Monday, January 7, 2008


The term seo stands for search engine optimization.  Any legitimate seo company now conducting business on Google has a responsibility to give their clients the top rated seo services available.  Following closely the Google Tools for Webmasters is an important first step in the overall seo process.  In this new world of seo technology, it comes down to the fact that producing significant backlinks to promote websites is the rule of thumb.  Many people today think that using automated seo systems to obtain top positions on Google is the rule of the day, while this is a gross misconception.  There are many schools of seo thought that pervade the internet.  The so called seo gurus found on several of the esteemed groups claim success with top ratings on Google by using specific algorithmic terminology.  In actuality, seo is a simple process of writing keyword specific information, submitting that information to heavily spidered sites and consistently watching the ebb and flow of the net.  No one person or seo organization has the market cornered on seo techniques.  In fact, the process can be learned by anyone who watches, learns and follows closely the rules and regulations of the most powerful search engine of all.
SEO training becomes an integral part in the life of an seo expert.  They must spend time developing particular writing abilities for the search engine spiders.  Most do not have this ability.  Its a given that time, consistent effort, maintaining focus and purpose and other elements are needed in an effective seo campaign.  There is never a need to be overly rushed in this process as Google has a way of thwarting excessive use of black hat techniques in the quest to gain top ratings on the search engines.
For a great majority of people, seo is a mystery wrapped in an enigma.  They think that seo gurus know secrets that no one else has access to.  In fact, this is truly a misconception.  Good search engine rankings on Google, Yahoo, MSN, WindowsLive and the other major search engines can be accomplished by almost anyone willing to be patient and determined.  I tend to call seo an art and a science.  It is my learned opinion that the reason most are not successful on the internet is they lack the basic education to learn the techniques that work.  Let me caution anyone reading this article.  There is no software program, no quick fix and absolutely no way to buy your way to top positions other than pay-per-click ads.  In organic seo, the process is the same for everyone.  Buying keyword specific domains, tagging those sites correctly and maintaining poise are the key ingredients to top organic search positions.  People who try to buy their way to the top of this mountain are simply throwing their money away.  I am sure that the heads of these software companies will disagree, but after years of intensive research into the art of seo, these are my findings and my results as well.
Patient determination, focus and dogged determination play an integral part in any effective seo campaign.  Diligence and visualization also come heavily into play here as well.  My most successful seo campaigns often take months of intensive work to accomplish, but I never give up.  I simply keep placing the information to press releases, ezine articles, blog posts and forum posts and I know without a shadow of a doubt, that I will accomplish the high traffic keyword that I am attempting to master.  There is a basic rule of thumb in any seo campaign.  While no one can guarantee sales from obtaining top positions, without those search engine rankings, no one will view the site.  The term taking a shot heavily applies to marketing online.  Once you obtain the positions, its time to be patient for the people to begin viewing the presentations.  Having traffic to the site in adequate amounts will eventually lead to signups and sales.
The ever changing systems of Google, Yahoo, MSN and all the other major search engines is something that I closely monitor.  Its important to remember that no one has all the answers to promoting online.  Testing and retesting constantly is all part of the seo process.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
fax 806-874-0036
Office Hours:  M-F 9-6 CST


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