Friday, May 14, 2010

Network Marketing Tools

Let's cut through all the BS and get to the meat of the topic. I want to offer you, the reader, a FREE 8 Day Course that will give you info on how to market on the Internet. All you have to do is click on this link, 8 Day Marketing Course which will give you a series of videos tutorial which will give you insight into how to market on the Internet. Marketing on the Internet requires skill and proper mentoring. 

There are so many people who have systems that will guide you to market on the Internet. All of the systems guide you to do the same things, but vary in scope of information. I am giving you access to videos that will guide you the right way and provide you with tools and techniques that you can use immediately. You can also see what information and tools that are needed to practice Network Marketing. 

All you have to do is click on this link and you will be directed to access the videos.  8 Day Marketing Course will enable you to get qualified people to join your business. 
Dr. Raymond Jewell
610-280-7000 #3

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Network Marketing: Attract People To Your Business...

Learn from people who have gone before you...

When building your Network Marketing business you can build it several ways. 

  1. The first way is to make a warm market list and then send them a letter priming the pump for your opportunity. You can then call them and talk to them about the economy and how tough it is going to be as the worlds economic picture changes. Many people have built large businesses by working their warm market and have perfected the skills of doing walk-thru's on their business site and attracting people to their business. 
  2. The second is, you can buy qualified lists and then have a company send email blast to them trying to get them interested in hearing what you have to say about your Network Marketing business. Building a list is done all the time and many are able to build large list by sending emails to people who don't want the email. As you know this is called spamming. Make no mistake, spamming is frowned upon but spamming works otherwise people would not do it.  
  3. The third way is to learn all about Internet Marketing and link up with a mentor that can teach you how to bring all facets of Internet Marketing together to build qualified leads. 
I personally do the first and third. I am able to interest people that I come in contact with, and teach them about my home business and encourage them to want to build their own business. I also practice the third way which is to bring all aspects of the internet together to attract people to my business.  I am personally going to give you the secrets that I follow. 

Learning how to market on the web is important in getting leads that are qualified. Here are my secrets on how to bring all aspects of marketing together to get good qualified leads and build your business. You can take this info and put it into action to enhance your business model. Without further ado here is the link to click on to get the course. 7Figure Networker Course  [ ] is a course that is comprised of 8 Videos that are packed with information that you can put into action right away to grow your business. You can immediately learn what is needed to grow your business and attract leads quickly to join your business. 

I personally hope that you become successful and achieve your dreams. I wish that these video tutorials are a vital part in your success. 
Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Coach
610-280-7000 #3

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Send Out Cards and Network Marketing Tools

Send Out Cards is a tool to use in building a Network Marketing business. It is also a business within itself. 

In building a solid Network Marketing business it is important to use the right tools. There is so much stuff that comes to us over the internet that it is hard to filter out what is right and what is not. We also know that getting good leads to follow up on is essential in building a good business. Being a filter is important since we can get sidetracked very easily. 

But how do we know what works and what doesn't? 

We have to follow what others tell us. We have to get a good mentor to learn from. Just as Athletes have coaches to guide them, in Network Marketing top earners have coaches that they learn from. My mentor is one of the industry's top earners and I learn from him every day. He is my filter! We need to learn from experts and put the information to work. 

Information Gift

I am going to give you an information gift here today, where you can learn from one of the top earners in the Network Marketing Industry. This is a gift worth hundreds of dollars for free. Just click the link here and fill in your info and you will be able to access this video series. 

What will I learn?

You will learn how the top earners make money on the internet and how they are able to build their business with qualified leads, and prospects that will come to them with ease. The power of this information is amazing. 

Please enjoy!
Dr. Raymond Jewell
Skype: rbjewell