Saturday, January 5, 2008

How to Start a Small Business

Starting a Business Modeled After Fortune 500 Companies
Starting a business using proven techniques yield results for home business owners.  There is a definite path to follow when pursuing a small business startup of any kind.  You must first be diligent in your pursuit of finding a business that possesses the necessary elements to obtain the success that you desire.  Most online pursuits claim success and wealth, but in all actuality, the stories are nothing of substance and realities.  They are appealing to your whimsical side and have nothing to do at all with reality.  Wealth creation from a small business is obtainable.  It will never happen without you first becoming absolutely committed to what you wish to accomplish.  Your objectives will portray your results.
The most advantageous way to begin any business is to mold the product into a workable system that allows ROI (return on investment).  The whole goal of beginning a business from home is to make money in an unconventional manner.  This appeals to strong willed individuals who are weary of the 9-5 mentality, and wish to make their own way on their own terms.  In conducting research on home business ventures on Google, it is quite possible for people to view them as nothing but smoke and mirrors.  There are people on the net who are dedicated to claiming instant success, instant wealth, getting rich quick and a plethora of non-sensical words that hold no true value at all.  A vast majority of these programs are simply designed to take money and give nothing of real value in return.  The term mlm scams, ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes and gross misrepresentations of actual results, ring in true form daily across the net.
The realities of this are there.  This leads one to question "is there really a true business online that teaches proven techniques that I can use to create wealth on my own terms?"  Another question surfaces "how do I sift and sort through all the hype, lies, scams and deceptions to uncover that business that will empower me with all the training, mentoring, tools techniques and strategies that I need, to build a strong and viable business on Google?  The answer may be simpler than you think.  Almost any business that you choose to associate yourself with can make you money.  The question is "how much time, energy and commitment are willing to make?"  In researching Google carefully, there are many business opportunities that claim amazing results.  People talk almost incessantly about making huge amounts of money online.  They talk about the aspect of working from home, quitting the real job and becoming an effective online entrepreneur, almost as if it is instantaneous.
Let's dispel that rumor right here, and right now.  There is NO business that you can buy, no matter what the price, that will do everything for you.  There is no software program that can replace honest work and effort.  I do not care what the business is, unless you are willing to devote time, effort, diligence and perseverance, there is nothing that will work for you.  I find that people seem to be searching for the system that will instantaneously make them rich.  If that were the case, were there not be a multitude of rich people online at this time.  The harsh realities of business are this.  You must actually work to produce viable and sustainable results.
Fortune 500 Companies have been recognized as the leaders of business.  The way that they got to that level is the fact that initially, the people that came together to form the corporation recognized the importance of delegation.  You certainly would not be both the CEO of the company and the janitor as well.  In other words, you learn to delegate responsibilities to others who are proficient at what they do.  In following that type of business model, how many online businesses teach and train their membership to follow that path?  I dare to make a bold statement that almost none pursue true business in that fashion.  When you begin any online business, you are, in fact, the CEO of that company.  You are also the janitor for lack of a better word.  All the duties and responsibilities of promoting, advertising, making phone calls and prospecting fall directly upon your shoulders.  No wonder that 95% of all online businesses fail.  You simply cannot take on that sort of work l
oad.  You see no progress at all, because you have not been educated in the art and science of creating wealth from a home business.
If you were a broad thinking individual, you would whole-heartedly agree with the above statement.  You would begin to position yourself to start thinking like  the CEO of your corporation.  You would find the people you need to begin the process of promoting, advertising, writing effective copy and building search engine compatible websites.  This would leverage your time and efforts immeasurably, and would give you needed time, to pursue more important avenues to add to your wealth creation system.  Not many people who I have been associated with on the internet think in this manner.  They try to do everything by themselves, and fall immeasurably further behind as time moves along.  If you were to approach your business with the proper mindset and be willing to share your wealth with others, you would then begin to see the results that you have been struggling to obtain.
Be prepared to work in starting a small business.  There are no excuses, there are no instant results, there are no easy answers to business planning and modeling that empower you to become wildly successful overnight.  As a matter of fact, you may just be interested in our totally FREE symposium scheduled for March.  Pre-Registration is required:  This webinar will unlock the pieces of the internet marketing and business development puzzle for you.
Emma Lott, noted Jaguar and Predator Marketer, knows the value of beginning and maintaining a business.  Even at her early age, she will soon become a master marketer using the techniques and strategies that we will be teaching you here.  Visit Emma Lott's site here:  and  She is committed to excellence in online marketing using proven SOHO techniques.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036
Dr. Raymond Jewell-Economic Advisor

keywords:  how to start a small business, how to start a home business, SOHO, small home office, virtual office, virtual soho office, virtual oval office, Emma Lott-Jaguar Marketer, Butch Hamilton-SEO Master, Dr. Raymond Jewell-Economic Advisor

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