Thursday, May 15, 2008



The name Trivita stands for quality and service in the pharmaceutical grade health food industry. Trivita is dedicated to providing its customer base with the finest in all types of natural foods that lead to improved health. Living productively is essentially the core message within Trivita.

Their business model is short and direct. They provide top level customer support and accept nothing less than the best from their products and services. Their innovative approach to building successful businesses on Google is unmatched in the work from home industry. While most MLM companies are out on the net expounding their great gift to the world of making people rich slow, Trivita is dedicated to just the opposite.

This is precisely why I chose to brand the term The Quiet business. The expressly says the whole story. I am here to build a substantial business in the right way by utilizing the power of the written work on Google, Yahoo, MSN, WindowsLive and all the other major search engines. Any marketer who truly knows his business, realizes that this is the only way to adequately promote an online business.

You give people benefits and solutions. You do not advertise your latest and greatest "jump on board with me business." You work quietly, efficiently and powerfully. This is what drives both Trivita and to the pinnacle of success in the SOHO industry.

We all have tough choices to make in building a business. We can do what everyone else does, and suffer the same consequences that all internet marketing produces. Or, we can choose to take the road less travelled.
The Quiet Business and Trivita are that road less travelled. People who come here are searching for real answers to real questions concerning building a home business that thrives, not dries like the fall leaves.

Trivita has no business plan that has been seen before. The products are outstanding, but we, at are not product driven. We choose to operate our successful business by simply using search engine marketing at its finest, to gain notoriety and presence on Google.

We are no looking for everyone to join this business. If I feel that you are still in that MLM mode of thinking, I will tell you knot to join this business. You will become excited too quickly and you will obviously head down the same path that you have tried before. I am looking only for dedicated men and women who have a dream and are willing to work towards that dream.

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