Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Quiet Business

The Quiet Business
Being part of one of the most innovative new business models for this decade,, is refreshing in the mlm industry.  The professionals using Tom Prendergast's new business model are simply making quiet statements and slowing and surely taking over the mlm industry with new thinking.
Butch Hamilton, well known and highly respected SEO Master, is using to full advantage.  His marketing technique is simple, straightforward and with no fancy statements about having instant success.  His entire internet career has been built in this way.  "You simply quietly go about your job, promoting your online business in the right way, and you receive the rewards that you are searching for."  As a matter of fact, Mr. Hamilton takes a rather dim view of the whole system called MLM business.  The Truth About Internet Marketing makes bold statements concerning this industry.
Having wasted time, money and effort in the MLM industry has caused this man to form his own business of search engine optimization.  His passion for creating sites and then achieving top positions on Google for those sites, is proof that building a substantial home business can and does work.  It takes time, patience and a dogged determination before any success will be seen.  This is the appeal that holds for Butch Hamilton.  Within this professional business model, one simply buys customers each month.  These customers are already satisfied with the products they are purchasing.  Commissions are earned on every purchase these people make.
The business model of is like non other seen on Google today.  There are no bold statements made, there are no cheerleading sessions held and there is nothing but a solid business model that is being followed by the marketing team, that is showing marked results on the net.
Mr. Hamilton has quietly achieved the position of Director using the business plan.  The work being done by the team is quietly in the process of taking over the internet, and letting people know that there is a better way to build an online business.  The MLM industry up to this point, has been nothing buy smoke and mirrors.  It has been Tom Prendergast mission to empower the little guy with the tools, knowledge and training that will assist them in building great Google businesses in the right way.
Within, there is never any selling, making cold phone calls or any of the other distasteful ways that all MLM companies say to use in order to formulate a paying business online.  There is only the art and science of true wealth creation using the search engines to the maximum advantage.  Without a doubt, no one has the marketing ability like to obtain top positions for high traffic keyword phrases.
Within the business plan, there is in place a strategic and focused effort that is showing excellent results for those wishing to move away from the common MLM industry.
Weekly meetings are held within a web conferencing room by simply logging in with your name and using prophet as the password.  To learn more about this business plan called, simply fill in the contact form below, and attend the Saturday sessions @ 1 PM PST.  Everyone is welcome to come and listen to the webinars concerning the quiet business model that is overtaking Google at the present time.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master

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