Thursday, December 6, 2007

Work From home

Working from home allows you to get outsourced to. Turning the tables from losing your job, to working from home as a consultant owning your own business. There are many benefits to working from home with your own business.
When you start your own business, the first obvious benefit is significantly lowering your tax liabilities. The work from home tax advantage can be as much as putting 40% of your taxes in your pocket, not Uncle Sam's. Just check the facts on Google.
Going green is another major benefit of working from home.  No longer commuting saves 1000s of gallons of fuel and emissions are drastically reduced.  Less traffic results and the home becomes the main focal point of your energy use. It cost far less to maintain the home than an office. Working from home your food becomes healthier as you tend to eat at home and prepare your meals instead of eating at restaurants. Another major cost savings not to mention having to put up with a coworkers bad breathe after they have had onions for lunch.
When you work from home, you also have the time and opportunity to home school your children.  By home schooling and being with your children almost all the time, you will have better educated children as well as better adjusted children. Primarily, because you are saving your child from the increasing political correctness agenda in public schools today. In California, Governor Schwarzenegger just recently signed SB 777 into law that will make teaching homosexuality as a normal choice to children as young as Kindergarten.
"By prohibiting any textbook or instruction "reflecting adversely" upon a variety of sexual lifestyles, SB 777 would, in effect, require all instruction to positively portray transsexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality because silence on these sexual lifestyles would no longer be permitted. Consequently, schools would have to promote "same-sex marriages" and even sex-change procedures."
Not to mention the drugs, the gangs and constant exposure to attitudes of other children adversely affecting your children. Working from home negates the necessity of sending your children to the propaganda indoctrination centers that public schools have become. Working from home, I school my children with the help of an online accredited school at And I am very pleased with the results.
I have two teenagers that do not exhibit the disrespect and rebelliousness of the typical teenager most parents complain about today. They are both A students and engaged with both academic pursuits as well as clearly defined goals on what they want to do with their lives.
Working from home has improved the family in my household. We are truly bonded in all ways and I have the opportunity to take my family on vacations during off peak times when everyone else is working and at schools. We get to travel together during non peak seasons saving money as well. These frequent trips are often viewed as adventures and educational field trips. Our last trip was going to Washington DC the week after Thanksgiving. This meant cheaper airfare, cheaper lodging and NO CROWDS.
But the best part of working from home and owning your own business is the fact that you have the flexibility and innovative capacity to shift immediately to market changes. Thus, maintaining your income in uncertain times and the fluctuating economy, because, when you work from home, and own your own business, you can make immediate changes to keep up with the changes, unlike a job represents. If you have a job with a large corporation, when the market shifts, you get laid off.
I often get calls from my friends and associates that inform me they just lost their job.  They go on to say that they are now serious about starting a home business and want to start working from home. This is sad, because they knew the advantages of owning a business but were not motivated to start building one while they had the revenue coming in from their business. After losing your job, fear becomes your motivation.
I suggest that you wait no longer. With the Clinton's and Bush's policies to set up more and more free trade agreements sending more and more of our jobs offshore, you must face the fact that your only real option is to go into business for yourself. And the prospect of another 4-8 years of the Clinton's back in office is very real if not terrifying.
In the last 20 years of the Clinton and Bush crime team in office the United States and other free world economies have lost over 60% of their manufacturing jobs and 40% of their white collar jobs to third world multinational corporations. What are you going to do? The writing is on the walls. Your only choice is to work from home with your own business. For more information, go to my site at 
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
Tom Prendergast-CEO Inetekk/Veretekk
fax 806-874-0036

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