Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Financial Freedom Radio Takes on the Home Business Industry

So many times people are lulled into believing information that is not true.  Within the home business arena there is so much misinformation that causes people to lose their hard earned dollars.   If you are either running are trying to run a home based business you should read this article.


I have dedicated a series of episodes on Financial Freedom Radio http://FinancialFreedomRadio.info  to exploring the home business industry and why a huge percentage of people do not make any money.  These series were sparked by another series on our show "Why you should be Rich".   As I was preparing for the show's I realize that there are many people who believe that the home business industry is an answer to generating additional streams of revenue.  In reality people should be able to create multiple streams of revenue given all of the tools and resources available in this day and age.  But when you start looking at the statistics of home-business failures it is easy to see that the majority of people are not creating multiple streams of income they are creating multiple streams of losses.


In looking at the home business industry closer I found that the people at the top of these home business companies are creating wealth for themselves, at the expense of individuals joining the organizations and thinking that they're going to get rich.   Most of the home businesses are multilevel marketing or network marketing businesses therefore one could conclude that if you want to create wealth you should create your own multilevel marketing or network marketing business.   Obviously, this is not the case for the majority of people who are looking to enhance their income stream by starting a small home business.  Creating a company and marketing it on the Internet requires expertise and funds that the average individual does not possess.


In doing our research we did find that there are certain types of home businesses that enabled an individual who has the desire to build a business, available to them.


In looking at the MLM type businesses we found that these businesses are structured on the philosophy of duplication. Now what this means is if you decided to start your own home business, and bought into an opportunity that was offered to you from whatever source, the people selling you the opportunity would show you how to structure your home business. Your business structure would be similar to other people that have set up their business before you. Most of the time the people that have set up their business before you, are no longer in the business. The structure you're duplicating is a failed structure. There are many reasons why this system fails, several being, one you don't get the proper training in running a business, two you spend more money than you bring in, three you don't have a good strategic plan that teaches you how to run a business all you're doing is working in the business. There are many more reasons why home businesses fail but in general the reason is people follow losing strategies and models.


As we started looking at this duplicating process and finding out that this is really the heart of the home business failure problem, we found that business that are focused on and delegation management actually have a much higher success rate. In running a business whether it be a home business or a major fortune 500 corporation the principles are the same. Now I understand that in a fortune 500 corporation it is more complicated, but the basics can be translated from the large corporation to the home business arena. The Secret is that delegation management teaches the home business owner to be a CEO in their business, and bring on the staff necessary to run the business. Now before you start screaming that you don't have the money to hire the people, there are plenty of people that will work on straight commission, or a percentage of the sales. You should be taught how to do this and actually find the people. In discovering this uniqueness we also found a business that operates on a delegation management model. After looking at this home business we decided to become a system owner, and present it to our clients.


As you probably know from listening to my radio show, FinancialFreedomRadio.info you know that I am an economic consultant and have developed the program Personal Economic Coach™. Within our Personal Economic Coach process we have developed economic models that allow our clients to see all facets of their economic life, simulated into the future. Within our models we're able to show clients where their financial flaws are in how to correct them before they happen. When we were looking at the reason why these home businesses failed, we found Jaguar Marketing Systems [ http://10kweekhomebusiness.com] which is a company structured around the delegation management process. We found that within the structure there were many people making upwards of six figures, some people were even making close to seven figures with these systems. These people were no different than you are and possessed no special skills in running a home business. They simply followed what they were taught step by step, and built their business using the mentoring and the technology provided them through this system.


In looking at Jaguar Marketing Systems we began to realize that even though it seemed perfect it had one flaw and that flaw was an accountability model. So we built one, and implemented into our Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing System. This separates us from all of the other system owners within Jaguar Marketing Systems. We make sure that our system owners follow everything in coordinated fashion. This makes sure that the new system owner will achieve the success desired. So remember there are many system owners out there but our "Partner Development Program", accountability model, separates us from the others.


We will continue our episodes on home business secrets, trying to uncover the truth about why home businesses fail and sharing them with our listeners. If you would like to learn more about our Personal Economic Coach process and how you can build a home based business successfully please feel free to give us a call at 610 – 280 – 7000 and as for Rachel Coleman. She will make sure that you get in touch with one of our associates who can explain our process further to you. The link below will give you information about Dr. Raymond Jewell's Jaguar Marketing System and a link to sign up to have one of our Associates call you if you don't want to call us. Also you will have access to our Library where you can read other articles and listen to audio of past shows.


Thank you for reading.


Dr. Raymond Jewell







Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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