Friday, December 7, 2007

Small Business

Small business is a large keyword specific category on Google.  The idea of people starting a small business venture of some sort, and being financially successful is the way to live life in the desired fashion, without having the common day job type of mentality.  Without a doubt, there are significant ways to earn money outside the areas of conventionality.  A broad overview of the word small business can be found at the Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia.
"A small business may be defined as a business with a small number of employees. The legal definition of "small" often varies by country and industry, but is generally under 100 employees in the United States while under 50 employees in the European Union (In comparison, the American definition of mid-sized business by the number of employees is generally under 500 while 250 is for that of European Union). These businesses are normally privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships.

However, other methods are also used to classify small companies, such us annual sales (turnover), assets value or net profit (balance sheet), alone or in a mixed definition. These criteria are followed by the European Union, for instance (headcount, turnover and balance sheet totals).


Small businesses are common in many countries, depending on the economic system in operation. Typical examples include: convenience stores, other small shops (such as a bakery or delicatessen), hairdressers, tradesmen, solicitors, lawyers, accountants, restaurants, guest houses, photographers, small-scale manufacturing etc. Small businesses are usually independent.


The smallest businesses, often located in private homes, are called microbusinesses (term used by international organizations such as the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation) or SoHos. The term "mom and pop business" is a common colloquial expression for a single-family operated business with few (or no) employees other than the owners. When judged by the number of employees, the American and the European definitions are the same: under 10 employees."  The term small business can be thought of as a business whereby positive minded and clear thinking individual can earn money doing something that he or she is good at.  This is in fact the reason that many people desire that freedom, but often, they are squelched by economic depression, location and the ever increasing tax base of modern society.  It is a well known fact that small business owners are literally penalized because of their desire to be independent.  They pay the most taxes, have the most regulatory restrictions posed on their businesses, face ridiculously high utility bills and insurance for these businesses is through the roof.


Another very interesting fact concerning small business, which also comes from Wikipedia is:  "Small Business is the major job provider in most economies. The top job provider is those with less than 10 employees, and those with 10 or more but less than 20 employees comes in as the second, and those with 20 or more but less than 50 employees comes in as the third."  That is interesting.  In other words, small business owners rate the highest in job providers.  This leads one to ask a significant question.  Where do you find a lucrative, non-invasive tax structured business to become associated with where there are no utilities, building expense, insurance concerns and most of the other critical elements that plague the majority of small business owners?  Where do you turn to find the best ROI program on the internet that can lead to financial independence for the owner?


Enter, Jaguar Marketing.  This brilliantly designed small business owned and operated by Al Turnquist, one of the leaders in the small home business industry, can fill the needs of the far thinking individual with his business called Jaguar Marketing.  The entire Jag Marketing System is based on the internet educational program called Mentors on a Mission.  This highly successful online small business has been in operation since 2004.  Sales have shown a steady increase since that time and Mr. Turnquist is dedicated to providing professional people with the ability to earn substantial wealth from a small business.  It is a proven fact that Mr. Al Turnquist is the best small business mentor and trainer that can be found on Google today.  His actual expertise in sales is quickly become legendary and his determination to provide top level business applications is known throughout the internet.



People who enter Jaguar Marketing are exposed to the best search engine optimization skill training of anyone on the net today.  The webinar training classes which are provided at no extra cost to the esteemed membership, are actually showing people exactly how to obtain top positions on the search engines of Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask.Com and all the other major search engines.  Mr. Butch Hamilton, SEO Master and Master SEO Trainer for Jag Members, shares his expertise and knowledge in exactly the right techniques and strategies to become successful on the net.  This one element far exceeds the price of the Platinum Package Upgrade for Jaguar.  Having this type of real-time mentoring and training by one of the leaders in search engine optimization, search engine marketing, writing effective press releases, posting quality articles to blogs and forums is all part of the training that people receive for joining the Jaguar Marketing System.  The value of receiving Mentors on a Mission internet education, coupled with this significant seo training is invaluable and highly prized by the Jaguar Marketing membership.  Mr. Hamilton was chosen to be the Marketing Director for Al Turnquist because of his expertise and knowledge about conducting successful seo campaigns on Google.


Every single element of Jaguar Marketing Small Business is geared towards people becoming educated in the ways that the internet works.  Mr. Turnquist makes it his responsibility to assure each member has access this incredible training in weekly webinar conference room settings.    Jaguar Marketing is the Rolls Royce of business models online.  As a matter of fact, the lesser known programs are always attempting to sell people on the credibility and validity of their programs.  Jaguar Members simply do not need to approach their business in that manner.  All members are taught strategic and sound business principles taken right from the business models of highly prized Fortune 500 Companies.  Becoming part of a professional small business organization like Jaguar Marketing can become "The Key to Your Financial Future."


Turning towards a successful business model like Jaguar Marketing, appeals to professional business men and women who are searching for a significant way to earn money from a small home business.


Al Turnquist-CEO and Founder of Mentors on a Mission, Predator and Jaguar Marketing

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