Tuesday, January 1, 2008




About Leads

A lead is nothing more than a person who is interested in something that you have to sell.  That person is a potential customer who has opted in to receive more information about your particular online product or service.  Now...you have probably thought that buying leads was the only way to get leads for your mlm project.  Wrong move!  You should NEVER buy leads from anyone!

The simple fact is...those leads that you are buying have been bought and sold literally hundreds and thousands of times before.  All your competitors are using the same leads as you...think I am exaggerating here?  Its the truth! 
So, I can produce my own leads...myself?  Right...with my system...which I will share with you below...you will produce your own premium leads for FREE!  So...you need leads for your mlm project, right?

You have definitely come to the right place. 
Veretekk is an internet marketing system where you can signup for free...and yes...it really is free!  Attend live training sessions for free...and learn effective internet marketing systems and strategies from some of the absolute leaders in the internet marketing industry.


My name is Butch Hamilton.  I am a search engine optimization master and a master seo trainer for the Veretkk System.  I have been with the Veretekk system for over three years, and I have to tell you that this system that has been designed by Tom Prendergast, is the reason that I now operate my own successful SEO Company.

I am going to share insights, perspectives, insider lead information and candid thoughts about the leads industry.  You will pickup some great information by visiting my article based forum by
clicking here.  You will begin to understand more about leads, lead generation, automated lead generation and every single aspect that deals with internet marketing leads, by going to this forum.  I will not convince you of anything.  You have choices, tough choices, to make concerning your online business.  If you are satisfied with buying leads, talking with people that do not want to hear from you and desperately trying to get someone to buy your latest widget, then by all means, keep doing what you are doing.

But, if you want to make a change and if you are actually willing to roll up your sleeves and go to work, then you might just be the kind of person that will do very well with Veretekk.  If you think that this is another gig, another deal or another pre-launch latest and greatest, then you will be sadly mistaken.  We have a professional internet marketing university that is designed to teach real-time information concerning leads, lead generation, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, how to build search engine compatible websites, html code and a variety of other topics that will educate you in the areas that you need to be aware of.


What Are the Benefits of Joining Veretekk?

Veretekk is a unique opportunity that a person who knows very little about the internet can come and learn effective internet marketing plans that can:

1.  Learn to get top placements on Google.

2.  Produce unique leads...yours only leads...for absolutely any mlm project that you have.

3.  Learn how to manage and operate your own successful SOHO business, no matter what you are selling.


Does This Lead Generating System work?

How does the thought of producing over 80 thousand leads in just one traffic portal sound to you?  Too good to be true?  Absolutely not.  I have harvested over 79 thousand leads...my unique leads...leads that I did not buy...to use for whatever purpose I needed.  This happens in my e-tracking system all the time.This program is designed to lead you on a wonderful internet marketing journey that will empower you with the tools and techniques that you need to become successful on the net.

It gets better than that.  When you produce leads, we call these premium leads.  They have opted into your lead capture pages and given you their information.  You can then call those people.  They will know your name simply because your automatic responder system (fully configurable autoresponder system) has already sent them a message.  When you pickup that phone to speak with them, they know who you are.  Have you ever bought leads with that kind of premium capability?  NOT!


Additional Benefits of Joining Veretekk

Another benefit to the Veretekk system lies in the fact that you will begin to build a Veretekk team.  If those people upgrade to Gold Positions underneath you, you will make money.  I am making money with my Veretekk system every month...have been doing that consistently for over a year now. Hey,this system works, but I will tell you one thing.  This is NOT a quick
fix program.  It takes time to develop.  You are building a business here...you are NOT being sold something.

If you need leads...or if you need top positions on the search engine of Google, Yahoo MSN and others, just plugin to
Veretekk...and be prepared for the ride of your life!  By the way...this website just nailed #2 on Google for the keyword category about leads...impressive as that is a 100 million categoryentrysearch!  Want to know how I dId that?  Well...take the FREE ride!

I have another suggestion for you as well.  If you are looking for pushbutton functionality in a lead generating system, a system where you can not only submit to 40+ search engines, but also post 2 billion ads at one shot, then try
Leadsomatic.  This incredible leads generating system is much more than meets the eye.  When used correctly, the search engine spiders view this constantly changing content in a very positive way.  In order to become knowledgable in just how to effectively use this system, you should consider carefully, becoming a member of the Veretekk System.  In my weekly advanced seo training sessions, in our state of the art web conferencing room, I share tips, techniques and insider information on exactly how to gain search engine positioning on Google.



Let's Make This Simple!

1.  You generate leads, leads that have never been bought or sold by anyone...

2.  You learn search engine optimization and search engine marketing from some of the top rated leaders in this industry...

3.  You have 30 fully configurable splash pages to produce those leads...

4.  You receive a fully configurable auto responder system to send out messages, unlimited messages to the leads that have opted into your Veretekk System...

5.  You receive customer support that is unmatched in the home business industry.  This system, owned and operated by Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling is 10+ years old and running more efficiently today because of their commitment to undercharging and overdelivering their supreme services...

6.  You receive all this for only $41.95 per month!


To put it very simply, lead generation was never more streamlined, efficient or geared to provide you will all the leads that you require to build whatever business you want.  The system tools, training, lead generating capability, search engine placement, autoresponders and much more, is all inclusive with this incredible system.

For more insightful information into leads, lead generation systems, about leads, all about leads and automated lead generating sytems visit the leads experts at the
Leadsomatic Master Distributor's Forum.  You will gain a literal education on the subject of leads here.  This Master Distributor's group is comprised of leads generating experts from across the US and Canada.
These people are here to assist you in building businesses on Google.   You are welcome to contact any of them for more information regarding leads and lead generation.  They stand at the ready to inform.


Butch Hamilton-SEO Master  Hey...Google Me to See if I am the Real Deal!


Superior SEO Services ... So, don't have time or inclination to run a successful marketing campaign for your website?  Leave it all to me!

The Truth About Internet Marketing  You Can't Handle the Truth!!!

My Links

Virtual SOHO Office

Leads on Google



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