Tuesday, April 1, 2008


When pursuing an online career, you must consider that having a lead could be the step you need in order to make a sale.  The big question that you must ask yourself, is am I willing to buy leads?  Buying leads is a risky business at best.  Tom Prendergast, CEO of Inetekk, knows that the act of buying leads is attuned to modern day slavery for online marketers.  You seem to be stuck in the rut of either buying some leads from some leads broker, or you must learn the art and science of creating lead capture pages where people will sign into to get more information.
At best, most people are dazed and confused when it comes to the whole leads industry.  The facts are clear that leads companies are going to tell you that they have the best opted in, fresh, verified, phone surveyed leads, but in all actuality, they probably grabbed those leads off of some generic leads list.
The leads industry is a multi-billion dollar concern.  In other words, there are organizations that are selling your personal information to people around the world who are trying to market their latest and greatest jungle juice, health food, money making opportunity and more.  Had you ever considered that your personal name, email address, phone number and other valuable information is being sold on the internet marketing slave board at a staggering rate?  I am sure that you, like me, are always taking a look at some internet business.  I do it mostly in the area of research.  I am always searching Google for these businesses that claim instant success and wealth with no effort.  I then take these mlm companies and expose them for what they really are.
In fact, I really hate the whole nasty business of internet marketing.  I grow weary from these compelling sites that are designed by people who are looking for nothing but a way to separate you from your hard earned money.  In other words, these people will scam, lie, cheat, steal and do virtually anything in order to keep from actually working.  Do you have any idea exactly how many of these mlm companies are like that?  As a general rule, they are ALL the same.
They try to tell you that for only $997 they will give you the best in ebook downloads.  They will give you free resell rights so that you can go and sell these on Google.  The problem is, you my friend, have not a clue on how to accomplish that.  In other words, you are not well schooled in the art and science of keyword research, website construction, writing effective ad content and posting those articles to blogs, press releases, forums and ezine article publishing systems.  You do understand that this is the only way to gain search engine rankings on Google, right?
I am sure that you are weary from the strain and struggle of trying to convince and coerce those leads that you bought into joining your business.  I am positive that you would prefer to build your business in another way.
I am here to show you a way where you will NEVER have to buy leads, NEVER make cold calls, NEVER try to get your friends and family involved and will never have to struggle and strain to build a successful and lucrative home business.
In using this business model, you simply buy customers to build your Google business.  That is what I said.  You will never have to buy leads again.  You will never have to make cold phone calls.  You will only commit to buying customers.  These customers are already buying products and are satisfied with those products.  These customers will also provide you with their name, email address, phone number and any relevant data so that you are welcome to introduce yourself to them.
Building a business on the internet has never been simpler, nor more effective.  If you want to know more, just add your name and email to the form below.  Keep in mind, you will not be marketed to by doing this.

If you have had it with buying Xooma Leads, Xango Leads, Passport to Wealth Leads, Shaklee Leads, EDC Gold Leads, Goji Leads, Amway Leads, Herbalife Leads and any other non-productive leads that you can imagine, its time to visit ItsGoodBusiness.net and discover the signficant workaround to the whole problem of buying leads.  Hey, just buy customers to build your business.  Take a deep breath and relax for a change Mr. or Ms. Internet Marketer.  There is a much better and more cost effective way to build a business on Google.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Phase IV Marketing Group
From Domain Purchasing Through Website Construction and Effective Promoting on Google
fax 806-874-0036
Office Hours:  M-F 9-6 CST
Jim Skelton-Classified Ad Specialist
Skelton SEO Services
50321 State Route 14, East Palestine, Ohio 44413
(330)426-3229   (800)292-0232


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