Friday, April 11, 2008

Save Money on Fuel

EnviroMax Plus: A Revolutionary Fuel Catalyst
EnviroMax Plus will increase your fuel economy 10% or more! How does this add up?
- EnviroMax Plus costs $1.50 to treat 10 gallons of fuel.
- 10 Gallons of fuel at $3/gallon costs you $30.00
- At 10% increased in fuel economy, you save $3.00
Spend $1.50 and Save $3.00 or more!
EnviroMax Plus works in all internal combustion engines including all gas & diesel engines. In addition to vehicles, boats, farm equipment, motorcycles, tractors, lawn mowers, gas generators, & more will benefit from EnviroMax Plus.
EnviroMax Plus has been used successfully for over 13 years in thousands of vehicles, including city governments, large trucking lines, railroads, farming, and fishing fleets.
How does EnviroMax Plus work?
EnviroMax Plus converts your fuel into a more efficient burning fuel. (See video clips to the left). In addition to increased fuel efficiency, your engine runs cooler, and will be cleaner with less carbon residue build up.
It is perfectly safe and will increase engine life. All this adds up to savings going back in your pocket! Continue to use EnviroMax in all your engines, RV's, Motorcycles, Boats, Lawn & Garden Equipment, and your savings keep going up!
Currently the fuel in your engine burns incompletely (at approximately 85%), and gets worse as your engine gets older. This incomplete burn, leaves (~ 15% or more) unburned fuel or dangerous hydrocarbons in your engine and/or emitted in your exhaust. This is similar to what happens when a cigarette burns, the cigarette leaves ashes behind, and gives off dangerous smoke and pollution. These unburned hydrocarbons result in wasted energy, a dirty engine, and the dangerous emissions that contribute to air pollution. Could you imagine if there was a cigarette that gave off significantly less smoke, and left no ashes behind? This is what EnviroMax Plus does in your engine.
When you add EnviroMax Plus to your fuel, your fuel undergoes a chemical change, and is converted into a more efficient burning Fuel. This super efficient fuel will allow your fuel to burn almost completely.
As soon as you begin using your first bottle, EnviroMax Plus will start to clean out your engine. This means your engine will soon be cleaner and running better, which results in reduced oil changes and tune-ups. EnviroMax Plus will also help prevent other major engine repairs. And finally, EnviroMax Plus will help your engine last longer, which can lead to higher resale value of your vehicle.
EnviroMax Plus - Protected by U.S. Patent # 5,266,082
EnviroMax Plus has been proven in over 13 years of use and testing. It is being used right now in 1000's of personal vehicles, and is used by city governments, trucking lines, even school buses, boats, and railroads, and it is only one of a few fuel additives to receive a US Patent as a Fuel Catalyst. (See the "Texas Tech Study" and "Field Tests" to the left)
Click here to View the EnviroMax Plus Patent

EnviroMax Plus is endorsed by 3-Time Indy 500 winner Johnny Rutherford. You can watch a 10-minute video featuring Johnny. The video shows how EnviroMax Plus works. (Click on this image of Johnny to watch the Video)
 EnviroMax Plus was featured in 2004 on CNBC's World Business Review. (Click on this image of General Alexander Haig to watch the Video)

Certified Testing:
EnviroMax Plus has been repeatedly tested for over 13 years. This testing is essential when considering all the questionable products on the market today. To date we know of no other company that has this much proof!
Click here to view State EPA Testing in Georgia
* * Specific contact info has been removed at the request of the testing center, because of a flood of calls previously placed to the testing center.
Click here to view Study done at Texas Tech University
Click here to view a host of field studies

Are you part of the Problem . . . or part of the Solution?
We all know about the pollution problem. The dangerous emissions our cars & trucks release, is responsible for increases in illnesses such as lung disease, lung cancer and asthma. New research has shown that the poisons coming from our cars and trucks is also responsible for increases in many other diseases including heart disease, Alzheimer's, and even Crib Death in our children.

Until now, we were helpless to do anything about the pollution problem. Each day we drive our vehicles with the belief that there is nothing we can do to stop the poisoning of our planet. We just accept pollution, and hope mother nature will handle our mess. What if we could join together to help reduce the worldwide pollution problem, and actually save money doing it? With EnviroMax Plus . . . we can!

EnviroMax Plus reduces pollutants emitted from our cars and trucks by up to 80%. EnviroMax Plus can do more to save our environment than any other automotive product in our time. We encourage you to join us in this vital mission. Our health, our children's health, and the health of future generation's depends on it. By using EnviroMax Plus, you will save money, and you will do your part to start cleaning up our precious environment right now.
Will you be part of the problem or part of the solution?
EnviroMax Plus is Easy to Use
EnviroMax Plus is easy to use with our 12 oz. bottle. Just add 1/2 ounce to 10 gallons of fuel. The first 12 oz of EnviroMax Plus will work to clean out your engine. Many people see fuel economy improvement right away. Most people will see the optimal fuel economy by the time they have completed the second 12 oz bottle.
EnviroMax Plus works in Gas, Diesel, bio-diesel, gas/oil mixtures, even heating oil and propane. Cars, trucks, RV's, boats, motorcycle, all diesel powered engines, lawn, garden, & farm equipment will all benefit from EnviroMax Plus.
Benefits of using EnviroMax Plus
1. Save 10% or more in fuel economy.
2. Additionally, SAVE on future engine repairs and/or tune-ups by reducing engine wear and tear by 50% or more.
4. Increases Horsepower & Performance.
5. Up to 20% boost in power for Diesel Engines.
6. Up to 80 % reduction in Emission of Pollutants through Exhaust.
7. Displaces engine water, helps prevent fuel line freeze up and fuel "gelling".
8. Extends the life of your car.

EnviroMax Plus Guarantee:
In over 13 years of testing and use EnviroMax Plus has been proven to be safe when added to the fuel used in any internal combustion engine, and therefore EMP International provides the following warranty:
EMP International, Inc. guarantees the use of EnviroMax Plus to be safe for use in any internal combustion engine. If EnviroMax Plus can be shown to have damaged any internal combustion engine, EMP International, Inc. will replace the damaged parts of the engine free of charge.
Click here to view the Guarantee

EnviroMax Plus will not Void Warranties:
General Motors Response to EnviroMax Plus - "using the fuel additive will not void your warranty"
Click Here to view their response
US Code - Title 15, Chapter 50, Sections 2301-2312
Legally, a vehicle manufacturer can not void the warranty on a vehicle due to an aftermarket part unless they can prove that the aftermarket part caused or contributed to the failure in the vehicle (per the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act (15 U.S.C. 2302(C)). For best results, consider working with performance-oriented dealerships with a proven history of working with customers. If your vehicle manufacturer fails to honor emission/warranty claims, contact EPA at (202) 260-2080 or If federal warranty protection is denied, contact the FTC at (202) 326-3128 or

Order EnviroMax Plus Now as a Retail Customer!
EnviroMax Plus: (1) 12 oz Bottle + (2) Mini Bottles - $47.95 - (Treats 320 Gallons)
EnviroMax Plus Double: (2) 12 oz Bottles + (4) Mini Bottles - $90.95 - (Treats 640 Gallons)
EnviroMax Plus Quad: (4) 12 oz Bottles + (8) Mini Bottles - $159.95 - (Treats 1280 Gallons)
EnviroMax 10 Mini Bottles: (10) Mini Bottles - $59.95 - (Treats 400 Gallons)
EnviroMax Plus Case: (4) 12 oz. Bottles - $124.95 - (Treats 960 Gallons)
EnviroMax Plus 4 Cases: (16) 12 oz. Bottles - $419.95 - (Treats 3840 Gallons)

Larger Orders of EnviroMax Plus:
Deep Discount Volume Items
EnviroMax Plus 12 Cases: (48) 12 oz. Bottles - $1099.95 - (Treats 11,520 Gallons)
EnviroMax Plus 48 Cases: (192) 12 oz. Bottles - $3,399.95 - (Treats 46,080 Gallons)
EnviroMax Plus 1 Gallon Can - $279.95 - (Treats 2,560 Gallons)
EnviroMax Plus 5 Gallon Tote - $1,199.95 - (Treats 12,800] Gallons)
EnviroMax Plus 55 Gallon Drum - $11,379.95 - (Treats 140,800 Gallons)
Click here to access the EnviroMax Plus Order Form(Available by Phone or Order Form Only)

Q: What Is A Catalyst?
A. A catalyst is a substance that either accelerates or retards a chemical reaction, but one which in and of itself undergoes no permanent change.
Q: How Does EnviroMax Plus (EMP) Work?
A. When EnviroMax Plus is added to your fuel as a catalyst, your fuel undergoes a chemical change. It actually oxygenates your fuel, allowing it to burn more completely. The fuel combustion in your engine also occurs at lower temperature. When your fuel burns better, the result is reduced emissions and increased horsepower. This improved burning of your fuel will prevent carbon deposit build-up in the combustion chamber of an engine, and actually causes the removal of existing deposits of carbon. Many people will notice their Spark Plugs will be cleaner and last longer. By producing less carbon in your engine, your oil will also stay cleaner longer. Cleaner Spark Plugs and Cleaner Oil will result in a significant reduction in tune-ups and oil changes.
Q: What type of Fuels can EnviroMax Plus be used with?
A. EMP can be used with Gasoline, Diesel, RFG, Biodiesel, Heating Oil, and Propane. Follow the same recommendations for dosage regardless of the type of fuel you are using. See the EnviroMax Plus Instructions document.
*EMP is not recommended in Aviation or Racing fuels.

Q. What type of Engines will EMP work in?
A. EMP works in all engines that use Petroleum based fuels including gas and Diesel engines in cars, trucks, and in major factories. EMP also works in RV's, Motorcycles, Boats, Tractors, Lawnmowers, Chainsaws, Generators, Snowmobiles, Snowblowers, Garden Tools, Oil based furnaces, and more. *EnviroMax Plus has not been tested, nor is or recommended for use with Aviation Fuel or Racing Fuel.
Q: What if I am not seeing Fuel Economy Results?
These instructions and tips should help you optimize your results with EnviroMax Plus. Most people who follow the directions below will see optimal results within 3 bottles of use. Please follow these directions before making your evaluation of EnviroMax Plus.
Dosage: Add only 1/2 oz of EnviroMax Plus to 10 gallons of fuel. Initially maintain this dosage for 3 full tanks of fuel in your vehicle or engine. If you vehicle has more than 50,000 miles maintain this dosage for 6 full tanks of fuel. For most vehicles this is the permanent dosage amount.
Optional Dosage: In some vehicles for optimum results the dosage can be reduced 1/2 oz of EnviroMax Plus to 15 gallons of fuel and even as far as 1/2 oz to 20 gallons of fuel.

Many people make the mistake of using too much EnviroMax Plus, and not understanding that they need to reduce to maintenance dosage after the initial bottle.
Please consider trying this program, we believe when you find the right dosage for your vehicle, you will be thrilled with the results. At 1/2 oz to 10 gallons, you only need a 6% increase in fuel economy to return 100% of your investment in EnviroMax Plus. If you are getting 15 mpg, you only need to increase to 15.6.
Another factor that many people don't consider, is that you may not be able to notice a 6% increase in fuel economy. The only way you can truly measure this type of increase is to measure your total miles you obtain on a full tank of gas. Example, if you get 300 miles to a tank at 15mpg, you only need to get 312 miles out of a tank, for EnviroMax Plus to be Free to use. Again, many people don't do an accurate measurement, thus they miss the increase in fuel economy that is not noticeable by simply looking at the fuel gauge.
Many people see results when they actually stop using EnviroMax Plus for 1-2 tankfuls. They notice that their mileage drops, and maybe their car or truck doesn't run with the same pep, after they stop using EnviroMax Plus. This may be something you want to try. Drive 1-2 tankfuls without EnviroMax Plus. Measure your total mileage on the 2nd tankful, then you will have a good measurement when you resume EnviroMax Plus.
Probably the most common mistake we see, is people think that the first bottle is going to produce significant noticeable results. As explained above, this is not a fair expectation, especially when your engine has unburned carbons that will need time to be eliminated.
Another benefit most people don't realize is the money you will save with a cleaner engine. If you change your oil 3 times a year, we believe you can reduce this in half. By reducing oil changes by 50%, you will return your investment on 2 bottles of EnviroMax Plus just on the oil change savings.
Add to all this, that you are doing your part to reduce pollution, and we believe that everyone benefits from using EnviroMax Plus.
Q: Why Should I Use EMP?
A. EMP will save you money by reducing fuel consumption and engine maintenance in addition to the positive environmental effects. EMP will assure that your vehicle operates closer to peak performance levels. EMP can also help reduce our dependence on foreign oil because of its unique ability to improve mileage. The world is dependent upon oil for energy. Transportation fuels alone account for approximately 48% of all oil consumption (U.S. Department of Energy). We don't have to look any further than the cost of gas to see that we have a growing problem. A 2% per year reduction in U.S. dependence on foreign oil over a period of 3 to 4 years would translate into a reduction of the importing of oil in the range of 600 billion dollars.
Q: How Often Should I Use EMP?
A. With every fill up!
Q: Should I use EMP differently in the Winter months?
During the winter months, the gas companies ship different fuel mixtures to areas of the country that experience cold winter weather. If you live in such an area, please be aware that this winter fuel mixture may result in lower fuel economy. If your vehicle experiences a loss of previous mileage increase resulting from EnviroMax Plus , it may be due to this winter fuel change. In such a circumstance, the manufacturer recommends that you DECREASE the amount of EnviroMax Plus to 1/2 ounce to 20 gallons. This should return your mileage increase to previous levels after a few tankfuls. This change should only be made if you experience a loss of previously improved fuel mileage.
Q. Why do some people see varying fuel economy results and should I be concerned?
A. There are hundreds of different blends of fuels across the country and among the different companies. In addition the fuel companies blend different fuel during different seasons. Thus some people see varying fuel economy results from month to month even at times tank to tank. EnviroMax Plus will always improve the efficiency of the burn of the fuel in your engine and will extend engine life and reduce pollution, but fuel economy results can fluctuate.. We encourage you to measure your fuel economy results over a long period of time such as six months or a year. If you measure your results over the course of 1 year, including reduced maintenance, and increased engine life, most people will save more than they will spend on EnviroMax Plus. Therefore we encourage you to continue to use EnviroMax Plus just as you would change your oil and filter . . . to protect your engine and protect your valuable vehicles.
Q: Can I switch to a lower grade (Octane) gas such as regular grade or mid grade when I start using EnviroMax Plus?
A. Most engines that are using premium or mid grade fuel will be able to switch to a lower grade of fuel when using EnviroMax Plus. This will save you even more on fuel costs. If you happen to notice that your engine knocks with a lower grade of fuel even with EnviroMax Plus, switch back to a higher grade of fuel.
Q: Will EnviroMax Plus work in fuels that have ethanol added?
A. EnviroMax Plus will work in fuels that have ethanol in the fuel. Ethanol is typically added to reduce emissions. EnviroMax Plus will clean your engine, increase fuel economy, and further assist in emissions reduction in fuels with Ethanol.
Q: What if I notice the engine light turns on or off when I start using EnviroMax Plus?
A. EnviroMax Plus causes better use of Oxygen with your fuel in the engine combustion chamber. Many vehicles have an Oxygen Sensor that measures this Oxygen level. Due to increases in oxygenation you may see your engine light come on when you start using EnviroMax Plus. Some people may even see this light turn off when using EnviroMax Plus. We recommend you drive your vehicle for at least 4 tankfuls of fuel to allow EnviroMax Plus to clean your engine's combustion chamber. In most cases the Engine Light will turn off. EnviroMax Plus will not solve internal engine problems, thus if you notice performance problems that last more than 600 miles, contact your local service center.
Q: What advantages does EMP have when used with Alternative Fuels such As Biodiesel?
A. When you use Biodiesel, and other alternative fuels, fuel economy and lubricity typically decreases. EMP has demonstrated superior results in increasing fuel economy and lubricity in alternative fuels such as Biodiesel.
Q. How do I store a bottle of EnviroMax Plus in my car?
A. If you are going to store a bottle(s) of EnviroMax Plus in your car, we recommend you store it in your trunk in an upright position, by placing the bottle securely in a small box, such as the shipping box it arrived in. After using EnviroMax Plus, secure the cap tightly and return to your trunk in an upright position.
Q. Can EnviroMax Plus withstand excessive temperatures when being stored?
A. Temperatures over 100 degrees may cause bottle discoloration and loss of seal resulting in leakage. We recommend storage of EnviroMax Plus below
100 degrees. For storage above 100 degrees, such as your trunk in the summer months, we recommend protective covering to contain any potential leakage.
Q: Is there a refund policy for EnviroMax Plus?
A. See full refund policy on the Contact Us page for details and guidelines for refunds.
Q. Does the Manufacturer of EnviroMax Plus Guarantee that it will not harm my engine?
In 9 years of testing and use EnviroMax Plus has been proven to be safe when added to any internal combustion engine and therefore EMP International provides the following warranty:
EMP International, Inc. guarantees the use of EnviroMax Plus to be safe for use in any internal combustion engine. If EnviroMax Plus can be shown in any type of test to have damaged any internal combustion engine, EMP International, Inc. will replace the damaged parts of the engine free of charge. Click here to view the Guarantee
Q: Will EnviroMax Plus Void my vehicle's Warranty
A. EnviroMax Plus will not void a vehicles warranty:
General Motors Response to EnviroMax Plus - "using the fuel additive will not void your warranty"
Click Here to view their response
US Code - Title 15, Chapter 50, Sections 2301-2312
Legally, a vehicle manufacturer can not void the warranty on a vehicle due to an aftermarket part unless they can prove that the aftermarket part caused or contributed to the failure in the vehicle (per the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act (15 U.S.C. 2302(C)). For best results, consider working with performance-oriented dealerships with a proven history of working with customers. If your vehicle manufacturer fails to honor emission/warranty claims, contact EPA at (202) 260-2080 or If federal warranty protection is denied, contact the FTC at (202) 326-3128 or
Q: Can one individual make a difference in helping to improve the air we breathe?
A. Absolutely! By using EMP on a regular basis and making sure your vehicle is well maintained, you can make a difference in improving the quality of the air we breathe. The world is beginning to experience a major health crisis due in part to exhaust and other airborne emissions created from the use of fossil fuel. In 1935 the chances of developing the most serious form of skin cancer were 1 in 1500. It is now expected to exceed 1 in 75. It is further predicted that 1.6 million new cases of cataracts and 300,000 new cases of skin cancer will occur before the year 2002 (EPA 1997). The EPA has also estimated that ozone depletion is responsible for approximately 15,000 premature deaths annually, 350,000 cases of aggravated asthma and one million cases of decreased lung function in children. Lung disease is now the #3 killer in the U.S., and more than 30 million Americans live with some type of lung disease. You can make a world of difference by using and telling others about EMP.
Q: Can fuel that is treated with EnviroMax Plus be stored for long periods of time?
A. All gasolines go bad after a certain time limits. EMP does not extend shelf life of gasoline.
Q: Can EnviroMax Plus be stored in a trunk in hot temperatures, or in a garage in cold weather?
A. EMP will freeze in long term extreme cold weather. EMP will swell in the bottle in extreme hot weather.
Order EnviroMax Plus Now as a Retail Customer!
EnviroMax Plus: (1) 12 oz Bottle + (2) Mini Bottles - $47.95 - (Treats 320 Gallons)
EnviroMax Plus Double: (2) 12 oz Bottles + (4) Mini Bottles - $90.95 - (Treats 640 Gallons)
EnviroMax Plus Quad: (4) 12 oz Bottles + (8) Mini Bottles - $159.95 - (Treats 1280 Gallons)
EnviroMax 10 Mini Bottles: (10) Mini Bottles - $59.95 - (Treats 400 Gallons)
EnviroMax Plus Case: (4) 12 oz. Bottles - $124.95 - (Treats 960 Gallons)
EnviroMax Plus 4 Cases: (16) 12 oz. Bottles - $419.95 - (Treats 3840 Gallons)

Larger Orders of EnviroMax Plus:
Deep Discount Volume Items
EnviroMax Plus 12 Cases: (48) 12 oz. Bottles - $1099.95 - (Treats 11,520 Gallons)
EnviroMax Plus 48 Cases: (192) 12 oz. Bottles - $3,399.95 - (Treats 46,080 Gallons)
EnviroMax Plus 1 Gallon Can - $279.95 - (Treats 2,560 Gallons)
EnviroMax Plus 5 Gallon Tote - $1,199.95 - (Treats 12,800] Gallons)
EnviroMax Plus 55 Gallon Drum - $11,379.95 - (Treats 140,800 Gallons)
Click here to access the EnviroMax Plus Order Form(Available by Phone or Order Form Only)

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