Saturday, December 8, 2007

Inspirational Book

Turning to the Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia, an inspirational book is clearly defined.  "Inspirational writing includes a personal philosophy that attempts to persuade the reader to incorporate into his or her own life. The writer of a piece of inspirational writing draws upon personal experiences of his own or of others. The desired result strives to benefit the reader emotionally, physically and spiritually. Forms of inspirational writing include novels, short stories, or any other form of narrative prose. The natural extension of inspirational fiction would be the religious novel. Well-done pieces rely upon honest expression that creates an emotional impact without being preachy."  Inspirational book can often be seen as a significant way to enrich and unfold our existence in a positive manner.  Reading inspirational material on a daily basis can accomplish masterful results.  Often people just need a little thought provoking material within the fabric of their lives to break free from conventional negative thought patterns.
D Anthony, the inspirational and motivational author, does an extremely effective job with his new book titled, "The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once."  His unique style of writing both captures and motivates the reader into the world of positive living.  This is not done in a way that is preaching a particular faith of any kind.  Mr. Anthony knows that our thoughts govern our lives, and brings the reader, through a series of well written short stories, close to the realization that every thing that happens to and around us, is directly affected by our thoughts.  After purchasing the book directly from the author at, I began to see the value in spending my time absorbing the knowledge and wisdom of D Anthony.  I am never attracted to inspirational books that are dull and boring, and contain much rhetoric.  I am attracted to books that both invoke my thought processes in a positive way and inspire me to continue reading the material.  This is exactly what D Anthony has accomplished with his new inspirational and motivational book.
I found that while reading his work, I became even more aware of the fact that what we think, is precisely what we become.  I have been an avid believer in this for years, and reading "The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once." was just another indication of a person who truly was on the path to enlightenment.  In times of troubles, we often tend to reach out to some outside source of help to solve our problems, while I now know, that each and every problem that comes our way can be solved by going within.  There was one particularly interesting story about a tribe of natives in and along the coast of Thailand.  These people known as Mokens.  For a little background knowledge about the sea gypsies, I turned to Google.  Here is one article that I found interesting.  "The Mokens, also known as the Sea Gypsies, are a tribe of maritime people who live in, and travel to, different islands and the littoral regions of the Andaman Sea.  They are related to the sea-faring nomadic peoples that include the Orang Laut and Bajau of Riau-Lingga Archipelago in south-eastern South-East Asia.  Their ancestors have been known to travel and live at various times, as far north as the Mergui Archipelago off the coast of the Tenasserim Peninsula of Myanmar, and as far south as Langkawi in the Malay Peninsula.


Most of the elderly speak only Malay and Moken, an Austro-nesian language.  They have no written history as Moken is a verbal language with no written form. The current tribe migrated to the Surin Islands, about 70km off the coast of Phang-nga province, and has been staying there for the last 150 years.


When Thailand declared the Surin Islands as a National Park in July 1981, the Mokens were disallowed to fish even for their subsistence.  Environmental protection policies were in conflict with the traditional life-style of the Mokens.  Banned from fishing and catching sea cucumbers for their subsistence, and from collecting shells for sale and making indigenous crafts, they lost their livelihood.  Many were reduced to menial labour.  They now work as sweepers and general labourers at the Surin National Park


Assimilation and integration into Thai society is slow.  Partly, this is because the Thai people look down upon them as "Chao Lay", an implied term used in Southern Thailand for people "who are ignorant about health and hygiene, education or wasteful in their spending".  Being nomadic, the Mokens have no established domicile.  This resulted in them being denied Thai citizenship, with its attendant public services and amenities.  Without Thai citizenship which would have facilitated their obtaining jobs, or receiving state benefits like medical services, the Mokens were caught in a limbo.  They were forced to exchange their traditional nomadic marine life-style for one based on land, yet they had no sustainable livelihood."


I was intrigued by D Anthony's short story titled "Moken Time."  In his presentation, he shared background information concerning the nomadic tribe that was very entertaining to read.  These people show no interest in conventional ways of approaching life.  I am suspecting that they have the right way to approach living.  There is no time, no hellos or goodbyes, no remorse, there is only now.  I am was led to think that at some point, I must have some Moken background in my heritage, as this is precisely the way that I approach life as well.  I like to term it living richly and fully to the nth degree, every second that God grants me to possess on this planet.  D Anthony provides and insightful peek into the world of Mokens and should inspire people to become more aware of the present, than being concerned with the past or the future events.  Personally, I highly recommend this inspirational book "The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once," to anyone who is inspired and motivated to lead exceptional lives.  He captures the essence of living with his down to earth style and grace, and the price of the book is well worth the knowledge times one hundred.


D Anthony's book may be purchased directly from the author's website located here:  More insights and perspectives and can be found by going to:  and  D Anthony has a message and clearly Something to Share with the world.  I believe that you will gain additional insights and perspectives from taking time to absorb this book and I was very impressed by the speediness of delivery when ordering.  You are welcome to read additional reviews by this comprehensive inspirational and motivational author by going to:


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