Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Internet Classified Advertising

From Domain Purchasing Through Website Construction and Successfully Promoting to Top Positions on Google/></a></center><br/>
<BR><FONT color=#ff0000>Phase IV Marketing 
Group</FONT></A></EM></STRONG>, the two classic styles of successfully promoting 
websites to top positions, and getting much desired web traffic is the sole 
intent and purpose.  Success on Google is totally dictated by the ability 
that you have to get your site seen.  You must be totally aware that the 
art and science of search engine optimization comes into full play.  There 
is a given on the net.</FONT> 
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><STRONG>No Traffic=No Sales</STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Traffic to a website is accomplished in a myriad of 
ways at <STRONG><EM><A href=

Phase IV Marketing Group.  Years of research and study in the search engine placement that Google, Yahoo, MSN, WindowsLive, and all the other major search engine spiders use, is the precise reason that Butch Hamilton, SEO Master and CEO of Phase iV Marketing Group, has the success rate that he, and his qualified staff have on the search engines.
There are no magic buttons to success on the net, no matter what you may have read or heard.  Basically, the way to obtaining top positions on Google comes directly from writing keyword specific articles, press releases, blog posts, forum posts and then relaying this vital information successfully to appealing and informational websites.
Butch Hamilton has brought to his esteemed seo organization, one of the most noted internet classified advertising executives known, Mr. Jim Skelton.  Jim has worked on the internet for the last 20 years.  His expertise in the whys and hows to gain traffic to sites is unparalleled in the industry.  He has literally cracked the code to successfully gaining massive traffic and unique visitors to any site that he decides to promote.
The added benefit of this new addition to Phase IV Marketing Group leads the potential seo client down an entirely new road to success online.  While neither Butch Hamilton, nor Jim Skelton, will ever guarantee sales, the will guarantee improved search engine rankings and traffic.
The general consensus of people working on the net seem to think that internet classified advertising is not effective.  Phase IV Marketing Group would highly disagree with this statement.  The fact of the matter is that most people, have not a clue how to write appealing copy, nor conduct significant keyword research to place those ads to high traffic areas where there is traffic.
Internet classified advertising is a very effective traffic gathering element, when approached from a scientific area.  This is why Jim Skelton has the success rate that he does in placing successful ad campaigns.
The actual stats from just one of the new sites brought onboard by Jim Skelton, proves the fact that internet classified advertising is valid, and needed by online marketers.
Monthly Statistics for March 15 2008
Total Hits 8365
Total Files 6541
Total Pages 962
Total Visits 630
Total KBytes 53097
Total Unique Sites 452
Total Unique URLs 73
Total Unique Referrers 38
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 31
. Avg  Max 
Hits per Hour 21 
Hits per Day 522 
Files per Day 408 
Pages per Day 60
Visits per Day 39
KBytes per Day 3319
These realtime stats were formed by a totally new site.  This is almost unheard in the seo industry.  Most new sites must go through a testing phase before Google even releases their information.  This process known as sandboxing can go for days or months.  This new site has already far exceeded the expectations of the owner.
Phase IV Marketing Group stands at the ready to assist you in successfully promoting your website to any keyword category found on Google today.  The expertise and depth of Butch Hamilton and Jim Skelton, make for a powerful promoting team.
Internet classified advertising will be the solution of no traffic to your site.  The expertise and knowledge of Butch Hamilton, Jim Skelton and the entire staff of Phase IV Marketing Group will amplify your chances of success on the net.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Phase IV Marketing Group
From Domain Purchasing Through Website Construction and Effective Promoting on Google
fax 806-874-0036
Office Hours:  M-F 9-6 CST
Jim Skelton-Classified Ad Specialist
Skelton SEO Services
50321 State Route 14, East Palestine, Ohio 44413
(330)426-3229   (800)292-0232   

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