Thursday, May 8, 2008

Jaguar Marketing

Jaguar Marketing

In the MLM business world, there are the businesses that produce, and there are the businesses that simply take money for something, and give little value. Most MLM businesses actually give you a real product like jungle juice, gas pills, new and improved diet plans and vast array of other items that you can put on a shelf for a rainy day. MLM as a general rule is designed to separate you from your hard earned money. They promise rich rewards, full training, new health, vitality, the finest travel packages, free ebooks and all the rest of the hype and worthless junk that no one needs.

We then have the MLM businesses which cost a great deal of money to enter, but in all actuality give the person absolutely nothing in return except training, mentoring, guidance, inspiration and motivation to achieve a greater degree of success in life. As any thinking person knows, this is readily available to all people, at any stage in their lives, and for absolutely no cost. A person, each and every person, has the innate ability to think their way to success. MLM businesses like The Secret are geared to this type of thinking. Everyone talks about seeing the movie "The Secret." In all actuality, these guys have broken the mold when it comes to selling people something for $1995. Now for this money, they will teach you exactly how to tap into this bountiful resource known as The Secret.

The secret to success is nothing that you can buy for any amount of money. The secret to making money lies in the ability to visualize that success, then set into motion the process of work. The secret is no secret at all. Its called thinking and intuition, and we all have that ability by nature. __________

We then move into an entirely different area on Google called sales. This is where Jaguar Marketing fits the MLM mold. Al Turnquist is the best of the best of salesmen in the home business arena. He has worked diligently to tell people that they can become dangerous on the phone, and make incredible money, simply by hiring phone professionals to make cold calls to people about Jaguar Marketing. This is called prospecting. By the way, just how many phone calls did you receive today from someone trying to sell you something? Did you appreciate that call? Did you even answer that call, or did you simply let your voicemail pickup?

Calling leads and prospects is a fools game. Most people will not answer their phones, and for good reasons. While people will tell you that its all a numbers game, in all actuality, it is a total invasion of personal privacy. The act of calling someone and talking with them about your latest and greatest business is another fools game. It will do nothing for your wallet, and will quite possibly serve to make people angry that you called them at all. __________

So, have you bought leads? How much did these leads cost? Did you receive a respectable ROI on those leads, are were they simply money spent for absolutely nothing. Calling leads, leads that you are told are hungry for your business is another fool's game, no matter what the super salesmen of Google tell you.

Jaguar Marketing is built around the concept of selling your goods and services. The facts are clear that what you will be buying with Jag, is the ability to turn around and sell that business to someone else. As a matter of fact, you will learn quickly that Jaguar is about multiple streams of income. You will be sold something else to market, after that $3995 business package that you just bought turns into even more money down the road, spent that is. The members of Jaguar are invited to attend special webinars each day. Almost no one attends these as they are really nothing but cheerleading sessions, without the good looking blondes on the sidelines.

Jaguar follows perfectly, the same old MLM mentality that we all see out there on Google. Join me and become wealthy! Build residual income that will last a lifetime. Earn money at home. All of these statements will be heard, and seen on the Jaguar Marketing websites. The classic example is this: "Now anyone can earn $200,000 from a home business." This statement is of course, correct. How many people actually make $200,000 per year with a home business? Not many.

Al Turnquist is the best salesman on the planet. Without a doubt, his expertise in selling is legendary. The whole problem is that other people just cannot follow this mindset. They are fearful of the phone. They do not want to call people. They do not want to face that rejection. Its a very common, and a very good problem to have. People simply are tired of trying to sell their stuff. Selling is more than barking louder on the phone than your competition. Its about giving value for the money spent. __________

This website concerning Jaguar Marketing is not intended to bash the business. It is only intent and purpose is to show what makes the business. It also is intended to show that Jaguar Marketing is only about selling. What you are selling is really a mystery. What you will be receiving for a handsome chunk of change is the ability to resell the Jaguar Marketing System to someone else. This is the classic example of the MLM stinkin' thinkin' mentality that runs rampant throughout the business world on Google.

The statement made on the homepage says no prospecting. Excuse me, then why are you hiring phone salesmen to make your phone calls because you don't want to? Is that not prospecting at its best? It is as if Jaguar is telling you that really all you need to do is pay $3995 and all the work is done for you. I know that many have joined Jaguar with that in mind. Its a great business if you have the ability to work, stive, face rejection and be fully prepared to know that even if you sell a Jaguar System, what is that person going to do with it. These are hard questions that need to be answered by only you, not some account executive trying to close a deal. __________

Are you ready for a change?

Are you ready for a business that will make money?

Are you ready for a business that you will not have to buy leads?

Are you ready for a business that will not tell you to contact your family and friends?


Are you ready for a substantial business where you can get rich slow in the right way?

Aren't you ready to move away from the same old MLM BS that we all have to deal with on Google?

The Quiet Business!

The Jaguar Marketing System


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