Thursday, May 8, 2008



A lot of hype is going around several of the forums that I visit regarding uVme and exactly what it's all about. To tell you the truth, I don't have a clue as to the official launch date or exactly how it all will work. I do know that it is another network marketing program that has a payment plan like just about every other program of it's kind.

I signed up with uVme a couple of weeks ago when I was first introduced to the opportunity. And because it was still in pre-launch and free, I jumped on board. After writing a simple post introducing uVme to my readers, dozens of you guys followed suit and signed on as well. uVme still hasn't officially launched, but I do think the product that will be marketed will no doubt stand the test of time… online gaming.

The monthly cost of being an active member in uVme is also a very reasonable 10 bucks per month. And if you can refer just two people who remain active, you will start receiving a monthly check. The key to any network marketing company is getting in early, and now is definitely early.

How do you make money with uVme?

We have created a powerful, unique business with which you can earn money in several different ways. As you build your team of players, you can also create a team of Associates to boost your earnings even more. You can earn:

Game Revenue â€" each time a game is played, you get paid

Fast Start Bonus â€" for each personally sponsored Associate who becomes "active"

Instant Pay â€" you get paid instantly

Power Pool Revenue Share â€" 8% of company turnover shared out with you

100% Matching Bonus â€" gives you a matching income from every one of your personally sponsored "active" Associates

Group Generation Bonus â€" 3%-5% commission on seven "generations", with dynamic compression

Infinity Bonus â€" up to 3% commission on even deeper levels


If you have never been involved in a network marketing company, don't enter in expecting an easy ride. Working hard and getting referrals is only half the battle. Your main focus has to be on training your "downline" to be as productive as you, and that is not as easy as it sounds.

The majority of the money I make online is from a network marketing opportunity that I began promoting some 18 months ago. I was lucky enough to sign on at the right time, refer a few focused individuals and am now enjoying the benefits of several hard working months. Now I do absolutely nothing (other than collect a check) associated with that program; no promoting, no referring, nothing. My downline has completely set my income on auto pilot and it is growing each and every month.

My point is simple. Only enter the uVme experience if you are prepared to work and educate all those you refer. make yourself available at all times to your downline. The more help you give, the more money you will make. Be patient, work hard and stay focused on the opportunity at hand and you will succeed.

Make Money Online with UVME?


Into playing games?

Are you an internet gaming freak?

Does the whole aspect of playing online games make you gag?

Are you ready for something totally different?

The Quiet Business


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