Monday, June 28, 2010

How Important is Your WHY Factor?

How important is Your WHY Factor?

I am not one who will sugar coat what it is going to take for you to build a successful home business.

Your WHY is the glue that holds you together. If you are new to the home business arena you may never have heard anything about Your WHY Factor. Your WHY is also known as your dream, reason or burning desire, why you decided to build a home business.

Your WHY is the fuel that is going to keep you driving forward as you hit those bumps,potholes and detours along your journey to accomplishing your goals. Make sure that when you figure out what your WHY is you really believe in it. Your WHY has to be so powerful that nothing will stop you from moving forward to obtaining your goals.

Your WHY should only be shared with those who will encourage you or who are going in the same direction with you. The worst thing that could happen to you and your home business is if you let negative influences tear down your WHY.

If you get distracted and disappointed from all the hype and false promises remember your WHY. Staying focused on your WHYwill help you hydroplane over all the crap you will come up against.

How important is Your WHY Factor?

Extremely important: it is everything.

Jack Shea

Your Business Mentor

Thursday, June 17, 2010

How My Partner went from Zero to Millions of Dollars in Three Years…

How My Partner went from Zero to  Millions of Dollars in Three Years…

He will teach you too…

First I would like ask you the following questions.

Are you a Senior Citizen trying to navigate the Internet?

Are you a Senior Citizen trying to create additional revenue streams to supplement your income?

Are you any age trying to make money on the Internet?

As a Senior Citizen myself I know what you are going through. I fully understand the difficulty in learning to make money on the Internet. It's like the wild, wild, west with everyone coming at you with all these solutions and promises of huge wealth.

How may emails do you get telling you how they have the secrets to wealth on the Internet and you click through only to find that they are selling some expensive program that you don't understand?

I can't tell you how much money and time I spent learning how to create revenue on the Internet, until I met my partner. He turned my life around, and taught me how to put the Internet to work for me. He is willing to do the same for you, but you will have to keep and open mind.

I want to eliminate your efforts of trying to find the right place to turn in learning how to make money on the Internet, since I know how you feel and also realize that cutting your time curve is important in getting you to revenue faster. All you have to do is have an open mind…


Again as a senior myself, I know that sometimes it's hard to keep an open mind when learning new information, especially from some young whippersnapper. You will have to tuck your ego in your back pocket and listen to them and learn. I finally decided that I was not going to try to figure it our for myself, but to listen to the ones who knew it best. YOUNG WEALTHY KIDS…J

So I set out to try to find the best in the business and spent considerable amounts of money to get there. I have worked diligently to get this information and therefore have short-circuited the information curve for you.


NOW WHAT'S NEXT… All you have to do is click on the link below and listen. Follow directions and you will receive a free 8Day Internet Boot Camp that will guide you step by step to learning the Internet. Turn up your speakers!

Now let's talk about the fact that if you are in a Network Marketing business and you want to get leads. I teamed up with a young man who managed to go from a waiter in a restaurant to making a seven-figure income and leading his company in only a few years. Click this link to get his information on how he did it.

He wrote this book that literally changed the way I look at Network Marketing and allowed me to grow my Network Marketing business faster that I expected. You will love this stuff!

Well enough of listening to me, if you got this far then you are serious and have already clicked through to these links and started your journey of information. Building information is essential and I hope that I have shortened your learning curve.

I hope that you achieve your wildest dreams on the Internet…

Yours In Mastery

Dr. Raymond Jewell


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Young Entrepreneurs Expose Their Network Marketing Secrets...

Listen to the Kids, they know what they are doing!!!

Would you be open to learning how to build your Network Marketing business from 
someone who has gone from Zero to Millions per year in a few years? I know, you
hear this all the time, I know I did. But one day I was reading my email and some
how I opted into a list and low and behold an email came with the heading which read 
something like this.

"25 Year Old Multi-Millionaire Kid Divulges Top Industry Secrets On How To Generate
Upwards of 102+ Leads Per Day"

I was at a time in my life where I needed this shot in the arm. You see, I am a 
Senior Citizen and have a PhD in Economics. I have been coaching clients 
about building business and creating wealth for thirty years and wanted to 
go into the Network Marketing Business. I studied the MLM Business Model
and learned about building a Network Marketing Business. 

I found my company and then went to work. 

My Ego got the best of me!

I thought I knew everything there was about this model but Wow! Was I confused. 
No one wanted to talk to me... Friends, Family, even My Enemies wouldn't listen. 
I worked hard and made a little headway but still frustrated. I am unique in that I
can't stop once I start something, I will not quit until it defeats me. It did four times.

The fifth time I decided to listen to someone who knew how to be successful with this model, but who!
I got the email with the heading above... Talk about divine intervention...
I read the email, and watched the video. 

I signed up for more!

I wanted to learn more. Finally someone had the information that I needed. I didn't care if
the person was twelve, I was ready to listen! 

I joined another company, [Now number 5] and that was 13 months ago. I am learning
about success in Network Marketing and building a business along with understanding
that even with all my education, the internet is a new world. All of the marketing
education that I had, I had to re-learn. 

I am 65 years old now and still learning. I am reminded that Colonel Sanders started
Kentucky Fried Chicken at age 65. He began his career again and beat the bushes to
build one of the largest franchise businesses in the world. 

I am listening to the young Turks every day and doing every thing they tell me to do. The internet is a 
Young Persons world and I am enjoying learning in it. I am not going to blow smoke about
high income projections but I am on target to make six figures per month in 48 months. I do 
know what it's like to make lots of money because my consulting business has made me 
a millionaire over the years but in the Network Marketing Industry I am starting over. 

I am just like anyone else who is beginning a new venture. Starting from the bottom. 
Now you are probably asking why am I telling you this? Because I am sure that you would
like to be pointed in the right direction as I did. I want to share with you the source of my information 
so you can be successful. 

Here are the links to some of my sources. 

This link will take you to the information that started me.  You will receive a free 8 Day
Boot Camp on how to understand the Network Marketing Industry. The insight is priceless!

The one below is a book that you can read which will give you amazing knowledge about
what you need to do to become a success and have people calling you about your

So go ahead and click on the links and fasten your seat belt because you are in for 
a wild ride. It is my wish that you achieve your wants and dreams with ease. 

Yours in Mastery
Dr. Raymond Jewell

Dr. Raymond Jewell
Skype: rbjewell

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Young Entrepreneurs Finally Share Their Secret Tricks Of The Network Marketing Trade

If you are new to Network Marketing, or have been beating around for a while not making headway, then you will want to read this further...

Here's the story, I am a Senior Citizen, yes baby boomer, with a PhD in Economics. I thought that I knew it all! Having studied business models and consulting with clients teaching them how to develop their businesses for 30 years I thought that I knew the MLM/ Network Marketing business model and that it would be a piece of cake. 

I thought it was just like any other business model...

So I started to embark on my Network Marketing career and boy was I dealt a blow to my ego! 

The Network Marketing Business Model does not follow the old business paradigm! Grey hair is not an asset, to running this model and having a graduate degree in business and economics is like driving a Model T Ford in a Le Mans race. I had to go back to school and learn, but the school is not a school with a building or a campus. It's a school taught by babies! Twenty something kids who have figured out this whole Internet thing and managed to make millions. These young entrepreneurs have cracked this code and are sharing this information with others. What givers!

Yes, these young geniuses are not only working day and night to make millions of dollars but are putting their information out on the Internet and giving it to people like you and me to learn and understand how to make it in this new world. They have figured out the "Law of Attraction" and are practicing "Giving to Give" not "Giving to Get"

So this Senior Citizen started buying courses that these young entrepreneurs developed. I decided to follow these young Turks and learn as much as I could using their strategies and systems to generate business. I decided to spend my later years learning how to become a top earner using the Internet, by putting this information into action. So I decided to do what the young entrepreneurs are doing and share this information with you. 

As my young mentors are doing I want to do also, and give to anyone who is looking for information, the sources that I found so you can spend time to learn and develop you're own business. These two sites that I am going to give you will blow you away, they did me. This Senior Marketer has had his mind blow many times while learning this information and you will too. 

This first site is a powerhouse of information just click the link and learn: Turn up your speakers...

The second site is an 8 Day Marketing Boot-Camp that will give you insight into what you will need to do to make a dent into the Internet. 

If you are serious about learning and not sitting on the side lines then now is the time to start your education regardless of your age. 

Thanks for reading...

Yours in Mastery,
Dr. Raymond Jewell 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Unlike Never Before...

Two Geniuses Spilling The Beans

This is the exact formula behind some of our industries LARGEST pay day's ever created

Two individuals who have both made millions of dollars in their businesses, in some of the fastest time periods our industry has ever seen.

Just revealed a breakthrough new coaching program all about this subject.

Personally, I haven't been this excited about growing my business in a long time.

If you're looking for a faster way to achieve the results you want, and KNOW there is a better way to be making more money than you are now, you have to see this.

Visit here now > New Coaching Progam

Jack Shea 
King Article Writer
Dr. Raymond Jewell
Skype: rbjewell

Friday, June 4, 2010

Special "MLM Launch Formula"...

Special "MLM Launch Formula" Bonuses

See what Jonathan & Mark are going to be teaching in our industries first EVER "MLM Launch Formula" style coaching program to explode your MLM, Network Marketing business.


PR Log (Press Release) – Jun 04, 2010 – The continued growth of the Internet has resulted in tons of competition, you must understand that you will not become rich over night. As is the case with all businesses, MLM,  network marketing business opportunities require adequate research, make sure the business opportunity you are interested in is not a scam. There are lots of companies that just want your start up money and you never here from them again. 

To make money on line you should first examine all of the network marketing opportunities that are interesting to you. When you find one that fits your needs make sure that it is a legitimate way to make money online. With so much information overload you can be easily suck into something that really promises the sky, only to find out that there is no way to stay in contact with that business. 

Now that you have found the business opportunity that best fits your needs what are your next steps. To begin finding a mentor and a success formula that will give you the advantage you need will not be easy. 

This is where I can help here is your chance to gain the knowledge top producers are using to explode there businesses. 

What Jonathan & Mark are offering is only going to be available for a very short time, Hurry up and join the express train to success watch this now >MLM Launch Formula

# # #
Jack Shea

Your Business Mentor helping new and seasoned marketers with revolutionary Internet marketing strategies.

Dr. Raymond Jewell
Skype: rbjewell

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Free Internet Training Boot Camp

Now is the time for you to take your business to the next level. Have you ever wondered how the gurus build huge prospect lists and are able to explode their Internet Network Marketing businesses practically over night.


PR Log (Press Release) – Jun 03, 2010 – I have to admit that when I first started watching this Free Internet training I was very skeptical. I thought to myself oh ya this guy is going to be just like the rest of those crooks out there. He is only interested in getting me on his hook and then feeding me little bits of info to keep me coming back. 

If you have been around for a while and have been searching for someone who honestly cares about teaching you the strategies that will give you the results you desire, YOU need to watch this Free Internet training 8 Day Boot Camp. 

This has changed the way I look at how I market my Internet business in a completely different way. When I heard that I am not going to believe how easy this is. That it will blow my mind I said ya right haven`t I heard this about a thousand times before. Guess what he was right it Blew my mind and my socks right off of me WOW! 

Don`t miss out on this opportunity to get Your Free Internet training 8 Day Boot Camp! 

Hurry up and start your revolution today right here > Teach Me How Now

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Internet Marketing Training: Free 8 Day Mastermind Boot Camp


I don't get excited but when I do I want to tell the world. I have recently been exposed to an "8 Day Boot Camp" that has changed my marketing career forever, and I want to give it to anyone who decides to read this article. If you are looking for insight into how to really market on the web then you need to take this free course. Yes, you need to take this.
This information will literally change the way you view marketing on the Internet forever. You see there are two kinds of people, the ones who actually do, and the ones who wish. I spent tons of money and time to get to this course and every dime that I wasted got me closer to this information. When I heard it, it literally blew me away. Why this is out there is beyond me, but as I said earlier their are two kinds of Internet marketers, and the serious ones will probably listen to this Boot Camp. 

I have been rummaging around the Internet trying to find the answer to how others were able to get tons of quality leads and bring people into their Network Marketing business with ease and build huge down lines. As you know there are plenty of people all selling the next greatest system to bring people into their down line but they never would tell you how to do it until you purchased their expensive program. Well I purchased the programs and man did I get taken... Every time it conjured up four letter words that angered me. 

Finally I managed to find a place where I could get what I was looking for. Call it divine intervention or anything else that you want to call it but finally I have what I was looking for. I am so jazzed that I want everyone to get what I finally found and listen to the Boot Camp. After that you can do what you want, but when you listen to this information you will actually learn how to market with the big boys. 

I want to keep this short so you can go and listen to the information, and once you do it will blow your mind. If you are looking to be a success, marketing on the Internet, then you will want to listen to this 8 Day Boot Camp. Well here is the link, I am sure that you will find it as benefiting as I did. Please enjoy!

Yours In Mastery,
Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Coach

Dr. Raymond Jewell
Skype: rbjewell