Saturday, April 5, 2008

Veretekk Bully Pulpit


Happy Birthday Veretekk™ We have presents for you our beloved subscribers!

$1000's Already Paid Out The First Month!
Traffic Portal Turned Profit Portal = Money In Your Pocket...

The results are in for the first full month after the launch of the FreeFFAs™ affiliate program, and whoa baby... this program's here to stay! After an intentionally very quiet launch, the few Veretekk™ subscribers that decided to promote their FreeFFas™ portal saw over 800 new customers sign up in March alone! But much more impression was the 20% conversion rate of these free members to upgrade to a paid FreeFFAs™ membership (do the math... if 20% of your leads are upgrading you're headed for a pretty huge residual paycheck!) However, more amazing than any of this was the abysmally low cancellation rate - a staggering 4.4% of the total that upgraded!!! That's lower than virtually any program online...

As you know, at Veretekk™ we're all about making things transparent and showing you the numbers so you can make an informed decision about how and where you will spend your time building your business. The results so far from FreeFFAs™ speak loud and clear. Devote some time to promoting this portal and it will pay you back in spades! Keep in mind that the numbers described above are a result of a small number of people that made a half hearted effort. Just imagine what's possible if you decided to get focused and really build this thing...

We'll provide additional updates and results from FreeFFAs™ in the weeks/months to come, but it seems clear that this new Profit Portal is on its way to quickly joining the ranks of others like Leadsomatic™ and VereConference™.

See you this Sunday!

Mike Darling
President, Inc.

Blastomatic™ Just Got Moneytized!™
The Oldest Traffic Portal On The Internet Now Includes An Affiliate Program!

That's right... Blastomatic™ just blasted up to a whole new level! The new affiliate program started this week through a soft launch that has already started getting a LOT of attention. For those of you unfamiliar with the history behind Blastomatic™, back when Veretekk™ first coined the term Traffic Portal™ as an effective means of generating leads online, Blastomatic™ was the first one developed by the company. Over the years as dozens of additional Traffic Portals were added, Blastomatic™ has consistently stayed at the top of the list as one of the most effective lead generators in entire Veretekk™ system. As this wildly popular system has now been converted to a Profit Portal, an equal opportunity suddenly exists for all Gold Veretekk™ subscribers to cash in on the profit potential!

So what's new? The current system remains untouched - the prospects you drive to your Blastomatic™ website can sign up for free and have the ability to design and blast their advertisement out to over 12 million website across the Internet. What's new, however, is that they now also have the ability to download 5000+ remote submission leads a day for FREE as well! But as a non-paying member the system will only allow them to do this once a month. By upgrading their system for a mere $14.95/month they will have the ability to download an average of over 150,000 leads per month! Do the math... that's less than $0.0001 per lead!

Sometimes simplicity is genius... and you won't find a better example than the Blastomatic™ compensation plan. The system pays out a heavy 50% of the gross revenue on 2 levels. You'll get paid $5/month for customers that upgrade through your Blastomatic™ portal, and another $2/month for upgrades on your second level. You can promote your own portal and/or get the Veretekkies below you to promote their portals - either way you get paid!

Look forward to some exciting updates as Blastomatic™ explodes into new territory! Will you be on board the rocket??? or watching everyone else as they leave you behind on the launch pad!?!

See you this Sunday!

Mike Darling
President, Inc.

Do you want to earn $500, $5000 or more Every Month?

Here is how it works. At the beginning of the month we set the number of Gold subscribers as the Bench Mark then subtract that from the end of the month and if there is a positive growth, we multiply that times $20 and pay that bonus to the subscriber that had the most Gold accounts increase in their front line.

The bonus for this month is already growing!

Congratulations to Barbie Zabel

She has won over $1000 as the winner of converting her Silvers to Gold! Her testimony is below in the testimony section!

Due to popular demand and many of you that came close to winning this Bonus, we are going to continue this bonus every month.

I am pleased that the little gal won this bonus and it goes to show that the power on the Internet is for the little guys and gals, not the elite and big powerful net-workers that are passing away as we teach the rank and file how to level the playing field.

See you this Sunday!

Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.

I am that little guy as you are little guys and gals. Never being nor wanting the accolades of being a big hitter in the MLM industry, I have always held the faith that it is the rank and file that builds successful businesses.

That is why I set out to build the Veretekk™ you use today. I have been on the Internet for a long time. It is in my blood and all my friends are all on and mostly from this brave new world. Working on the Internet can be a daunting task, especially if you're relatively new to it.

To achieve the benefits Veretekk™ represents on your own with all the bits and pieces of emailing, SEO, managing data, etc. that you could gather together in some sort of semi organized aggregate would cost you a fortune and become extremely difficult to manage. With Veretekk™ you have everything you need, well organized, with live and recorded training, in one place. I built it this way so you, the little guy and gal, would have a fighting chance to claim your part of the Internet promise.

Veretekk™ levels the playing field so you can easily compete with the self proclaimed Gurus who shovel money into their bank accounts selling you their overpriced ebooks and worse promising you riches if you join their latest greatest online opportunity. I think you know what and who I am talking about. You will find many of them on Their history of breaking people's dreams and bank accounts is legendary.

The Internet is all about information and this hemorrhage of information is overwhelming us all, good and bad. Veretekk™ is the control system that makes this information targeted and manageable.

The primary purpose of Veretekk™ is building a sphere of influence. Seriously, you should use Veretekk™ to build your premium leads list then support those premium leads with good information and support, regardless if you are enrolled in another MLM. Actually it is good business to use Veretekk for a few years before you actually promote am MLM. Why?, because once you have built a powerful sphere of influence, then you are ready to build your empire!

Cindy McAsey is a prime example of this. Her Bully Pulpits are always welcome in my mailbox. Always filled with good information and gently invites me to her weekly online conferences. Her blogs are rich with good information. Occasionally when I get a phone call from a prospective Veretekk™ subscriber and they want a good sponsor she is on my A list to put people under, because she supports her Veretekkies with good instruction and content.

I have gone for years without promoting any opportunity as I built Veretekk™. During this time I have made many Veretekk™ Gold systems for testing and always call and work with my new Premium Leads whom many have turned to Veretekk™ Gold. I always send out good training tips and make myself available to help anyone that needs it. After all, I too am a little guy using the Veretekk™ system the way it is intended to be used.

I see some new subscribers join who are desperate to get someone into their latest MLM deal. Their Bully Pulpits are obnoxious at best and downright shallow. Titles like, "A New Revolutionary System, make some extra money", "Sizzling Hot New Opportunity, earn $150 per day in 30 days", "Woowza Has Just Launched Take A Free Tour, get in now and get spill over from the top".

OK OK I am ranting. But the point is these examples will never build a sphere of influence. However, shallow worthless content like this will get your precious readers to hit the unsubscribe button.

My point is this; I am your main mentor in Veretekk™. Always teaching and training you to learn the real secret to success on the Internet. And to illustrate this, subscribers like Cindy McAsey are building real success with their business because they put their premium leads' needs ahead of their own and put in the hard work to create excellent content.

As I have shared with you in the last several Bully Pulpit Newsletters I started to build a new leg in the MLM I have been in and ignored the last 6 years. Using just the sphere of influence I have built in my own Veretekk™ systems, using Veretekk™ assets to build an exceptional capture site, using Veretekk™ to get top SEO positions, in 30 days I have built an organization of 2000+ people. And the associate I put in place to build this leg achieved Director in 30 days breaking all the records in this MLM since they began 8 years ago. Breaking the record held by the previous Director that did it in 10 months. Breaking the record that took me 2 years to achieve many years ago.

The point is this; you can't lose with what we have built here at Veretekk™. You have me and hundreds of successful marketers giving you our time to mentor you to success.

One more thing, the winner of last month's Benchmark Bonus is a Mom whose children, have grown up and after two years of getting ripped off on the Internet found Veretekk™. She got into the training; she applied the concepts of good content and supporting her Premium leads and Veretekk™ Silvers. And despite the claims from the big marketers in Veretekk™ Skyping me they were going to win the Bench Mark Bonus without breaking a sweat, she won, by using discipline, good content and support, as we teach!

Congratulations to a little gal named Barbie Zabel!

See you this Sunday.

Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.

Butch Hamilton Column
Inside SEO

Within the last week, I was contacted by a law firm, Jaburg and Wilk PC, concerning an article I wrote with the title "The Ripoff Report." Now this article was not written in reference to anyone at The Ripoff Report; however, Maria Crimi Speth, the attending attorney, has been designated by her client at The Ripoff Report to tell me to revise my commentary to their liking, or they would file a lawsuit for copyright and trademark infringement.

Within their statement they claimed that I was using The Ripoff Report to boost my ratings on the search engine for my seo business. Naturally, this was not my intent, nor do I need the boost from any other online business to achieve my rankings on Google. This whole incident heightened my awareness as to what ridiculous lengths that people will go to protect their copyrighted terms.

I do understand that if you have spent years in the culmination of a business system on Google, you will not stand idly by and let anyone take that notoriety and presence and use it to their advantage. However, this was not my purpose as the article was written on behalf of the millions of people that suffer loss of money and time when they get scammed by online businesses.

This leads me to an important point. How many times has Google accepted keyword terms on pay-per-click advertising to do this very thing? How many lawsuits are being filed and how are they being seen on the Internet? I personally think that its time that the people who live and work on the net to stand and unite against the wrong doings of the Internet and make it a better work environment for everyone. Personally, I do not need a lawyer to take my information and use it against someone with whom I disagree. I simply choose to pull up the keyboard and monitor and write commentaries and articles concerning my viewpoints.

After all, this is a free environment in which we work, correct? Are you willing to sit idly by and let some little known element dictate to you the way that you will conduct your online business on Google? Needless to say, I am very much a rebel when it comes to my personal viewpoints. I am allowed to do and say what I want, at any time I want, and in the way that I want. This is called freedom. I never misuse my talent to dabble in trivialities. Instead, I am ever diligent in the course of making my chosen profession that much better. I sincerely hope that you approach your online business in this same professional manner. Together, we can stand and unite against the injustices of the net, and we will win the ultimate battle of conducting our Veretekk™ businesses in the right way.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master


Butch Hamilton is a well known Veretrainer and can be found training in the Gold Veretraining Calendar.

I am Still working on the Bully Pulpit Upgrade
Your Bully Pulpit email captures are about to load as fast as lightening

I have rebuilt the Bully Pulpit database to run from a master server and slave server SQL system. This will make your Bully Pulpit load like lightening.

As it stands we have had to expand the table from 26 to 700+. Doing this is necessary to guarantee your access to the huge expanding email_capture database loads like lightening. So it will probably be another week. I am a perfectionist and want this load to be fast. not just now. but for the foreseeable future.

To find out more about this, come to this Sunday's conference.

Let's pack the house!

Mike Darling
President, Inc.

Cindy McAsey Column
Are you using Facebook?

By now you've probably heard all the "hype" about it. You've probably seen the stories about its 23 year old founder that's now a billionaire on paper -- which makes him the youngest self-made billionaire ever. Facebook is another one of those "social networking" services like MySpace. But Facebook is very different from MySpace...

If you've ever messed around with MySpace then you probably realize it's used by the music industry and young people more than anything else. Don't get me wrong, MySpace is very successful -- it's bigger than Facebook. But Facebook has recently been surging in growth and once you mess around with it for a few minutes you'll quickly realize why...

Facebook was just designed better, in my opinion, and has some really cool features. And now it has 60+ million people using it, and many of those users are adults of all ages, and... Many of these adults are categorizing themselves based on their interests and the odds are good that your target market (regardless of what niche your business serves) is probably already using Facebook right now -- with more on the way everyday.

There are currently thousands of Internet marketers using Facebook to communicate with other marketers as well as to drive traffic to their websites and blogs and to build relationships with their customers. Facebook is really developing into a powerful marketing tool. You can drive a lot of traffic from it but the 'value' in it goes way beyond that. It really is a unique communications tool -- and the marketing uses are just begining. Yet there are tons of ways to grow your business today with it.

I've been playing with Facebook for over a year. If you look at my friends list you will know why it's becoming the who's who networking place of other top marketers. Facebook has really evolved and has added some great privacy features as well as other options to control your account.

If you have a Facebook account please put in a request to add me as a friend (when you're logged in) by visiting:

If you don't yet have a Facebook account I suggest you go create one RIGHT AWAY:

After you create your account and you're logged in, then visit this URL and request to add me as your friend:

Sign up and play around with it a little bit. You'll quickly start seeing how powerful it is. I'll be publishing more information in the near future about tapping into Facebook to drive traffic and generate sales from it. You'll want to have a live account you can use. Go get one now. You'll be glad you did. Just go to:

To your success,

Cindy McAsey
Marketing Strategies Coach

Cindy McAsey is a well known Veretrainer™ and can be found training in the Gold Veretraining™ Calendar.

Pat Hoffman Customer Support Tips; VereCare™ LIVE Online Support Person

Currently I handle the VereCare™ LIVE Online Support and am always surprised at the number of Gold Members that come to support with the assumption that their monthly Veretekk™ Gold Membership also allows access to the Paid versions of the various Profit Portals. Currently we have five (5) Profit Portals: Blastomatic™, Free FFAs, Leadsomatic, VereConference™ and the Affiliate Site, which is the original Profit Portal and your entry as a Veretekk™ Member.

As it clearly states on the Portal Marketing Center page: "Profit Portals" are the same as Traffic Portals in that they are fully developed lead generation systems, but they go one step further by also offering their own Affiliate Program that you can sign-up into and create an additional revenue stream as a Gold subscriber.

Let's stop here. So, the Profit Portals are Affiliate Programs. With your Veretekk™ Membership you signed up for the first and main Affiliate Program that Veretekk™ offers,, which promotes the Veretekk™ System.

When a Free Silver Member decides to upgrade to a Gold Membership they receive full access to the Power of the Veretekk™ Marketing System, which includes other Profit Portals or Affiliate Programs. So with your Gold Veretekk™ System you have a total of Five Separate Affiliate Programs.

Separate is the key word here. You are a Free or Paid Member of Veretekk™ and either a Free or Paid User of the various other Profit Portals/Affiliate Programs. And of course, you do not have to be a Veretekk™ Member to be a Free or Paid User of the various Profit Portals/Affiliate Programs. You must, however, sign up for each Profit Portal/Affiliate Program separately and you then you have the option to upgrade each of the Profit Portals/Affiliate Programs separately.

Profit Portals/Affiliate Programs are legitimate lead generators, and signing up into the various Profit Portals or Affiliate Programs, and then upgrading will simply help you catch additional revenue from leads who sign-up then upgrade through your Gold Veretekk™ system.

1) You have to sign-up at a link to be a Free Silver Veretekk™ Affiliate or Member of Veretekk™.

2) You must upgrade to have access to the Gold Functions, which include the other Profit Portals or Affiliate Programs: Blastomatic™, Free FFAs, Leadsomatic, VereConference™, which you in turn, as a Gold Member, can use to generate leads.

3) You must be a Paid User of the particular Profit Portal or Affiliate Program, in order to generate income from the Profit Portal or Affiliate Program, with the exception of your Veretekk™ Affiliate Portal

4) You do not have to be a member of Veretekk™ to be a Free or Paid user of any of the current Profit Portals: Blastomatic™, Free FFAs, Leadsomatic, and VereConference™.

5) When you cancel use of the Paid version of any Profit Portal/Affiliate Program, it must be cancelled separately. You upgraded to the Paid version separately so you must also cancel them separately.

6) It is suggest that when a Gold Member upgrades to the Paid version of a Profit Portal/Affiliate Program, they use their Primary eMail address because commission are paid through Paystone and your Primary eMail address is used when sending your commissions to Paystone on the 10th of the month.

I do hope this has helped with your understanding of the Veretekk™ Profit Portals/Affiliate Programs. If you have questions, you are welcome to bring them to support. However, if they are training questions, please check your calendar for the Q&A (Questions & Answer) sessions I offer weekly.

I currently handle the VereCare™ LIVE Online Support and make myself available seven days a week.

NEW VereCare™ LIVE Online Support Chat HOURS: (Mon., Tues., Wed. and Thur, 8 am - 6 pm PST) & (Fri., Sat. and Sun, Noon - 5pm PST) Starting March 31st, 2008

Pat Hoffman
VereCare™ LIVE Online Support Person

Pat Hoffman is a well known Veretrainer™ and runs our VereCare™ support. She can be found training in the Veretraining™ Calendar.

The Flood Of Testimonials Continues...
Real People With Real Results! Like thousands of others, I came to the Internet a few years ago looking for a way to earn a living from home right from my own computer. I married young (soon after high school) and was able to stay home to raise my now-grown kids and participate in all their school and extra curricular activities.

When it came time for me to start concentrating on my own dreams, I didn't have a college degree to fall back on, and therefore wasn't qualified for a well-paying position anywhere. So I decided to *create* a career on my own by educating myself on Internet marketing.

I fell for a lot of get rich quick schemes, and lost a lot of money along the way. But I also got smarter during the process. I tried to promote several types of ebooks, products, services, as membership sites (both MLM and one-off sales or subscriptions)... only to fail miserably.

I've come to understand that it wasn't necessarily the product or service I was trying to promote that was the problem, it was the marketing system (or lack of!) I was using. I was being exposed to all kinds of marketing strategies, but never how to put it all together into a synergistic system of application. What I was doing was very scattered and inconsistent... and therefore, so were my results.

In late November 2007, I became aware of a group promoting another familiar opportunity and having a lot of success with it due to one of the ways they were marketing it. You guessed it -- Veretekk™. I jumped on board, dug in and learned how to set up and use the basics of Veretekk™ very quickly, duplicating the successful results of other group members. With each other's help and support, we are coming to experience what a powerful and progressive marketing system Veretekk™ really is, and how much more we can utilize it by tapping into more Veretekk™ training!

Today, I market the very same system I stumbled across a few short months ago (of which Veretekk™ is a major component) using safe lists and the Veretekk™ system. The prospects I talk to tell me they are desperate and hungry for a marketing system that actually works to help them find leads, potential new customers and/or business partners. Most of them have a similar marketing training history that I have - scattered and incomplete. They just know they have the ability to succeed if only they are given the blueprint to do so.

Now I finally have the solution they are wanting and needing -- Veretekk™ (in addition to our group's step by step instructions, daily activity plan, and individual support... or even hand holding if need be!). When my Silver members experience responsive personal help, detailed instructions and guidance first hand, it's an easy decision for them to go Gold. ;-)

As great an experience as it's already been in the form of increased sign ups, partners and sales, I look forward to seeing just how high my team can go as we continue our Veretekk™ education and application. When one is aligned with the Veretekk™ system, it's easy to believe that the sky's the limit!

Barbie Zabel
Proud member of Veretekk™

I discovered Veretekk™ about 16 months ago while looking for effective and affordable marketing methods to promote my MLM & Affiliate programs.

For years I tried buying premium leads, bought hits to my websites, sent thousands of post cards, posted flyers all over, handed out business cards, hounded family & friends, gave out free samples. bought people lunch and drew circles on napkins, used the three foot rule. You name it - I've likely tried it - in regards to marketing methods.

Since then most of the Affiliate and MLM programs I had joined (and thought were decent at the time) have vanished or turned out to be mis-leading at best. Most Deals are slick and you usually have to pay to join and work them a while to understand and get the real true picture.

Trouble is - I never felt comfortable promoting using any of the antiquated, expensive, and ineffective methods that the different companies or my uplines recommended. Nor could I in good conscience recommend it to those few I had miraculously sponsored with these old methods! It just did not make economic sense to me !

For a long time I was disgusted with the whole thing and turned away from MLM, Affiliate Marketing, and even online marketing completely. I researched No-Money Down Real Estate, Note Brokering, Vending Machines, Ebay, and dozens of different franchises -But they all still ended up just looking shady to me.

I also kept an eye on Veretekk™ and watched as it continually improved this past year and now has become by far the most powerful online marketing machine available anywhere - built for the little guy/gal who needs help.

I can only give thanks and praise to Tom Prendergast, Mike Darling, and the Veretekk™ trainers for all their invaluable contributions.

Tom and Mike are absolute Masters when it comes to Internet marketing and they give far more than you can imagine to make Veretekk™ AWESOME.

In doing so they have also attracted scores of like-minded individuals who are also adding their unique talent to the mix with live trainings, tips, and tricks you won't find anywhere else at any price.

Veretekk™ is now the cornerstone of my marketing efforts and strategies online. FINALLY - I can honestly say that I feel at home and comfortable promoting online with Veretekk™.

I am now on target to becoming financially free within 3-5 years by utilizing the power of Veretekk™. Anyone can who is motivated, willing to invest the time to learn, and utilize the tools can do so too.

I would encourage anyone serious about marketing effectively and affordably online to get their own Veretekk™ system. There is nothing else comparable anywhere, at any price. Get back to the person who referred you and get prepared to thank them!

Howard Dalton, MS, BA, MCSE
Aspiring SEO Master - Thanks to Veretekk™!

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

To join the conference, just login to your Veretekk™ system and go to Veretraining™, then just click on the Calendar. The web conference begins at 6pm PST on Sunday.

Veretekk™ State of the System Address
Sunday, April 06, 2008 6pm PST


Mike Darling, President
Thomas Prendergast, CEO, Inc. (Veretekk™)


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