Sunday, December 9, 2007

12 Million Ads for Home Business

Home Business Marketing Tools Number Three...

Here is the third in a series of Free Marketing Tools. By clicking the button above you will now have access to a system that will get your email address out into the internet along with creating a back link to your website. Blastomatic is a one of a kind systems that enables you to link to millions of websites with the click of a button.

Now what does all this mean? Submit your link and get 12 million ads for free. When you use Blastomatic, you will be blasting your website URL out into the internet to 12 million websites who will in turn pick up your ad and URL and hold it. Once the website holding your ad and URL gets the link it is then indexed by search engine spiders who index your site into the search engines and recognize the back links to your website. Once the back links are indexed in the search engines then your website begins to have value in the search engines which enables your site to climb in their ranking.

The sites that Blastomatic submits to are highly spidered by search engines so even if your URL sticks to the site for a short period of time it might be picked up by the search engines and then indexed. When your ad and URL are indexed into the ad site then the search engines go to work and pick up the information and index your site. Also the back links that are created weigh heavily in increasing your position in the search engines. The whole point is to make sure people see your website and the way to do this is advertising. To get your site out into the internet you can either post your ad in millions of places manually or you can use a submission service. Many submission sites charge you for this or you can use Blastomatic and do it for free. 

Now Blastomatic is part of a bigger more powerful system. Even though you can use Blastomatic for free, it is a small piece of a marketing system that has so much power that people using it are getting top positions in the search engines. The name of the system is Veretekk and with this system anyone can market their home business and get high positions with in a very short period of time. Although this system takes time to learn the learning curve is well worth the time spent. Some will argue that it is to complicated and to that argument I can only say nonesnes. Before I joined Veretekk I knew nothing about marketing on the internet except what the term meant. If one takes the time to learn Veretekk they can become a stealth marketer on the internet. Using Veretekk is like learning how to drive an expensive race car. It takes time and effort but the end result is that you can go faster than most other cars. 

Is Veretekk expensive? NO! It cost $41 per month but the tools that it provides total thousands per month. I tried to calculate the individual cost of what this system would cost if you went out and purchased it individually [That is if you could find the tools in the market place.] and had to stop when I got to over $2,000 per month. At this point I stopped and crumpled up the paper, threw it away and vowed not to worry about the $41 per month ever again. I Vowed to concentrate on running the system as efficiently as possible.

I invite you to sign up for the free Blastomatic system using the button at the top of the page and use it. After using it then take a look at Veretekk. You can sign up for a Free Veretekk Silver System and test drive it. Go to the live on line training's and learn marketing from the experts from all over the world.

Thanks for reading and good marketing. If you would like to listen to and hear further about how to run a home business tune in Fridays 9:00 AM est or download to your i-Pod thru i-Tunes.

Dr. Raymond Jewell


Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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