Monday, March 31, 2008


Original Article in Question
Ripoff_The_ Reporting
I have a question to pose before the people that find this article on the net.  How many times have you been ripped on Google?  How many times have promises been made, and then some so-called super-networker just forgot about you when you clicked the I Submit button?  How many times have you jumped on board with the latest and greatest new pre-launch bs program, only to find that it was just like every other deal?
How many times have you heard the phrase "just give me 30-60-90 days and you will not believe how much money that you will be making with the xyz mlm company?  How many times have you joined what you thought was some great money making business, only to find that after joining, it was nothing more than smoke and mirrors?
In the ripoff report, you are going to uncover the secret as to why most mlm companies fall short when it comes to producing actual spending money.  You are also going to discover that there is really nothing as a super-networker.  Chances are, that person has just built a significant email lists, and then he simply spams everyone with lies until people join.
Let's get right to the bottom line of internet marketing.  I created a site:  Within this site are pages filled with the lies, hype, scam, misdeeds and all the other crap that we see going on constantly on the internet every second of every day.
Innocent people are looking for a way out.  Are you one of these?  Are you tired of your day job?  Are you sick of your boss?  Are you trying to figure out how to build an online business in the right way?  Are you seeking, but not finding the answers to your powerful dilemma?
Had you ever thought that just maybe the entire internet is nothing but a sham, scam and a heartbreaking system designed to separate you from your hard earned money?  Had you ever thought that this entire gig is based on lying, cheating and stealing?  Have you ever thought that this process called internet marketing appeal to the wrong people?  It appeals to people who are content to remain shrouded in mystery.  They hide behind websites.  You could never find out who this person is if you tried.  They are good at covering their tracks folks.  In all actuality, they could be some fat guy, sitting in a mobile home in the middle of the Louisiana swamp in his boxer underwear and drinking beer telling everyone that he is the supreme marketer online.
Hey, it happens all the time.  Its possible that people hide their identity because they are looking for the quick fix.  They are the quintessential con man who has either been in prison, or is headed there soon.  You have people that spend an incredible amount of time in making sure that they wreak as much havoc as they possibly can in people's lives.  And, they love every single moment of what they do.
Let's set the record straight.  No one is living in an ivory palace because of the money that they are making online.  No one is drinking pina colodas sitting in their beach house surrounded by expensive and exotic cars.  None of these people are actually making all that much money.  They simply have the ability to write a bunch of crap about how powerful, rich and successful they are on the internet, and people, being easily manipulated, find their way to these gurus and fall for their deal.  Once they are in, its way too late to recapture the money.
I could give you many examples of this in my own online experiences.  I have been screwed, blued and tattooed more times that I care to mention.  But I have an advantage over most.  I am not easily led down the rose petal garden of success.  I am attuned to exactly how the net works, and I can gain recognition on any keyword I choose to approach on Google.   Read more here: 
If you are weary from the strain of broken promises and lies.  If you are sick to death of some guru telling you how much money you can make with no effort.  If you are exhausted from spending money for non-productive leads that are produced by some lead broker.  If you fall into this category at all, then I have a suggestion for you.
Simply buy customers to build your business.

Stay tuned for more articles on Ripoff_The_Reporting to Arm yourself with truth, education and actual ways to building an effective business on Google.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Phase IV Marketing Group
From Domain Purchasing Through Website Construction and Effective Promoting on Google
fax 806-874-0036
Office Hours:  M-F 9-6 CST
Find below the actual article in text form, that I received from the law firm regarding my so-called copyright infringment.
Quoted in full from the PDF File...

"1 1 Jaburg
& Wilk, P.C.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW Maria Crimi Speth, Esq.
mes@jaburgwil k. coin Direct Line 602/248-1089
3200 N. Central Ave., Suite 2000 Phoenix, AZ 85012

March 26, 2008
Via E-Mail butch®  and First Class Mail

Butch Hamilton
502 E.4th
P.O.Box 27
Clarendon, Texas 79226

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

This firm represents XCENTRIC VENTURES, LLC ("Xcentric") in connection with the protection of its intellectual property rights. Among other things, Xcentric operates the very popular website The term "Rip-Off Report" is also registered as a trademark with the United States Patent & Trademark Offic, Registration #2958949.
Our research indicates that you are using the name Ripoff Report in connection with the sale of SEO and internet marketing services on the website
On the right- hand column of that site, you list a blog archive that includes what appears to be a title for a blog called "Ripoff Report." When clicking on that link, the user is directed to http://vere¬ Instead of this being a legitimate blog that contains newsworthy, First-Amendment protected information, the "blog" simply advertises your services under the title of "Ripoff Report". This is direct infringement on Xcentric's registered trademark.

Federal statutes provide for civil remedies for infringement of a trademark, including damages, costs and attorney fees. 47 U.S.C. § 1125. By trading on the Rip-Off Report's name, you are attempting to direct Internet users to your website for the purpose of your personal and/or corporate economic gain.
Offices also in Scottsdale
14500 N. Northsight Blvd., Suite 116 • Scottsdale, AZ 85260 • Tel 480/609-0011 • Fax 480/609-0016
Page 2

Xcentric is dedicated to diligently protecting its intellectual property rights. In order to resolve this without litigation, we hereby demand that you remove all references to "Ripoff Report" from the website located at or any other website that you manage or own.

You must contact us in writing no later that April 11, 2008 and confirm that you are willing to cease using the infringing name "Ripoff Report" in connection with any sales, marketing, or other commercial activities that you perform. If we do not hear from you, we will proceed with further measures to stop the infringement, including filing a lawsuit if necessary.

Maria Crimi Speth, Esq.
CC: Client"
Now that we have that all settled, and their client's special proprietary word phrase is now untested, I will return to the job of promoting effectively on Google.  It would become very apparent to me that some people have too much time on their hands and look to law firms to waste their valuable time.  I am still seriously consideing following the illustrious Bill Clinton's take on the word "is" and copyrighting and trade marking the word "the."  (not really)

Herbalife Leads

Herbalife Leads


There are many quality companies that produce products and provide income opportunities to the public. Herbal Life [International] is one of those good companies and to have a business opportunity with them would be a good idea if the company had a good prospecting plan in place. The last thing you want to have happen is that you end up with the sole responsibility of building your business through leads.


When anyone decides to join a MLM or Network Marketing Company they are hoping that they will be able to create additional streams of income. They pour their heart and soul into the new business only to find out that they had to sell the products to others and then also convince people to join their organization.


The new business person in Herbalife or any other company resorts to purchasing leads that have been called many times and don't want to hear from someone else about another vitamin or duplicated product. The leads that have been purchased are tired and sold over and over again. Think about it! If a lead was so good why would the lead companies sell them for peanuts. You can buy several thousand to tens of thousands of leads for a couple of hundred dollars to upwards of thousands of dollars. These leads have been pretty much picked over but even if they aren't once you get the lead, you still have to call them and sell them on your business.


I personally don't want to call anyone…


I don't like to call anyone and try to sell them to come into my business. That is why I buy customers and not leads. I refuse to purchase a lead and call anyone. I have done it and don't like it! I have heard stories of people being hung up on, cursed at, and had to listen to people tell then that they wish they could get off the list that is being sold. So when you buy the list you are not getting a quality name but a name that has a history of being sold over and over again to unsuspecting people who are trying to build a business.


I get business proposals that come across my desk all the time from clients wanting me to invest in their business, or to look at it, and give them my feedback. Usually when they want my feedback they are really looking for me to read it and get excited about their business.


Most of them are the same old thing, a MLM or Network Marketing opportunity that they have received from an associate that they want me to evaluate and give them my opinion. A lot of times they want me to invest with them. When I look at them I see the same common thread running through each and every one of them. They are opportunities that require massive amounts of buying leads and phone work. When I see this I stay away from these because I don't want to call anyone and try to convince them to join a business that I know will not produce the promises that were made.


The one that go my attention!


Although I read the business proposals out of courtesy I don't recommend them, until I got one that got my attention. This one was different and had a totally unique business model. It was a Nutraceutical Company that had a whole new approach to the MLM and Network Marketing Industry. I looked at the products and saw that they were powerful and promoted wellness. Although many others did too this company was unique in that it promoted Wellness and Wealth together.


As I kept reading I saw what really triggered my mind, and made me realize that this is a totally different approach and that no other MLM company had anything like it. I could not find anything like this on the internet except the company proposed in the plan. What was this unique concept, buying customers.


Buy Customers not leads…


I kept reading and learned that this company has the unique ability to sell direct to the consumer and then once the consumer buys the product they sell it to the Business Affiliate. I crawled the website and read everything that I could trying to find out if I was looking at this in the wrong way. I had never heard about buying customers and so I wasn't sure that I was reading it correctly.


I called several people to verify the information and then I talked to a person who had been doing it for a while and they confirmed the information. No phone calls to leads who don't want to be called, all you do is purchase the customer from the company and get the commissions.


I said "This is like an investment." I keep reading and trying to find the flaws but none. So I went to a meeting at and listened to Tom Prendergast talk about how he has gotten increased results every month for seven years. In other words his check has gone up every month since he started simply by buying customers.


I thought I had heard it all but not this time. This is a new innovation that has been around for almost ten years but as it catches on it will drive the other MLM or Network Marketing Companies wild because they can't compete. It will pull their producers away from them since no one likes to make unnecessary phone calls. Many producers are already looking at this model and planning on leaving their existing companies. But just think you can never lose your customers since they are customers and not someone's downline. This makes your business stable and solid.


If you would are considering Herbalife International or simply want to learn more about, then go to and sign in then you will get an invitation to the meetings. If you are interested after the meeting then feel free to contact me through skype ID: rbjewell or call me at 610-637-4884. If I don't answer please leave a message and I will call you back.


Thanks for reading,


Dr. Raymond Jewell



Butch Hamilton-SEO Master



Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Herbalife Leads

Herbalife Leads

Phone Interviewed Herbalife Leads offers the most cost-effective Real Time Phone Interviewed Herbalife lead generation available in the U.S.A. We send you prospects who have expressed interest in Herbalife and confirmed they want to be contacted by an Herbalife Representative. Each prospect is called, interviewed and given an overview of the business by one of our Call Center Reps. This makes them a much easier prospect to close.

Each order includes a Back Office which allows a customer to: view their leads, and download their leads.

Benefits of our Herbalife Leads:

  • Prospects are sent to you the instant our Call
    Center has confirmed their interest in Herbalife.
  • Prospect has been called and interviewed by one of our
    call center reps and has been given an overview of Herbalife.
  • You only receive prospects who have expressed interest
    in Herbalife and want to be contacted by
    an Herbalife Representative.
  • These are "Hot" prospects waiting for your call.
  • Leads are Exclusive to you.

Our Herbalife Leads are GUARANTEED!

We GUARANTEE you will get exactly what you ordered! Actual People interested in your Herbalife Offer!

Each lead comes with the following information:

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Full Address
  • IP Address
  • How soon would they like to start
  • When they want you to call them
  • Date and time prospect was interviewed


So, with buying Herbalife leads, you have important choices to make in your marketing campaigns. You can indeed choose to buy your way into the most efficient weight reducing system today, or you can choose to approach your Herbalife business on the search engines. You have probably bought the expensive telephone surveyed, double opted in leads before right? I know, that in my Herbalife business years ago, I bought wheel slots. These wheel slots consisted of 100 so-called interviewed leads. The sad but true fact of the matter is however: when I would call these people about Herbalife, they would not have a clue as to how I got their number, and they were certainly NOT interested in joining my lucrative Herbalife business.

The results of all the month that I paid for Herbalife leads was nil. The ROI on the wheel slot leads that I purchased was $0.

Does this sound familiar to you? I am thinking that most independent Herbalife reps have gone through this same process as I have done. So, what is the workaround to building a highly successful Herbalife business? Granted, I still believe that when Mark Hughes, the founder of Herbalife International brought this weight loss program forth, and told people to "Lose Weight Now, Ask Me How!" was the best thing that happened to the diet industry ever. The products are great tasting, easy to take with you and they WORK! The product side of Herbalife is top level, as is evidenced by them now having notoriety on the US Stock Exchange.

The problem is, you must spend all of your time gathering leads, buying leads, prospecting for customers and searching for people to talk with about Herbalife.


There is a workaround here. How about simply buying customers, instead of leads, to promote your business? Had you ever considered that there is a company that specializes in this very thing? Well, there is. It is called: Within this time tested organzation, you will come into contact with the best answer to the problem of working MLM downlines. You will find that buying leads is costly and ineffective, and you can simply buy customers instead.

Fill out our contact form to learn more about how people are catching hold of the best investment potential in 2008 using the plan for success. There will be absolutely no convincing, coercing, making cold phone calls or any of the ways that you have thought you needed to do to build a successful business on the internet.


You will be amazed at the results people are seeing within our organization in only one months time. I also suggest that you keep right on using Herbalife weight reducing systems to your advantage. The products and plans are amazing, and are geared to help you live a healthy life.

Likewise, can show you the efficient way to build an online business without the usual hassles of buying leads and making non-productive phone calls.
Herbalife Leads


Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Phase IV Marketing Group
From Domain Purchasing Through Website Construction and Effective Promoting on Google
fax 806-874-0036
Office Hours: M-F 9-6 CST

Jim Skelton-Classified Ad Specialist
Skelton SEO Services
50321 State Route 14, East Palestine, Ohio 44413
(330)426-3229 (800)292-0232


Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
Search Engine Optimization-Search Engine Marketing-Website Traffic-How Do I Get Website Traffic-I Need Website Traffic-Link-Links-Link Exchange-Exchange Links-Linking Strategies-Internet Advertising

  • Contact Publisher - Butch Hamilton SEO Master
    posted on March 30, 2008 11:45:47 am
  • SEO Services
    posted on March 30, 2008 11:45:46 am
      SEO Services   If you are attempting to market goods and services on Google, you need to be aware that there are proven techniques and strategies that work in obtaining top positions.  Google, Yahoo, MSN, WindowsLive,, and all the major search engines, follow certain important guidelines that need to be followed in order to gain recognition and search engine positions...
  • Goji Leads
    posted on March 30, 2008 10:57:45 am
    Goji Leads   There are many quality companies that produce products and provide income opportunities to the public. Goji Juice [Free Life] is one of those good companies and to have a business opportunity with them would be a good idea if the company had a good prospecting plan in place. The last thing you want to have happen is that you end up with the sole responsibility of building yo...
  • GOJI
    posted on March 27, 2008 11:25:48 pm
      What Is Goji Juice   Himalayan goji berries and Chinese goji berries are equally effective when it comes to health but there is a difference in taste. The Chinese berries are smaller and a little bitter tasting. The Himalayan berries are larger, plumper and sweeter tasting. Either way, this marvelous little fruit with its health and anti-aging benefits, along with exercise, m...
  • Passport to Wealth
    posted on March 27, 2008 09:08:04 pm
        Passport to Wealth Passport to Wealth is a dynamic driven wealth creation system. People are searching across Google for a substantial way to earn money from home. Most are stuck in a rut with waking up early, driving through congested traffic, getting to a job that will never go anywhere and basically working just to pay the bills.The problem, up to this point, is that all mlm...
  • Melalouca Leads
    posted on March 27, 2008 02:24:57 am
      You may already know that Melaleuca Preferred Customers enjoy savings of 30% to 40% off the retail price of our wellness products, but did you know there are added benefits? As a loyal monthly shopper, your Melaleuca Preferred Customer benefits include the following: Save money with 30% to 40% discounts off the product retail price 100% Satisfaction Guarantee—not satisfied? ...
  • Vitamark Leads
    posted on March 27, 2008 01:14:03 am
      Discover Wellness Discover wellness with Vitamark, the makers of Limu Plus. You've heard about the nutritional benefits of kelp—but did you know how difficult it is, thanks to environmental pollution, to find a pure, pristine source? We discovered it in the untouched Pacific paradise of Tonga, the source of our superb L...
  • Timeshares Leads
    posted on March 26, 2008 09:33:05 am
      Timeshares Leads   To gain an overview of the core meaning of timeshares, we turn to the Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia.  "Timeshare is a business model whereby a company buys something and sells small timeslices of it to customers. This concept is most frequently used for vacation condominiums/homes, but it has also been used for high end private jets. In general, "timeshare...
  • Xooma Leads
    posted on March 25, 2008 12:22:46 pm
    XOOMA LEADS   If you're like most people, you would love to lose some weight or excess body fat, but for whatever reason it hasn't been that easy.  Most people have tried one fad diet after another only to find that even if they lose some weight, their results don't last very long.  The fact is that obesity is becoming a worldwide epidemic. What if there really was a solution?&...
  • Buying Leads
    posted on March 25, 2008 01:13:23 am
      Buying leads to promote any online business is a multi-million dollar business. You can begin your search by going to Google and typing in the keyword leads. In this category, which is searched over 50,000 times per month, you will see a plethora of different sites designed to tell you that buying leads is the normal way to promote your business. You will also see one of my sites call...
  • SEO Services
    posted on March 23, 2008 11:43:47 pm
      SEO Services   SEO services is the way that is used to obtain top positions on Google, Yahoo, MSN,, WindowsLIve and all the other major search engines.  I consider search engine optimization an art and a science.  I work incessantly on the net in an effort to provide my seo clients the very best in top positions for their websites.   There are many technique...


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Google Friends Newsletter

Google Friends Newsletter - March 2008

Greetings to all of our Google friends. We hope you enjoy this month's
update on our products and services.


Advanced Search reloaded

We recently updated our advanced search page to make it easier than
ever to refine and expand your query with our dynamic query builder.
You can use all the same features as before, but we'll now show you a
real-time view of what it looks like if you create a complex query
using specific search parameters.


Google Docs upgrades several features

We've upgraded a number of features in Google Docs including new
toolbars and menus for documents; notification of spreadsheet changes
via email; and spreadsheet gadgets such as pivot tables and org
charts. And you can now change ownership of documents and spreadsheets
and use colored folders, which work just like labels in Gmail.

Google Sky now available online

If you use Sky in Google Earth, it's now easier than ever to look at
your favorite planets, galaxies, constellations or star clusters. With
the launch of the browser version of Google Sky, you can search for
your favorite stellar objects, listen to Earth and Sky podcasts,
switch wavelength lenses and explore historical maps. You can also
browse through the universe with the menus at the bottom of the page.

Google Gears for mobile and Google search plug-in for WinMo

The new Google Gears for mobile lets you access web applications on
your mobile phones, even when there's no network connection. (And
developers will also find it easier to create mobile applications.)
Also, our new search plug-in for WinMo phones installs a search box
right on your Today screen and helps you conduct web searches more


"The web is better when it's social." This idea has taken root all
across the web of late -- the more you can share, update, comment, and
contribute in all sorts of creative ways to the steady stream of news,
views, and entertainment, the more dynamic and compelling the Internet
becomes. For developers, the web is more interesting when they can
build applications that easily interact with everyone. But the
challenge for those creating software widgets, gadgets and
"containers" for content has been to pick the right tools and, until
recently, bet on the right platform for building their creations. This
is one reason we've banded together with Yahoo! and MySpace: to
encourage open software development for as many of the communities and
sites as possible. Collectively, we plan to create a private non-
profit foundation that can support open development of common
toolsets. We think this openness helps everyone.

The Google Blog offers frequent updates and insights about our technology and products, and the company at large.

Share Google Friends with a friend through Google Groups (includes subscribe/unsubscribe information).

Google Friends archive:

Google Friends archive prior to May 2005:

To unsubscribe from the Google Friends Newsletter, send an empty message to:

Google, Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Phase IV Marketing Group
From Domain Purchasing Through Website Construction and Effective Promoting on Google
fax 806-874-0036
Office Hours:  M-F 9-6 CST
Jim Skelton-Classified Ad Specialist
Skelton SEO Services
50321 State Route 14, East Palestine, Ohio 44413
(330)426-3229   (800)292-0232   

Affordable Dental Plan

AmeriPlan® Corporation...
the nation's premier Discount Medical Plan Organization
Earn Residual Income

Important Update: How I turned $25 into $400 a month in 1 week

Three weeks ago I sent you information on the a simple way to add $2000-$3000 to your monthly residual income .

In the past 3 weeks myself and those of you who responded and acted have already started building true residual income. We all agree, this is the easiest money we've ever made.

Only in America could an average person like myself turn a $25 investment into a significant stream on income.

There are only a few days left to take advantage of our $25 promotion. Click on the following link and learn about this powerful opportunity and marketing system.

When you get to the site, take your time. Watch every video and listen to every audio. Be sure and see the testimonials.

I promise you will be as impressed as I was and am. You will kick yourself if you miss this.

Call me after you check out the system


Al Turnquist

SEO Services

SEO Services
If you are attempting to market goods and services on Google, you need to be aware that there are proven techniques and strategies that work in obtaining top positions.  Google, Yahoo, MSN, WindowsLive,, and all the major search engines, follow certain important guidelines that need to be followed in order to gain recognition and search engine positions.  If you are like most people, you are not aware of these techniques, and chances are very good, that you are totally in the dark as to how to get traffic to your websites.
Search engine optimization and search engine marketing are our passion and forte.  We have years of experience in the ways to gain search engine positions by creating the proper type of informational site, buying the best possible domain, how to promote that site to top positions on Google, and literally everything that you need to get the exposure required for your website. 
We are proud to announce the addition of a top level advertising ad specialist to our powerful online marketing team.  Mr. Jim Skelton is a world wide recognized leader in creating compelling and traffic gathering classified ads.  His expertise is literally unmatched in this important area of promoting effectively on the net.  Jim, and his qualified staff can assist you in the key areas to get traffic to your sites.  He spends countless hours in researching and posting to only the best of the internet classified ad sites.
The powerful combination of Butch Hamilton, a world class SEO Master and Jim Skelton mean better search engine rankings and consistent traffic to any site that you are attempting to market on Google.  Only certified and proven Google information for webmasters is used in the promoting process.  Below, find some of the services available at Phase IV Marketing Group:
Domain Purchasing
Website Design and Production
Promoting to Top Positions on the Search Engines
Press Release Writing Services
Blog Creation
Classified Advertising
SEO Training
The best possible way to find out relevant information concerning any service or person on Google, is to simply type the person's name in a search box.  You are welcome to Google Butch Hamilton and Jim Skelton.  There you will find the information that you need to make the best decision in determining who is a powerful promoting team on the net.  We also urge you to visit our Testimonial page, where you will find people who have chosen to use some, or all of the services we promote.
We look forward to assisting you in your online journey.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Phase IV Marketing Group
From Domain Purchasing Through Website Construction and Effective Promoting on Google
fax 806-874-0036
Office Hours:  M-F 9-6 CST
Jim Skelton-Classified Ad Specialist
Skelton SEO Services
50321 State Route 14, East Palestine, Ohio 44413
(330)426-3229   (800)292-0232   

Xooma Leads

Xooma Leads


There are many quality companies that produce products and provide income opportunities to the public. Xooma is one of those good companies and to have a business opportunity with them would be a good idea if the company had a good prospecting plan in place. The last thing you want to have happen is that you end up with the sole responsibility of building your business through leads.


When anyone decides to join a MLM or Network Marketing Company they are hoping that they will be able to create additional streams of income. They pour their heart and soul into the new business only to find out that they had to sell the products to others and then also convince people to join their organization.


The new business person resorts to purchasing leads that have been called many times and don't want to hear from someone else about another vitamin or duplicated product. The leads that have been purchased are tired and sold over and over again. Think about it! If a lead was so good why would the lead companies sell them for peanuts. You can buy several thousand to tens of thousands of leads for a couple of hundred dollars to upwards of thousands of dollars. These leads have been pretty much picked over but even if they aren't once you get the lead, you still have to call them and sell them on your business.


I personally don't want to call anyone…


I don't like to call anyone and try to sell them to come into my business. That is why I buy customers and not leads. I refuse to purchase a lead and call anyone. I have done it and don't like it! I have heard stories of people being hung up on, cursed at, and had to listen to people tell then that they wish they could get off the list that is being sold. So when you buy the list you are not getting a quality name but a name that has a history of being sold over and over again to unsuspecting people who are trying to build a business.


I get business proposals that come across my desk all the time from clients wanting me to invest in their business, or to look at it, and give them my feedback. Usually when they want my feedback they are really looking for me to read it and get excited about their business.


Most of them are the same old thing, a MLM or Network Marketing opportunity that they have received from an associate that they want me to evaluate and give them my opinion. A lot of times they want me to invest with them. When I look at them I see the same common thread running through each and every one of them. They are opportunities that require massive amounts of buying leads and phone work. When I see this I stay away from these because I don't want to call anyone and try to convince them to join a business that I know will not produce the promises that were made.


The one that go my attention!


Although I read the business proposals out of courtesy I don't recommend them, until I got one that got my attention. This one was different and had a totally unique business model. It was a Nutraceutical Company that had a whole new approach to the MLM and Network Marketing Industry. I looked at the products and saw that they were powerful and promoted wellness. Although many others did too this company was unique in that it promoted Wellness and Wealth together.


As I kept reading I saw what really triggered my mind, and made me realize that this is a totally different approach and that no other MLM company had anything like it. I could not find anything like this on the internet except the company proposed in the plan. What was this unique concept, buying customers.


Buy Customers not leads…


I kept reading and learned that this company has the unique ability to sell direct to the consumer and then once the consumer buys the product they sell it to the Business Affiliate. I crawled the website and read everything that I could trying to find out if I was looking at this in the wrong way. I had never heard about buying customers and so I wasn't sure that I was reading it correctly.


I called several people to verify the information and then I talked to a person who had been doing it for a while and they confirmed the information. No phone calls to leads who don't want to be called, all you do is purchase the customer from the company and get the commissions.


I said "This is like an investment." I keep reading and trying to find the flaws but none. So I went to a meeting at and listened to Tom Prendergast talk about how he has gotten increased results every month for seven years. In other words his check has gone up every month since he started simply by buying customers.


I thought I had heard it all but not this time. This is a new innovation that has been around for almost ten years but as it catches on it will drive the other MLM or Network Marketing Companies wild because they can't compete. It will pull their producers away from them since no one likes to make unnecessary phone calls. Many producers are already looking at this model and planning on leaving their existing companies. But just think you can never lose your customers since they are customers and not someone's downline. This makes your business stable and solid.


If you would are considering Xooma or simply want to learn more about, then go to and sign in then you will get an invitation to the meetings. If you are interested after the meeting then feel free to contact me through skype ID: rbjewell or call me at 610-637-4884. If I don't answer please leave a message and I will call you back.


Thanks for reading,


Dr. Raymond Jewell



Butch Hamilton-SEO Master



Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Pampered Chef Leads

Pampered Chef Leads


There are many quality companies that produce products and provide income opportunities to the public. Pampered Chef is one of those good companies and to have a business opportunity with them would be a good idea if the company had a good prospecting plan in place. The last thing you want to have happen is that you end up with the sole responsibility of building your business through leads.


When anyone decides to join a MLM or Network Marketing Company they are hoping that they will be able to create additional streams of income. They pour their heart and soul into the new business only to find out that they had to sell the products to others and then also convince people to join their organization.


The new business person resorts to purchasing leads that have been called many times and don't want to hear from someone else about another vitamin or duplicated product. The leads that have been purchased are tired and sold over and over again. Think about it! If a lead was so good why would the lead companies sell them for peanuts. You can buy several thousand to tens of thousands of leads for a couple of hundred dollars to upwards of thousands of dollars. These leads have been pretty much picked over but even if they aren't once you get the lead, you still have to call them and sell them on your business.


I personally don't want to call anyone…


I don't like to call anyone and try to sell them to come into my business. That is why I buy customers and not leads. I refuse to purchase a lead and call anyone. I have done it and don't like it! I have heard stories of people being hung up on, cursed at, and had to listen to people tell then that they wish they could get off the list that is being sold. So when you buy the list you are not getting a quality name but a name that has a history of being sold over and over again to unsuspecting people who are trying to build a business.


I get business proposals that come across my desk all the time from clients wanting me to invest in their business, or to look at it, and give them my feedback. Usually when they want my feedback they are really looking for me to read it and get excited about their business.


Most of them are the same old thing, a MLM or Network Marketing opportunity that they have received from an associate that they want me to evaluate and give them my opinion. A lot of times they want me to invest with them. When I look at them I see the same common thread running through each and every one of them. They are opportunities that require massive amounts of buying leads and phone work. When I see this I stay away from these because I don't want to call anyone and try to convince them to join a business that I know will not produce the promises that were made.


The one that go my attention!


Although I read the business proposals out of courtesy I don't recommend them, until I got one that got my attention. This one was different and had a totally unique business model. It was a Nutraceutical Company that had a whole new approach to the MLM and Network Marketing Industry. I looked at the products and saw that they were powerful and promoted wellness. Although many others did too this company was unique in that it promoted Wellness and Wealth together.


As I kept reading I saw what really triggered my mind, and made me realize that this is a totally different approach and that no other MLM company had anything like it. I could not find anything like this on the internet except the company proposed in the plan. What was this unique concept, buying customers.


Buy Customers not leads…


I kept reading and learned that this company has the unique ability to sell direct to the consumer and then once the consumer buys the product they sell it to the Business Affiliate. I crawled the website and read everything that I could trying to find out if I was looking at this in the wrong way. I had never heard about buying customers and so I wasn't sure that I was reading it correctly.


I called several people to verify the information and then I talked to a person who had been doing it for a while and they confirmed the information. No phone calls to leads who don't want to be called, all you do is purchase the customer from the company and get the commissions.


I said "This is like an investment." I keep reading and trying to find the flaws but none. So I went to a meeting at and listened to Tom Prendergast talk about how he has gotten increased results every month for seven years. In other words his check has gone up every month since he started simply by buying customers.


I thought I had heard it all but not this time. This is a new innovation that has been around for almost ten years but as it catches on it will drive the other MLM or Network Marketing Companies wild because they can't compete. It will pull their producers away from them since no one likes to make unnecessary phone calls. Many producers are already looking at this model and planning on leaving their existing companies. But just think you can never lose your customers since they are customers and not someone's downline. This makes your business stable and solid.


If you would are considering Pampered Chef or simply want to learn more about, then go to and sign in then you will get an invitation to the meetings. If you are interested after the meeting then feel free to contact me through skype ID: rbjewell or call me at 610-637-4884. If I don't answer please leave a message and I will call you back.


Thanks for reading,


Dr. Raymond Jewell



Butch Hamilton-SEO Master



Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Shaklee Leads

Shaklee Leads


There are many quality companies that produce products and provide income opportunities to the public. Shaklee is one of those good companies and to have a business opportunity with them would be a good idea if the company had a good prospecting plan in place. The last thing you want to have happen is that you end up with the sole responsibility of building your business through leads.


When anyone decides to join a MLM or Network Marketing Company they are hoping that they will be able to create additional streams of income. They pour their heart and soul into the new business only to find out that they had to sell the products to others and then also convince people to join their organization.


The new business person resorts to purchasing leads that have been called many times and don't want to hear from someone else about another vitamin or duplicated product. The leads that have been purchased are tired and sold over and over again. Think about it! If a lead was so good why would the lead companies sell them for peanuts. You can buy several thousand to tens of thousands of leads for a couple of hundred dollars to upwards of thousands of dollars. These leads have been pretty much picked over but even if they aren't once you get the lead, you still have to call them and sell them on your business.


I personally don't want to call anyone…


I don't like to call anyone and try to sell them to come into my business. That is why I buy customers and not leads. I refuse to purchase a lead and call anyone. I have done it and don't like it! I have heard stories of people being hung up on, cursed at, and had to listen to people tell then that they wish they could get off the list that is being sold. So when you buy the list you are not getting a quality name but a name that has a history of being sold over and over again to unsuspecting people who are trying to build a business.


I get business proposals that come across my desk all the time from clients wanting me to invest in their business, or to look at it, and give them my feedback. Usually when they want my feedback they are really looking for me to read it and get excited about their business.


Most of them are the same old thing, a MLM or Network Marketing opportunity that they have received from an associate that they want me to evaluate and give them my opinion. A lot of times they want me to invest with them. When I look at them I see the same common thread running through each and every one of them. They are opportunities that require massive amounts of buying leads and phone work. When I see this I stay away from these because I don't want to call anyone and try to convince them to join a business that I know will not produce the promises that were made.


The one that go my attention!


Although I read the business proposals out of courtesy I don't recommend them, until I got one that got my attention. This one was different and had a totally unique business model. It was a Nutraceutical Company that had a whole new approach to the MLM and Network Marketing Industry. I looked at the products and saw that they were powerful and promoted wellness. Although many others did too this company was unique in that it promoted Wellness and Wealth together.


As I kept reading I saw what really triggered my mind, and made me realize that this is a totally different approach and that no other MLM company had anything like it. I could not find anything like this on the internet except the company proposed in the plan. What was this unique concept, buying customers.


Buy Customers not leads…


I kept reading and learned that this company has the unique ability to sell direct to the consumer and then once the consumer buys the product they sell it to the Business Affiliate. I crawled the website and read everything that I could trying to find out if I was looking at this in the wrong way. I had never heard about buying customers and so I wasn't sure that I was reading it correctly.


I called several people to verify the information and then I talked to a person who had been doing it for a while and they confirmed the information. No phone calls to leads who don't want to be called, all you do is purchase the customer from the company and get the commissions.


I said "This is like an investment." I keep reading and trying to find the flaws but none. So I went to a meeting at and listened to Tom Prendergast talk about how he has gotten increased results every month for seven years. In other words his check has gone up every month since he started simply by buying customers.


I thought I had heard it all but not this time. This is a new innovation that has been around for almost ten years but as it catches on it will drive the other MLM or Network Marketing Companies wild because they can't compete. It will pull their producers away from them since no one likes to make unnecessary phone calls. Many producers are already looking at this model and planning on leaving their existing companies. But just think you can never lose your customers since they are customers and not someone's downline. This makes your business stable and solid.


If you would are considering Shaklee or simply want to learn more about, then go to and sign in then you will get an invitation to the meetings. If you are interested after the meeting then feel free to contact me through skype ID: rbjewell or call me at 610-637-4884. If I don't answer please leave a message and I will call you back.


Thanks for reading,


Dr. Raymond Jewell



Butch Hamilton-SEO Master



Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Saturday, March 29, 2008

SEO Services

Butch Hamilton

SEO Services

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Phase IV Marketing Group
From Domain Purchasing Through Website Construction and Effective Promoting on Google
fax 806-874-0036
Office Hours:  M-F 9-6 CST
Jim Skelton-Classified Ad Specialist
Skelton SEO Services
50321 State Route 14, East Palestine, Ohio 44413
(330)426-3229   (800)292-0232   

Friday, March 28, 2008

SEO Services

Butch Hamilton

Its Good Business Meeting


Hey, talk about a good business?  Read on and see how we are dominating the internet. 

LOGIN: It's Good Business

Username:  Use Your Name 

Password: prophet

Saturday meeting: 1pm - 3pm pst March 29,2008

This Saturday at Its Good Business we will be discussing the following:

UPDATE on the growth of our Trivita Business:

In 4 weeks my new leg has grown over 2000 members. The volume has surpassed one of my other power legs that started 7 years ago by 30%!

Al Gonzales will most likely become Directors in the next 30 days. This growth even surprises me. My other leg under Ricardo Ferrari has taken notice and is now part of our team and is quickly bringing this new strategy to her team.

I have never seen happier marketers as I have in this new leg. They understand that with this company in which I am a reluctant leader in, they really do have a future because they understand they are building a real customer base that given time will produce an income they can rely on. In this new leg I have professional business people that see this as an investment, not another concocted stupid MLM attempt to drain the pockets of the hopeful masses. In this leg we have cohesion and delegated harmony. There is no stress in this company, because It's Good Business"!

Why "It's a good business".

I have been in the MLM market since 1992. I have seen them come and go. I have watched the potential leadership of many men and women destroyed by unprofessional and corrupt MLM businesses. I have seen the frustration of many who deserve great success and have that potential constantly allude them.

I own an MLM business. It took 12 years to build it. We waited until 3 years ago to launch it as a 3 level affiliate program. We built it on integrity not hype. It mostly has customers, not distributors. This set me to thinking.

So I started to analyze why so many MLM's grow so quickly then eventually collapse into obscurity. That reason is they lacked customers. The entire organization is sales people looking for more sales people. It was a shocking revelation and this is the reason so many buy the promise of financial independence only to watch their organizations eventually collapse.

This is why you see many potentially successful and capable individuals time and time again jump from one program to another. And doing so, they eventually are relegated to obscurity as their sphere of influence is destroyed by all the broken dreams and dashed hopes of those that at one time trusted them.

This is why, the pressure to never stop recruiting exhaust even the most stalwart individuals. This is why that most of the MLM companies constantly pound the drums to never stop recruiting. This is why so many marketers have given up. This is why, this is my personal calling and crusade. This is why the entire MLM industry is about to get an eviction notice via the Internet!

I have experienced this frustration first hand. However, I really am on the periphery of this phenomena destroying peoples credibility, because I was engulfed in building the 12 years of technology that is Veretekk. So I have only joined a few stinkers in that time. Globalwon and Exeler8. What a waste of time! And I experienced the growth then collapse on one and saw the writting on the wall with the later and quickly quit it and refunded the money to all the people I had recruited. Ouch!

But this is not about Veretekk. This is about a beacon of light in this MLM Sea of despair. This is about an MLM company I joined in October 2001. I was hesitant at first, but my good friend, Ricardo Ferrari, flew me to go see the company and meet them. There was something about them that was different. That difference was subtle and obscure. The difference was, this company had real customers. So I spent about 3 months building that business, and then had to stop because of a divorce and the massive demand on my time to build the Veretekk code. During those 7 years, my business with this MLM Company continued to grow, with no involvement from me whatsoever.

Just recently I have the time to get back to that business. As I was assessing why the difference, why did this MLM continue to grow while the others always failed, it hit me. Because in this MLM my organization was 95% pure customers not looking to make money, but real customers that just keep buying the products.

And this revelation is what inspired me to produce the Its Good Business Flash found at

Blogger Drones

I have deleoped a new Veretekk technology that will literally develop hundreds of thousands of Blogs all controlled from your Veretekk Gold system in one place.

This new technology will virtually explode our rankings in the search engines!

Potential Income Analysis

I will be demonstrating the Income Calculator and looking forward to Karim Premji joining us.

Karim has been with me for 7 years and has paid attention to his Trivita business, unlike me. I promised him I would be back after building Veretekk. Well Premji, I'm back! Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting this Saturday.

Attentional International Entrepreneurs

We have figured out how to get International people into Trivita. Trivita is only available in the United States and Canada. But we worked out a process with Trivita's legal department and our first international South African, Shaun McClelland will discuss the details.

So make sure you join the meeting. You will discover the strategies we are using that guarantees everyone will succeed with us. We have investors in your up line that have pledges of 10s of thousands of dollars towards customer purchases to help benefit the entire organization and we have only just begun!

To login use your name and the password: prophet

See you there!

Thomas Prendergast

Butch Hamilton