Thursday, January 3, 2008



Its an amazing thing to watch people trying to market their wares on Google. You can take a total newbie, and suddenly they begin asking questions concerning algorithms, keyword selection, keyword density and all the other four dollar words that so-called gurus use, when in fact, the one thing that they should do is to choose an effective high traffic keyword, and write articles titled with that phrase. Overcomplicating anything that you do on the internet is a big mistake. Here is a rule that I live by when marketing or building websites. Its called the KISS theory. Keep it Short and Simple!

I cannot tell you how many seo lectures I have given and told people exactly how to effectively get top ratings on Google, yet they come back with questions concerning something they have heard or read. If you only truly knew how simple this whole process really is, you would simply write content, and let that info go where it will on Google. Overcomplicating this entire process is the hook. Listening and reading about so-called legendary gurus is a big mistake. The fact is, anyone willing to write can be very effective on the net. Over-complicating this process will lead to frustration and no results.

This applies to generating leads for your business. The process is extremely simple, yet most people entirely miss the power of their own Veretekk Systems. They try to over think and out think the spiders. Search engine spiders are not intelligent. They simply take information and catalog that information where it fits. In other words, if the title of your site is welcome, your site will land on that term. If your site is leads, then your site will land on that keyword phrase. Obviously you are not going to land page one instantly, but with consistent article writing, you will eventually see the results.
For more articles concerning leads, lead generation, search engine optimization, search engine marketing and other aspects concerning marketing online visit me here.


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