Saturday, May 10, 2008

Trivita Wellness Report

(revised from previous post)
May 10, 2008 FEEL BETTER TODAY. HEALTHIER TOMORROW.  Visit:  TrivitaHealth   
The Best Calcium for Your Bones

The second best-selling nutritional supplement in America is calcium. What does it really do? And what are the best sources?
Calcium: What it is and what it does
Calcium is an essential nutrient for all animal and plant life. It begins life as a mineral: calcium carbonate in rocks. Plants extract calcium salts (calcium chloride) and use them for creating energy. As the food chain continues, animals that eat plants then concentrate the calcium into both liquid and solid states. Solid calcium helps create hard, compact tissues like teeth and bones. Liquid calcium resides inside your cells, your nerves and all of your muscles – including your heart! Every time a muscle contracts it uses calcium. There is also calcium in your bloodstream.
All medical organizations recognize the need to get adequate calcium every day. This is usually through:
Dietary sources – Dietary sources range from kale and walnuts to beef and milk.
Supplementation – Supplements use calcium from both living and non-living sources. Living sources include things such as bone meal and microcrystalline hydroxyapatite concentrate (MCHC), while non-living sources include things such as calcium carbonate.
Calcium and osteoporosis
The primary use for calcium is treating osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is the condition where there's a high loss of bone density; your bones become so thin that they may break with the simple act of sneezing or stepping off a curb.
Osteoporosis is a very serious disease, with more women dying of osteoporosis-related fractures than from breast cancer! A diet high in calcium can help prevent osteoporosis if the calcium is absorbed and if there are enough other nutrients (such as Vitamin D) to transport this calcium to the bones.
The best sources of calcium

The debate about the quality of calcium begins with its source: Is calcium from stone, oyster shell or eggshell as good as calcium from fruits and vegetables? Is calcium from milk and beef equivalent to calcium from nuts and fish? The answer is that certain forms of calcium are good for certain applications.
Calcium carbonate contributes to our health in supplement form by stabilizing stomach acids. These supplements have also been shown to reduce a person's risk for colon cancer. Some people find that calcium carbonate provides relief from muscle cramps or cramps associated with PMS
Chelated calcium is calcium carbonate bound to protein (calcium orotate, calcium lactate, calcium citrate, etc.). These have been shown to effectively balance the ratio of "good" cholesterol (HDL) to "bad" cholesterol (LDL).

Calcium from bone meal and MCHC works best with teeth and bones. For instance, calcium carbonate will not help with the worst cases of osteoporosis. Yet studies have shown that MCHC may improve/increase bone density as much as 6% in a single year! Let me repeat this: In clinical trials where bone density is measured, the greatest benefits to teeth and bones came from MCHC. Calcium carbonate provided only a fraction of the protection of MCHC.

One of the primary sources of calcium is from food itself. After all, where do animals get their calcium? From fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish and some meats! We are no different. We should eat up to nine servings of fruit and vegetables daily to ensure that we get enough calcium. We can increase the likelihood of a consistent calcium supply by supplementing with an appropriate source of calcium.

The dairy debate

One common recommendation for the prevention of osteoporosis is to drink milk and eat milk-based foods. This recommendation is based on the observation that milk contains a significant amount of calcium. Yet many people are allergic to milk and have difficulty drinking the recommended amount.
Further, the Physicians Health Study reported a 30% increase in prostate cancer occurrence for male doctors who consumed dairy products. And a Harvard study of over 12,000 women found that those who consumed the recommended amount of calcium from a milk source had twice the risk of hip fractures than women who primarily got their calcium from non-milk sources.
Finally, the journal Pediatrics found that milk consumption had no impact on bone density among young girls.
The problem with red meat

Beef and other red meats have been cited as another source of calcium. As mentioned earlier, all muscles must have calcium in order to function properly. Steak, roast and ground beef all come primarily from muscles. Therefore, it is no surprise that muscle meats contain significant amounts of calcium.
Beef also contains an abundance of a fat called arachidonic acid (AA). This fat is very inflammatory. AA is why red meat has gained such a bad reputation; eating too much can cause or contribute to many serious health problems. Arachidonic acid may be a good reason to avoid beef as a source of calcium.
Conversely, wild salmon has anti-inflammatory fats and as much as eight times more calcium that beef. And the vegetable okra is even higher in calcium.
The bottom line

The evidence is clear: Calcium from fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds is the best when it comes to dietary sources of calcium. And, when it comes to supplements, MCHC is far superior to all other supplements at building strong bones!

Take Control of Your Health
Excellent dietary sources of calcium
Excellent supplement sources of calcium (with MCHC)
VitaCal-Mag D to prevent bone loss
TriVita's Bone Builder to rebuild bones
Get 20 minutes of morning/evening sun for Vitamin D
Weight-bearing exercise at least twice weekly (more is better)
Aerobic exercise for 30 minutes most days of the week
Avoid calcium-stealing habits
Soft drinks
Caffeinated beverages
Trivita is a company based upon sound business principles.  The pharmaceutical grade health supplements available are top level.  Trivita is also known for a substantial wealth creating system.
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