Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Scuba Diving Argentina

The best place to dive in Argentina is in Valdez Península, in the Golfo Nuevo (New Gulf), there is a City there called Madryn and a small village call Puerto Pirámide. The water is a little cold, between 8 and 20 ºC. I recommend going between November and March, the whales are between June and November, but it isn´t posible to dive with them.
Diving in Argentina is in cold waters (from 6 oC to 15). The best spots are are Peninsula Valdes and Patagonia/Ushuaia.
Peninsula Valdes is an Argentinian Marine Wildlife Reserve; home of dolphins and whales (even orcas), elephant seals, seal lions and penguins, which may be spotted and observed from a distance, although it is not uncommon to hear the whales' songs all the way through a dive! Among the dive sites two shipwrecks can be visited, sunk decades ago during storms. The best period for whales is from July to November. All Diving companies are in Puerto Madryn (outside the reserve, one hour drive from the reseve) and/or Puerto Pyramides, one and only pretty little town inside the reserve. For a honeymoon, I would advise to book in Puerto Pyramides : try Lonely Planet Argentina for more up-to-date details about lodging and diving.
In Patagonia, a dry suit is compulsory : the water temperature is about 6/7 celsius degrees at maximum. Ushuaia in Tierra Del Fuego, the biggest southern city in the world (the most southern City is Puerto Williams, a few miles more South), is offering some Diving Centers. I have not tried this as yet.
"There is some amazing diving in south east of Argentina, approx 800 km from BA. The name is Peurta Madryn. I was there out of season and did a few coldish dives with seals. theres also whale watching and from Oct to April and three types of penguins.
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