Saturday, December 1, 2007

Pittsburgh Home Business

Pittsburgh Home Business


If you live in Pittsburg and are looking to supplement your income, a home business is a tremendous opportunity if done properly. Regionalized home businesses are being looked at more and more even with the advent of the internet. Many home business owners are realizing that the internet provides a tremendous tool to assist in building a business. It is simply out of the question to make millions of dollars on the internet without interacting with clients. People in specific regions like Pittsburgh are learning that they can employ key people regionally, and market nationally or even internationally using technology.


What I mean by using people locally, is to employ key people that you know first. A business that has structure and strategies that are specific to the particular Pittsburgh business arena will also apply nationally. I am not talking about MLM or network marketing but building a business where you act as a CEO and not an employee. Learning how to build and run a business from the "top down" instead of from the "bottom up" is the only way to build a home business as an asset. Anything other than building from the "top down" will only result in a home business liability.


Many businesses are built on the strategy of business duplication instead of business delegation. Business duplication is when a new Pittsburgh home business owner builds their business by duplicating an existing business model that has failed. With the home business statistics showing a high failure rate, the models that are duplicated are losing strategies. The MLM or Network Marketing business models are based on duplication instead of delegation. Most of the MLM business models fail so why duplicate them. The models in theory are logical, but when the human element is injected into the equation the duplication method fails. Ninety nine percent of the home businesses fail, so one can conclude that the duplication method model does not work.


What works is delegation management and building a Pittsburgh home business from the "top down" to create a good business structure. Getting a good mentor to assist you in building a good strong home business is essential and trying to build a home business without a mentor is not very smart. When starting a home business in Pittsburgh it is best to build your own sales force and get a sales manager, from the region where you live. This way you can manage the person, but of course if you find someone that's good that lives in another part of the Country its ok to hire them. Technology allows you to create your Pittsburgh home business using people from all over the world. With the right technology in place you will be able to live in Pittsburgh and hire sale people from anywhere in the world and manage them. It is also easy to hire them on commission and in reality any good sales person will prefer to work on straight commission. The sales manager will also prefer to work on straight commission also since they know that their income can ultimately be higher than on salary. If anyone talks about salary then they are not a candidate for you to hire.


In the whole scheme of things the product is not that important, but you want to have a product that people perceive to have good value. We always look to eternal rate of return to decide whether the product has sticking power. The product doesn't have to have a relationship to a regional product mix like something unique to Pittsburgh. Since we live in a global age we need to have a product that provides value to people that they can see long term. We also want a product that has a decent price tag on it. People will purchase a higher priced product easier than they will a lower priced product. Your product mix will be easy to decide but first you have to have the delivery system in place.


Let me take a moment to explain how we assist our clients, who by the way we refer to as Partners. We have in place the mentoring process that teaches a potential Pittsburgh home business owner how to think and act like a CEO. We have in place our "Partner Development Program" that guides the new CEO to make sure that everything gets done to create the "top down" structure. We have systems that enable the sales manager to monitor the sales people and make sure they are working. Also we will assist our Partners in finding and hiring a Sales Manager is they need help. Most people know someone who is good at sales or sales management. We use a referral system to get the right manager. We have on-line daily training by instructors who are successful in running a home business, and actually know how to run a successful business. Our phone room monitors the phone calls that are made by the sales people to make sure that your sales people are doing the job. The stats are given to your sales manager so they can effectively manage your sales people.


Let me make sure that you understand that this is not MLM. We are creating a Pittsburgh home business that allows you to sell your products nationally and internationally with you as the leader. I would like to tell there is one simple ingredient that make this program a success, but it all works. The main part of our system is our Partner Development Program that gives the new CEO the tools to make sure that they think like a CEO and not like an employee. We make sure that you don't gravitate back into the "bottom up" mentality, but to stay with the "top down" mindset. Our program is not for everyone, it is only for the serious minded person who wants to build a strong Pittsburgh home business. If you want to learn more all you have to do is to go to the links below and sign up. One of our Associates will contact you to explain this program further and see if it is right for you. If you want to call us please call 610-280-7000 and ask for Rachel Coleman. She will point you to the right person. The initiative is yours! Our systems owners realize huge incomes and so can you. If running a home business is not for you maybe you would like to become an Account Executive. Our Account Executives make solid six figure incomes.


Thanks for reading,


Dr. Raymond Jewell

Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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