Monday, May 5, 2008

USANA, Great Company but Traditional Growth!!!


USANA is a great company and has been built on a good basis of putting out quality products. Having a great reputation for making quality products is really not the answer. Many companies have a great reputation for quality and make sure that quality is never compromised.


USANA has a great reputation and will probably continue to protect their reputation with good controls on their products and their distributors. You see like many MLM or Network Marketing companies USANA protects their presence on the internet as well as protecting the quality in their products much to their detriment.


Their traditional marketing approach of marketing through distributors or affiliates puts USANA in the same mold as other traditional MLM or network marketing companies. The company may have the best products, maintain the highest quality but unless their marketing system is easier than the others they're no better than the others.


Like the traditional MLM or network marketing concept of marketing USANA relies on their distributors to spend their own money to get leads to call in order to bring new people into the business. Also through calling leads that have been purchased they're trying to sell product as well. So the whole focus of growing a business is driven by cold calls to worthless leads. Unless you have a huge extended family that will listen to you and purchase the products your business development is extremely limited.


All the MLM or network marketing companies rely on the individuals to spend their own money to develop their own personal sales. So the only way this can be done is relegated to the purchase of leads that have been sold many times over. This strategy causes many people to burn out quickly.


Buy Customers not Leads


As we know the old business model of buying worthless leads does not work, and when something doesn't work many times new strategies or models will replace a flawed outdated one. There is a new home business model that is taking the Internet by storm which is called, buy customers not leads. This new model enables a business developer to join a company that already sells to costumers then turns around and sells a customer to their business affiliates. The purchase of the existing customer is considerably less than the traditional way of acquiring customers. When you purchase a customer you now have a person who is already sold on your company and is buying products. Also when you purchase the customer you now get commissions for life.


I can write volumes about this model but you have to see it yourself to feel and get its full impact. If you're interested in entering a business that is light years ahead of the competition you should go to and listen to the online presentation that is held weekly, Saturday's at 1:00 PM Pacific time. You will be able to learn how this new business model can literally allow you to create multiple streams of revenue "without breaking a sweat ".


The purpose of this article is to simply get your attention and introduce you to this new business model. If you like what you hear at the online meeting and it is appealing to you please feel free to contact me at 610 – 637 – 4884 or Skype me at ID: rbjewell and I will explain the model further to you.


Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor


Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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