Monday, December 3, 2007

Jag Marketing Scam-Fact or Fiction?

Jag Marketing Scam-Fact or Fiction?
In giving people relevant information concerning Jaguar Marketing, it is important to discover the inner workings of Jaguar Marketing, the real Al Turnquist and all the significant details of the business, to inform people about making the right decision when choosing an online business.  This will not be an advertisement of any sort.  This will only be real-time and honest observations from the Marketing Director for Jaguar Marketing, Mr. Butch Hamilton.  Mr. Hamilton will share with the reader important aspects involved in starting a small business on Google.  People need to be aware of the dangers and pitfalls of joining the wrong company for the wrong reasons.  There will also be relevant and insightful perspectives concerning search engine optimization, search engine marketing, low cost prospecting, lead generation and the other aspects that both newbie marketers, and seasoned pro marketers, need to be concerned with.  In making a logical assumption that the reader is a novice, the journey will begin with the things to watch for in determining if an online business is a scam, or the real deal.
  • In determining a particular online business's credibility, its very important to view the policies and procedures of the company.  This information should be clearly visible on the home page of the website.  Here, one will be able to view the different aspects of the business to determine the validity.
  • Checking out an online company on Google is the next phase that should be accomplished.  If people are using tactics that are not professional or ethical in the advertisement of said company, its best to move to one that does stand for utter professionalism.
  • Any online business should have a stable financial history.  Its simply not enough for the owner of a company to tout claims of being wealthy or successful.  They should be readily available to answer the tough questions about making money with the company.
  • The online company should be known for rigorous standards of promoting practices.  If the company uses negative pay-per-click advertising, email spam campaigns, gross over-exaggerations of what the business can do or any unethical ways of doing business online, one should carefully consider before clicking the "Submit" button.
  • Phone numbers of customer support personnel is supremely important, should there be an unexpected glitch in the system.  The customer support team of any real business online, should be professionally trained, and able to meet the expectations of the marketer.
  • Training is immensely important in an online company.  The fact is, most businesses online fall very short to providing training for their members.  Most of these companies talk a big game about business sales coaching and mentoring, but in reality, they know absolutely nothing about the true art and science of building highly successful businesses.  To put it mildly, they are just people, out on Google, trying to sell their new and great widget.
Those are the bulletpoints to consider when attempting to create wealth from an online business.  The reader must be aware that most people who begin any business online, are totally lost when it comes to knowing how to promote that business on Google.  The interjection of real results must be carefully considered when joining this business.  The journey will now continue to see if Jaguar Marketing is a Scam, the facts and the fiction.
Mentors on a Mission was conceived by Mr. Al Turnquist in 2004.  Mr. Turnquist, known for his ability to build organizations and success online was well known.  He was determined to build an organization based on internet education to meet the rigorous requirements that people needed when starting a home business on Google.  Mentors on a Mission has continued to provide real people benefits and solutions to their marketing.  Many of the esteemed membership have gone on to create their own highly successful online businesses using the Mentors on a Mission internet educational program.  The core of Mentors on a Mission lies in the fact that Al Turnquist is the leader of business sales coaching, business mentoring and sales closing in the home business arena.  His lifetime of professional sales proves the fact that he is among the leaders in the art and science of wealth creation through sales.
An important fact to consider about Al Turnquist is that he is a very direct and passionate man about his business.  He takes an active part in training the members of Jaguar Marketing.  He conducts online training classes weekly for both the Jag System owners, and their Account Executives.  This is almost unheard of in this business.  Most program owners remain shrouded in a veil of mystery.  They only make sporadic teleconferencing calls to excite and motivate their members.  Not Mr. Turnquist.  He is ever diligent in proposing new and significant ways to build a business.  His techniques are a direct result of his lifetime experiences in the sales industry.  He patterns his business after the most successful and respected Fortune 500 Companies.  The next segment of the business presentation will lead into Predator and Jaguar Marketing.
Jag Marketing Scam-Fact or Fiction?
Jaguar Marketing is the marketing system used to promote the Mentors on a Mission (Make Money or Make Excuses) internet educational program.  Jaguar Marketing is designed to teach, train and mentor people in the actual practices used to successfully build a lasting and viable online business.  The impressive and highly esteemed training staff of Jaguar Marketing include the leader in the home business industry.  The areas that are most highly regarded are search engine optimization, obtaining top positions on Google, search engine marketing, building highly successful lead capture pages, lead generation and every single element that is needed by an online entrepreneur is covered by these trainers.  These sessions are conducted in a state of the art web conferencing room.  The members of Jag Marketing are exposed to real-time business building techniques that are proven and stable.  The masters of Jaguar Marketing are all successful people within their own rights.  They spend their quality time with the quality people of Jag, to assist them with their online businesses.  As a matter of record, the success rate with this business is incredible.  Many of the members are reaping financial rewards of six figures and beyond.  This company creates warriors on Google.  They are well armed to battle the internet and are having success like no other online company can provide.
The appeal of Jaguar Marketing is that no tolerance for the usual ways that people promote online are permitted.  It is a fact that anyone within Jaguar caught using deceitful and non-business like principles will be immediately ejected from the program.  Al Turnquist tolerates no business like this to be conducted, nor encourages anyone to build a business with any means other than credible and legitimate practices.  This speaks highly, as other business owners seem to thrive on the aspect of creating excitement and misrepresentations to promote their business.  It is a fact that other online concerns are constantly trying to get Jaguar Members to jump onboard with them by placing Google Ad Campaigns on relevant keywords for Jag.  The term imitation is the best form of flattery, certainly applies in this case.
Jaguar Marketing is a global business.  Members can be found enjoying actual success from around the world at this present time.  Al Turnquist has committed his life, his expertise, his knowledge and his motivation to creating a business that is unlike any other to be found on Google, Yahoo, MSN, ASK.COM or the major search engines of the internet.  His passion and desire is to assist people with the building of sustaining businesses that can help them move away from the day job, help them explore new avenues of success within themselves and make the world of the internet a better and safer environment to work and live.
Now, the question must be raised one last time.  Jag Marketing Scam-Fact or Fiction?  You, the reader, must decide for yourself.  The facts have been presented in the spirit of good information only.  We never need to try to convince anyone to join Jaguar Marketing.  They simply gravitate towards success from the laws of attraction.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
Fax:  806-874-0036
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