's Power
As a trainer with Veretekk and the person that handles the VereCare support I do get questions about where to start with Veretekk. Many people on the Internet are looking for a push button operation for their marketing success. I remember when I started many years ago, I also looked for that magic button. Eventually, I had to face the reality of it, there is no magic button.
Even after I found Veretekk, like many members, I just did not get it. I had to work to configure my portals but once I had my system configured, I could then push a few buttons. Of course, most of those buttons connect to the Hammer. I once heard it said, that when you have a Hammer, everything looks like a Nail.
I became a trainer to learn about Veretekk and what I learned was that the Hammer served it's purpose at one time but everything shifts and one must adapt or die. I am an old gal and find it hard to change but I pay attention to what Tom tells the Veretekk members in the Bully Pulpit, Sunday at the meetings and his trainings and I am on the road to change.
I have learned that taking the time to plan before starting to configure my Veretekk system is most important, because the planning is what will make the difference. You have to know where you want to go before you start the trip if you want the trip to be a success.
The April 20th Bully Pulpit touched on how Marketing makes money and points out that, "Marketing is 90% planning, research and preparation." The planning, research and preparation takes a bit of time and effort but the pay off is worth it.
Tom goes on to say, "The Internet represents the biggest market to ever exist in history. It crosses all borders and includes millions, perhaps billions of people. Preparing for a market of that size is a daunting task and that is exactly what Veretekk is. A fully functional and sophisticated system prepared to address the largest market ever known to the human race."
Veretekk is becoming the world-class system it was destined to be, says Thomas. So, are you using your Veretekk system to it's fullest capabilities?
Live trainings are one of Veretekk' most powerful assets. And the trainings offered by Thomas Prendergast are unsurpassed. Who better to train you on how to use your Veretekk system than the man that co-created it and continues to develop and build on it. In addition, he will be training the trainers too.
I continue to learn from Tom and other trainers. In addition, as a trainer, I am often put in the position of having to find answers to new questions, which is another learning process.
So, what is the Power of Veretekk?
Aside from the obvious, it is the ability to adapt, change and grow, to meet the needs of the Professional Internet Marketer. How willing are you to adapt and change along with your Veretekk system?
I know you were looking for a step-by-step of how to use your Veretekk system, so here it is:
Plan: Create a plan of what you want to happen with the marketing you will be doing with your Veretekk system.
Trainings: Pick your Live trainings with care according to your marketing plans and needs, and learn how to use the tools available in your Veretekk system.
Understanding: Ask questions of the trainers, so you understand what is being presented to you at the trainings.
Action: Put what you have learned into action that same day so you retain what you have learned and can build on it to make it yours.
If you create a Plan, go to Trainings you need, as Questions so you understand and finally put what you have Learned into Action - you will know how to use your most Powerful Veretekk Marketing System to promote whatever you want. You will not need me to tell you what to do and how to do it.
Pat Hoffman
VereCare™ LIVE Online Support Person
Pat Hoffman is a well known Veretrainer™ and runs our VereCare™ support. She can be found training in the Veretraining™ Calendar.

The Flood Of Testimonials Continues...
Real People With Real Results!
I was recently searching for leads for a mlm for which i am a distributor, and ran across an interesting site saying to buy customers not leads. Needless to say Trent and I signed up the next day May 1st.
I am decent on the computer but I have no html or blogging experience. May 14th we submitted my site to google at 10:30 and at 11:00 I was the top spot on google! I have an amazing trainer who has helped walk me through the process of learning how to blog. I just wanted to thank Tom and Jeff Sloe, my trainer, Veretekk and everyone else who has helped along the way.
I would have never been able to harness the power of the Internet on my own.
Eric Anderson

Veretekk...the wind beneath my wings.
I have always read the various testimonials included in the weekly bully pulpit sent out by Tom and I always wanted to share by experience, but because I was not earning as I would have wanted to I would just let my thoughts and ideas die a natural death.
I have finally found the courage to put my thoughts together in this my first endorsement of the veretekk system and by extension the various trainers that have assisted me to understand the system so much so that I too am now a trainer. Veretekk is not just about you earning the big bucks but its about what I have learnt since being a member which is invaluable.
I came on the internet as a grasshopper, green and innocent and was jumping around from program to program, what followed was disappointment after disappointment until one day I realized I was actually drowning in my ignorance of internet marketing. I lost my job after hurricane "Ivan" devastated our small Island Jamaica, funds dried up rapidly and I was sitting wondering how I could have reached in this predicament.
I still had faith in the internet so with limited or no resources financially and otherwise, I found veretekk through their flagship blaster "blastomatic", it did not take me long to become a member of veretekk but my mlm junkie behavior did not make me appreciate what veretekk was all about so for months I did not touch the system...seeing it as being too complicated...I had not yet dropped the push button to success mentality I had absorbed from all the BS I had learnt prior to veretekk.
I am like the USS Enterprise, I refuse to go under, withstanding all the torpedoes, bombs and kamikaze shooters that have attacked me in this online war game called MLM...and I know with veretekk I will survive...veretekk has not only given me a lifeline but is also teaching me how to survive.
Fellow veretekkies, if you are reading this testimonial then you are already a member of veretekk so already you are on your way to online success but, if your account is not "Gold" then it's like having a Ferrari and have never driven it to experience the "WOW" factor that it gives.
No doubt you have heard Tom talking about "its good business®" and the phenomenal results being achieved by the team there utilizing the veretekk system - folks IT IS ALL TRUE!...though I am not yet a paying member of Trivita, I am a part of the itsgoodbusiness blogger drone marketing team and I am humbled by what I see taking place there, sometimes I ask God "why did I not find veretekk when I initially came to the internet?". Whatever business you are a part of it WILL greatly benefit from your veretekk system and the training you are getting here. Fasten your seat-belt folks Space Shuttle Veretekk will be taking us and the internet to a new level soon.
Melford Woolery
Montego Bay, Jamaica

I have to say that the Veretekk system is the best and fastest way to get your web site on page one of Google I ever seen. I configured my system the way the trainers show you to do and to my surprise my web site is #2 on page one of Google. Veretekk is Money well spent. Keep up the good work Tom and Mike
Phillip Brown

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
To join the conference, just login to your Veretekk™ system and go to Veretraining™, then just click on the Calendar. The web conference begins at 6pm PST on Sunday.
Veretekk™ State of the System Address
Sunday, May 18, 2008 6pm PST
Mike Darling, President
Thomas Prendergast, CEO, Inc. (Veretekk™)


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