Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Mind Blowing Web Conferencing and Home Business

Mind Blowing Web Conferencing System


Today I saw a web conferencing system that blew my mind. I have been on this planet for quite awhile and sometimes think that I have seen everything, but today I saw a web conferencing system that's allows individuals to communicate with another person, anywhere else in the world, as if they were in the same room.


In my home business I use a web conferencing system that requires me to use a telephone conferencing setup, and a live meeting type conferencing system, allowing me to show my computer screen and talk to my clients at the same time. This system is great if you're working with people within your ability to make a phone call. Although it is possible to call anywhere in the world but it can get very expensive very quickly.


What I saw today was a web conferencing system that allowed me to communicate with anyone no matter where they are in the world through my computer. The clarity was as if we were right next door speaking on a normal telephone. The functions on the screen allowed me to draw diagrams, import websites, show videos, record the presentation, and much more.


As I mentioned I've been doing live conferencing for years with clients from all over the world, but was restricted as to some of the capabilities. The limitations I had to make allowances for by purchasing additional software to over come the deficiencies. As I was viewing the presentation I watched an individual go through instruction as if I was in the same office. I could actually watch the person that was giving the presentation go through their activities step by step and watch the screen change as they typed. I know that the live meeting type programs give you real time capability but I had never seen a VOIP Web Conferencing type meeting actually give that capability. I also saw the instructor stream a live podcast without interruption and also saw a live video of the instructor.


This is a great tool if you are running a home business. You can stay in touch with your sales people and your sales manager can see who is working. Its like everyone is in a huge room even though they are at separate locations. In our case the instructor was in Texas and I am in Pennsylvania. It was literally like we were in the same building in offices down the hall. It was actually seem less as to where we were in the world. I have been on meetings with this system where people are located all over the world and you would never know it unless you knew it. They all see to be right in the same room.


If you would like to take a peak at it and test if for yourself go to and sign up for a free room. You can get a three seat room for twenty four hours, and then after that you will need to sign up for another room. [The free room only last for 24 hours.] You can keep doing this as long as you want. If you want a larger room you will pay a small monthly price for unlimited usage. The price is a fraction of what I pay for the "Go To Meeting" system that I use and the Vereconference has more capabilities.


If you would like to learn more simply call us at 610-280-7000 and ask for Rachel Coleman and she will set you up with an appointment with one of our associates.


Dr. Raymond Jewell

Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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