Friday, January 4, 2008

Mentors on a Mission: Join the Mission

Mentors on a Mission
From the ashes of broken dreams, money wasted, time frittered away and all the bad that has come to fruition on Google, there arises Mentors on a Mission.  We are making a statement to the internet and Google.  Join the Mission is the new phrase that tells a story.  People who lie, cheat, steal and misrepresent online business in every conceivable way are the target for the new mindset of Mentors on a Mission.  According to the CEO and Founder of Mentors on a Mission, "we are here to put the credibility and professionalism back into the internet in the year 2008."  This will be the new goal of Mentors on a Mission.  Building strong and viable home businesses for real people is the ultimate goal for Al Turnquist and the entire membership of MOM.  Innovations in home business empower people with the ability to produce substantial wealth in a work from home business.
There have been an influx of programs on the internet that misrepresent internet marketing as a whole, and make the entire internet a more difficult place for people that are professionals, to earn money.  Since the birth of MOM in 2004, this business has been making strides towards bringing back this credibility for the good of the entire internet.  People are so jaded these days, that they are afraid to even place their contact information on a form, for they fear that they will be spammed unmercifully.  This is prevalent amongst all the online businesses today.  Spam bots readily find these forms, and soon, the Viagra, breast enlargement, stop smoking, dating services, my space floozies and vast number of other spammers set about their task of making people weary from junk email in their inbox.  This results in people not even being able to place a legitimate business email and have hopes of it being delivered.  In other words, we all suffer the consequences from this type of spam.
Mentors on a Mission is making a statement that we will no longer tolerate this type of behavior.  We will run our online business in a productive manner.  We will teach others how to build businesses the right way on Google.  We will fight with all due fervor, the lies that have plagued the work from home industry.  We will take on the world and show people that it is possible to operate a work from home business, make substantial money and become educated in the systems and strategies that are needed to operate a small business online.  This is certainly a tall order, but in fact, we have the most powerful internet marketing system ever found.  There is no online business that can match the training that is found at Mentors on a Mission.  This exclusive membership produces warrior marketers.  This online business produces millionaires.  This online business produces people who live motivated and inspired lives.  This online business produces people who are productive and positive and live their respective lives to the fullest capacity.
The new statement "Join the Mission" tells a story of people who choose to live life on an entirely different plane than others.  They see unlimited possibilities for their future, and are willing to withstand the test of time in producing the kind of lifestyle that they really deserve.  Mentors on a Mission really is Mentors on a Mission.  Our mission statement is to take back the internet in a positive manner with reliable and business sense that is taken directly from Fortune 500 Companies.  Al Turnquist works night and day in the pursuance of excellence in marketing both online and offline for his esteemed membership.  Mentors on a Mission, Predator and Jaguar Marketing is only looking for the cream of the crop.  Most people will fall short of reaching this pinnacle of success.  Most will still possess the MLM mentality and not really understand that this entire business revolves around the finest of internet educations.  No system can match the unrivaled power of training, mentoring, business sales coaching and real-time business building techniques that Mentors on Mission can produce. 
The entire movement segways nicely in to my presentation called "The Truth About Internet Marketing."  Here, you will find my pointed articles concerning the misconceptions and lies that riddle the internet marketing world daily.  If you will dig deeply into this website, you will also find diamonds of wisdom wrapped within the words.  This site will continue to receive attention as it makes the statement that it is time to revolutionize the work from home industry.  New and exciting innovations and systems are in place with Mentors.  2008 is going to be a banner year.  With the leadership and business sales coaching from the best in the business, Al Turnquist, Mentors on a Mission becomes "The Key to Your Financial Freedom."
Isn't it time that you Join the Mission?
Al Turnquist-CEO Founder of MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

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